Science can't answer these questions

You think science is religion, and that religion is thettled thienth.

These questions are universally shared by all human beings.

1. Is existence meaningful, absurd, or both?
Existence is random. We must decide for ourselves if it means anything.

2. How should I live my life? Does it matter?
Not to me.

3. Do I need other people? Why? How?
Sometimes, probably. How or why requires more info about you.

4. What does death mean, if anything?
The perfect peace that comes only with the cessation of existence.

Francis Ambrosio, Georgetown University

Just a few thoughts.
My description of the two people is more than enough to answer the question.
Nope. I determine whether your question requires further clarification. Your job is to clarify as requested. Your refusal got your argument scrapped.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
The bad news is there are no definitive answers to those questions.
I gave you some.

And the answers will not be found in any science textbook.
The answers are simply derived from the rules of logic, just as 3 + 4 can be calculated using the rules of arithmetic.

The good news is this means we have the absolute freedom to respond to the questions according to our will, conscience, and personal identity.
... or we enjoy the bliss of the mere illusion of absolute freedom.
I am a troll :orang:, a half-wit, a scientific illiterate.
Yes you are, as the links below prove.

The Theory of the Big Bang is just a nonscientific theory
The United States no longer exists.
FOX is owned and operated by DEMOCRATS.
(J6 rioters) are violent Democrats, dressed up as 'Trump supporters'.
There was no Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Harvard doesn't teach programming or computers.
I am a troll :orang:, a half-wit, a scientific illiterate.

Yes you are, as the posts below prove.

The Theory of the Big Bang is just a nonscientific theory
The United States no longer exists.
FOX is owned and operated by DEMOCRATS.
(J6 rioters) are violent Democrats, dressed up as 'Trump supporters'.
There was no Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Harvard doesn't teach programming or computers.
I am a troll :orang:, a half-wit, a scientific illiterate.
Yes you are, as the posts below prove.

The Theory of the Big Bang is just a nonscientific theory
The United States no longer exists.
FOX is owned and operated by DEMOCRATS.
(J6 rioters) are violent Democrats, dressed up as 'Trump supporters'.
There was no Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Harvard doesn't teach programming or computers.
I am a troll :orang:, a half-wit, a scientific illiterate.
Yes you are, as the posts below prove.

The Theory of the Big Bang is just a nonscientific theory
The United States no longer exists.
FOX is owned and operated by DEMOCRATS.
(J6 rioters) are violent Democrats, dressed up as 'Trump supporters'.
There was no Civil Rights Act in 1964.
Harvard doesn't teach programming or computers.
Of all the things you mentioned in the OP, or even since then, which of them would you say don't have a direct link to human consciousness? The meaning of existence? The idea of meaning for anything comes from human consciousness, right? How to live life is directly related to the consciousness of all humans, right? The need, or lack of need, for some people to seek out interactions with other people is also directly related to consciousness. The success or failure of economic systems, like socialism, is directly related to tendencies and human nature, right?

Isn't it all related to our genes and biology of the brain, which are directly related to, even if not fully explained by, science.
Saying humans are biological and have conciousness is not an answer to the four questions in the OP

Please post statements from a legitimate scientific source showing the scientific community has provided widely accepted answers for the questions in the OP.
Just a few thoughts.

I think it does matter how one chooses to live. The difference between the life of Donald Trumpf and the Dalai Lama seens self evident to me.

I'm not sure randomness applies to natural reality. The cosmos seems to be highly organized on mathmatical principles, and as far as we know life seems to be inevitable in the presence of liquid water
Nope. I determine whether your question requires further clarification. Your job is to clarify as requested. Your refusal got your argument scrapped.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Oooooook. Whatever you need to tell yourself. I mean, you can't expect me to take you seriously, can you? I describe two people with obviously different levels of health, but you expect me to believe that you need clarification to be able to acknowledge that there is a difference in their level of health? :laugh:

My wife and I, and our elderly neighbors, were invited to a wedding a couple of months ago. Our neighbors are in their '80s and don't like to drive at night, so they asked me to drive their 2022 Honda SUV. It was a very nice vehicle. All the bells and whistles, interior was immaculate. Exterior was an amazing shape. What clarification would you need to be able to say that their SUV is in better condition than the car that I saw on the side of the road, literally engulfed in flames?
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I describe two people with obviously different levels of health, but you expect me to believe that you need clarification to be able to acknowledge that there is a difference in their level of health?
Yes, because I am the authority on whether I need clarification. I also expect you to clarify so that I can answer your question, otherwise you are admitting that you don't consider your own question important enough to warrant an answer.

My wife and I, and our elderly neighbors, were invited to a wedding a couple of months ago. Our neighbors are in their '80s and don't like to drive at night, so they asked me to drive their 2022 Honda SUV. It was a very nice vehicle. All the bells and whistles, interior was immaculate. Exterior was an amazing shape. What clarification would you need to be able to say that their SUV is in better condition than the car that I saw on the side of the road, literally engulfed in flames?
I would need your definition of "condition" and of "better condition." The moment your definition of "condition" includes "ability to roast smores", I will point out the error in your logic.
Yes, because I am the authority on whether I need clarification. I also expect you to clarify so that I can answer your question, otherwise you are admitting that you don't consider your own question important enough to warrant an answer.

I would need your definition of "condition" and of "better condition." The moment your definition of "condition" includes "ability to roast smores", I will point out the error in your logic.

With a straight face (I assume) you type this nonsense. Unbelievable and unbelievably embarrassing for you.

"ability to roast s'mores"

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Saying humans are biological and have conciousness is not an answer to the four questions in the OP
Science can't explain why people believe in Global Warming?

Please post statements from a legitimate scientific source
Too funny. If I'm looking at a source, what is the process for determining whether that source is a "scientific" source or just a plain old ordinary source?

... showing the scientific community has provided widely accepted answers for the questions in the OP.
Too funny! You think science is a product of consensus! You think people actually vote on theories, claims and assertions, and that the overarching board that owns science makes a determination of what is science based on that vote, i.e. you think science is a major organized religion.

Have you realized that you are a moron yet?

btw ... am I a member of that scientific community? If not, why not?