School Me Mainecoon

Sir Evil

Megalocon, The Evil Dick
Ok Coon I thought this would be a better way for you to scool me, keep it in one thread as I noticed you like to jump around and get your quotes confused.
So Here goes, please school me in the following:

The Iraq Issue

Seeing as this has been the crying call of damn near the entire democratic party and more, school me on a few of these issues:

1 - How many resolutions were dealt with on Iraq?

2 - How long was Iraq an issue within the U.N?

3 - Would diplomacy been the ultimate answer?

4 - At the given time of the Iraq invasion and given the fact that we saw up close what terrorism was all about, was their a better way of handling Iraq?
And was there another country that was obviously more of an issue at that time?

5 - Now we are in the middle of a possible civil war within Iraq, and I never said the situation was ideal! What do we do next? and why?

I'll start it at that, answer whichever way you want, whenever you want, but just school me as you claim to be able to do so easily! :cof1:
You and dixie: the last of the chickenhawk war apologists.

If you had $350 billion dollars to spend on terrorism and homeland security right after 9/11, would you spend it on Iraq?
You and dixie: the last of the chickenhawk war apologists.

If you had $350 billion dollars to spend on terrorism and homeland security right after 9/11, would you spend it on Iraq?

So Cyphilis, I didn't recognize you to be the same guy as mainecoon.

War apologist eh? far from it, I only see more and look forward to it.

So it comes down to money does it? Well this was not one of the questions I asked but I'll answe anyway.

So you think there is a better way to manage the war from a monetary point of view? I would certainly put more funding into homeland security but at the same time spending is a necessary fact of war. I have yet to claim that Iraq is going well but on the other hand I am not crying about the unfortunate budget either. The finances suck for sure but after 911, and given the nature of things I have no doubt that Iraq was a priority, if it did'nt happen then it would of happened at another time.
You and dixie: the last of the chickenhawk war apologists.

If you had $350 billion dollars to spend on terrorism and homeland security right after 9/11, would you spend it on Iraq?

Seemed like a reasonable place to start a discussion, not a flamewar? Then again, as a newbie, I'm a little taken aback at how some people are judging others en toto, with a few posts.
Seemed like a reasonable place to start a discussion, not a flamewar? Then again, as a newbie, I'm a little taken aback at how some people are judging others en toto, with a few posts.

Hey now, I love to flame some of the shitbricks around here. I got the royal treatment my first day here so I just respond on these terms now for fun.
Oh I can stand a few nasties, but Maineman seems a bit over the top with slamming anyone who disagrees with him. For someone that appears to put himself above others, he's sure quick to categorize with very limited information.
Oh I can stand a few nasties, but Maineman seems a bit over the top with slamming anyone who disagrees with him. For someone that appears to put himself above others, he's sure quick to categorize with very limited information.

Yep, he was the first to jump all over me with kind words but no biggie, I have thick skin. I can almost see his sheer brilliance in debating when it's not all scattered about so this is my reason for creating a thread and letting him school me.

My names outside of that are all in the name of fun, and are not meant for any other reason.....:cool:
Ok Coon I thought this would be a better way for you to scool me, keep it in one thread as I noticed you like to jump around and get your quotes confused.
So Here goes, please school me in the following:

The Iraq Issue

Seeing as this has been the crying call of damn near the entire democratic party and more, school me on a few of these issues:

1 - How many resolutions were dealt with on Iraq?

2 - How long was Iraq an issue within the U.N?

3 - Would diplomacy been the ultimate answer?

4 - At the given time of the Iraq invasion and given the fact that we saw up close what terrorism was all about, was their a better way of handling Iraq?
And was there another country that was obviously more of an issue at that time?

5 - Now we are in the middle of a possible civil war within Iraq, and I never said the situation was ideal! What do we do next? and why?

I'll start it at that, answer whichever way you want, whenever you want, but just school me as you claim to be able to do so easily! :cof1:

You know, the one and only troll I had on our previous board was a troll I made pretending to be a Con, and I used to scream about how the war was justified "because Iraq violated resolutions!" and because "the treasonous french were helping Saddam!"

Everyone on the board knew those were lame arguments - the arguments of a bush-bootlicker - who would justify any amount of death and destruction just to have the honor of defending Bush at all costs. And they knew only a lame troll would make those arguments.

You're arguments are so lame, and cannot possibly justify a half trillion dollar war, let alone tens of thousands of dead and wounded americans, that I find myself wondering if you're in fact a leftie troll trying to make Cons look like boot-licking idiots.
Seemed like a reasonable place to start a discussion, not a flamewar? Then again, as a newbie, I'm a little taken aback at how some people are judging others en toto, with a few posts.

The vast majority of us have history, and have been posting together for about 3 years...thus we pretty much already know what each other is thinking.
Seemed like a reasonable place to start a discussion, not a flamewar? Then again, as a newbie, I'm a little taken aback at how some people are judging others en toto, with a few posts.

Hey now, I love to flame some of the shitbricks around here. I got the royal treatment my first day here so I just respond on these terms now for fun.

LMAO... Just wait! They have not accused you of being me or Toby yet, have they? I'm sure they have been tempted to, it's coming soon. They always resort to that because they can't fathom the possibility there is more of us than them, and so it just has to be, that we are all the same person, posting under different names!

Evil has the right idea, think.... Sea Monkeys! That's what the Pinheads are, little sea monkeys dancing around for our pleasure and enjoyment... I am often fascinated at the tricks they learn... you never can tell what they are going to come up with next!
Oh, they accused him of being Dixie within a couple minutes... He's gotten past that. He's had some fun flaming away. I'm surprised at the effect he has had on the board. Adds a little excitement.

The vast majority of us have history, and have been posting together for about 3 years...thus we pretty much already know what each other is thinking.

I understand that. I was invited here by some old buddies from another board, so while 'they' may be able to 'know my thinking', Maineman was way off. Not only that, but rude. (I was just shocked, seriously. On a messageboard, rudeness?)
Its just that the old "But, but, Saddam violated some resolutions!" argument may sound good on the FreeRepublic board in terms of justifying the expenditure of half a trillion taxpayer dollars, and 22,000 dead and wounded american soldiers.

But, on a more independent board like this one, you're bound to get laughed at if you try to pass off those lame arguments. Even Dixie is shying away from licking bush's boots, on the Iraq war.
Its just that the old "But, but, Saddam violated some resolutions!" argument may sound good on the FreeRepublic board in terms of justifying the expenditure of half a trillion taxpayer dollars, and 22,000 dead and wounded american soldiers.

But, on a more independent board like this one, you're bound to get laughed at if you try to pass off those lame arguments. Even Dixie is shying away from licking bush's boots, on the Iraq war.

Very,very dissapointing response! Yes, I have mentioned the violation but that is just the begining and we all know it.

So in short you say let saddam live peacefully so the tax dollars are not spent there? man, we are heading for hell in a handbasket if someone has that same attitude gets elected into office, that is a total shitbrick response!!!!!

Tell me Cyphilis, who the hell are we fighting over there in Iraq sincle there army tumbled a dat or two into the conflict? Also where is it that you think they may be coming from??
It has, unfortunately become a status symbol to be compared to me, but alas, none can compare, I am an American Original. Still, it's flattering to know they think so highly of me.

You must be the original nemesis to the shitbricks? :cof1: