Science can't answer these questions

Sure, humans generally seek out personal contact and social interaction and they've 'known' that probably as long as modern humans, or earlier, have existed.

The original claim was that science couldn't answer specific questions and I believe it could with a sufficient understanding of brain functionality. When someone feels a desire for social interaction, that feeling originates in the brain, right? We, as humans, can't want or desire without a brain and consciousness to experience a desire. There are different theories, as you mentioned, about the ideal form of community and some cultures, like Buddhists, actual seek isolation. But, if we had an absolute understanding of what it is in our brains that makes us seek community, we could absolutely scientifically answer the question of why.

Science is not morals or ethics or religion.
So you are an adherent of Scientism, the belief that all knowledge and truth claims
comes from science

My two cents: If it can't be quantified and measured, it's not science.
It's fine to say we are biological animals with emotions that may have some underlying physicochemical stimulus

But just a general feeling or vague sense that science explains everything isn't sufficient to claim everything is known through science.

There is no laboratory experiment, no mathmatical equation, no gene we can point to that explains why you picked somebody to be your spouse, why you picked your college majors, or whether you believe life and the universe is meaningful or meaningless.

Maybe in ten thousand years there will be an equation that explains your marriage and relationships. Or maybe not. But it doesn't exist now, and we aren't even remotely close to calling it is explained by science.

Science is not a laboratory.
Science is not mathematics.
Science is not religion.
Science is not a state of marriage.
If you're talking about human behavior, wants, needs, tendencies, inclinations, etc, which is based on some combination of biology, genetics and neurology, then, yes, I do believe there is a science of human behavior and with the correct understanding of biology, neurology and genetics (all of which I'd say are "science") we can answer questions about how we should live, what gives meaning to our lives and why, etc.

In fact, there is a genetic component to divorce, even.

Psychology is not science. Science is not a state of marriage. Science is not a religion. Science is not morals. Science is not ethics.
Just vaguely pointing to genes and biochemistry doesn't constitute an explanation to the questions in the OP anymore than observing a falling apple explains gravity.

Other animals in the history of life have had genes, some were sentient, and at least one other hominid had bigger brains than Homo sapiens.

The development of complex religion, ethics, art, aesthetics, abstract contemplation proceeded much faster than we typically see in an evolutionary biological time scale.

Speculating that someday, some way, somehow science will explain and answer the four questions in the OP is strictly the realm of conjecture and guesswork.

Science is not religion or philosophy. It will never answer such questions. Science is not a 20 questions game.
Of all the things you mentioned in the OP, or even since then, which of them would you say don't have a direct link to human consciousness? The meaning of existence? The idea of meaning for anything comes from human consciousness, right? How to live life is directly related to the consciousness of all humans, right? The need, or lack of need, for some people to seek out interactions with other people is also directly related to consciousness. The success or failure of economic systems, like socialism, is directly related to tendencies and human nature, right?

Isn't it all related to our genes and biology of the brain, which are directly related to, even if not fully explained by, science.

Science is not religion, morals, or ethics.
This person is a stalker. Hopefully with new format in a few weeks this jerkoff will be off the forum.

He's a troll. Trolls will find ways to troll. If we had a sufficient understanding of the human brain, we could explain what happened to him that resulted in his need to troll.
Of all the things you mentioned in the OP, or even since then, which of them would you say don't have a direct link to human consciousness? The meaning of existence? The idea of meaning for anything comes from human consciousness, right? How to live life is directly related to the consciousness of all humans, right? The need, or lack of need, for some people to seek out interactions with other people is also directly related to consciousness. The success or failure of economic systems, like socialism, is directly related to tendencies and human nature, right?

Isn't it all related to our genes and biology of the brain, which are directly related to, even if not fully explained by, science.

The fact that we are biological, the fact that we have brains, the fact that electrical impulses are passed through cells we call neurons do not provide answers to the questions in the OP.

There's nothing in our biology that even logically requires us to take these questions seriously. Plenty of humans have always just been concerned with material possession, safety, comfort, and just getting through life as best they can without thinking too much about it.

Anyone who takes the full power of these questions seriously is going to face both bad news and good news.

The bad news is there are no definitive answers to those questions.

And the answers will not be found in any science textbook.

The good news is this means we have the absolute freedom to respond to the questions according to our will, conscience, and personal identity.
He's a troll. Trolls will find ways to troll. If we had a sufficient understanding of the human brain, we could explain what happened to him that resulted in his need to troll.

Damocles said the new format will prevent stalkers from being able to read or respond to your posts when they are on ignore. All people like Into the Night come here for. He will disappear.