Scott McClellen's new book


Oh lordy ,lordy ,lordy are some neocon heads going to explode over this new book.

He spills the beans folks and call them all liars who lead us to war based on lies.

In his book "What Happened," due out in April, McClellan accuses the Busheviks of orchestrating a campaign of lies and deception over the Plame case. Consider this explosive excerpt:

"I stood at the White House briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby," McClellan wrote. "There was one problem. It was not true. I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice president, the president's chief of staff and the president himself." At the time, the chief of staff was Andy Card.
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Nice catch Desh.

You know what? The rightwing is SO beyond caring if Bush lied about anything. I really don't think they care anymore. The media will drop this in about 24 hours.

Imagine that. A president lies us into war, lies about outing a CIA agent, and the media blows it off. Clinton would have been tarred, feathered, and crucified for this. .
Nice catch Desh.

You know what? The rightwing is SO beyond caring if Bush lied about anything. I really don't think they care anymore. The media will drop this in about 24 hours.

Imagine that. A president lies us into war, lies about outing a CIA agent, and the media blows it off. Clinton would have been tarred, feathered, and crucified for this. .

Well, get out your tar and feathers. And then tar and feather everyone else who was complicit. Politics is a dirty game and being appalled or indignant doesn't phase anyone. You actually have to DO something.
Politics is a dirty game????

These were lives, 4000+ lives of young people who trusted their country to do the right thing, the honorable thing and send them into harms way only if it was nessesary to the defence of the country.

They are dead now, Me and others on here tried to tell the people like you that it was lies and your kind called us traitors.

How sad , how very sad that you care so little for truth and your country and the Lives that were sacraficed for those lies.
Politics is a dirty game????

These were lives, 4000+ lives of young people who trusted their country to do the right thing, the honorable thing and send them into harms way only if it was nessesary to the defence of the country.

They are dead now, Me and others on here tried to tell the people like you that it was lies and your kind called us traitors.

How sad , how very sad that you care so little for truth and your country and the Lives that were sacraficed for those lies.
Well, get out your tar and feathers. And then tar and feather everyone else who was complicit. Politics is a dirty game and being appalled or indignant doesn't phase anyone. You actually have to DO something.

but Mommy everybody else does it :tantrum:
I try.

And give both sides hell for corruption and deception as best I can.

One thing to keep in mind this is the administration that pledged to clean up such stuff, the party of personal responsibility and family values.

Not that I was stupid enough to believe any of that , but may did and quite a few still do it seems.
I try.

And give both sides hell for corruption and deception as best I can.

One thing to keep in mind this is the administration that pledged to clean up such stuff, the party of personal responsibility and family values.

Not that I was stupid enough to believe any of that , but may did and quite a few still do it seems.

So what? They all make promises they dont' keep. Giving both sides hell doesn't achieve anything. You actually have to do something. Impeach Bush ! Arrest them all!
So what? They all make promises they dont' keep. Giving both sides hell doesn't achieve anything. You actually have to do something. Impeach Bush ! Arrest them all!

If I could just get my teleportation device to work and teleport them to Antartica to be found in a hundred years or so and solve the mystery of where they went.
I laugh..

when he was working for Bush, I'm sure he was despised..

Now that he supposedly turned on Bush...He's a HERO and his word is pure gold.
funny how that is.:rolleyes:
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I laugh..

when he was working for Bush, I'm sure he was despised..

Now that he supposedly turned on Bush...He's a HERO and his word is pure gold.
funny how that is.:rolleyes:

You laugh at everything .. obviously you're a retard.

Brave young American men and women are sent to their deaths needlessly based on lies and deception and your retarded ass laughs.

You're the scum of the board.
Nice catch Desh.

You know what? The rightwing is SO beyond caring if Bush lied about anything. I really don't think they care anymore. The media will drop this in about 24 hours.

Imagine that. A president lies us into war, lies about outing a CIA agent, and the media blows it off. Clinton would have been tarred, feathered, and crucified for this. .

Remember when we were called delusional tinfoil hatters for saying that?
You laugh at everything .. obviously you're a retard.

Brave young American men and women are sent to their deaths needlessly based on lies and deception and your retarded ass laughs.

You're the scum of the board.

Actually they weren't sent there to die. It's a common mistake made by those hooked of Demo talking points. Needless deaths ? You are outraged over needless deaths? I think deciding on whether someone's death was needless or not is a bit above your paygrade.
Actually they weren't sent there to die. It's a common mistake made by those hooked of Demo talking points. Needless deaths ? You are outraged over needless deaths? I think deciding on whether someone's death was needless or not is a bit above your paygrade.

Who is qualified to make such a determination? What authority do you need to determine that the Iraq war was unnecessary?
Who is qualified to make such a determination? What authority do you need to determine that the Iraq war was unnecessary?

I'm not sure anyone is qualified to label someones death as unnecessary. One doesnt' need any authority to label a war as unnecessary. You just claim it to be so if that's what you think. I just think that it's a bit presumptuous to think that you know what is necessary and what isn't.
I laugh..

when he was working for Bush, I'm sure he was despised..

Now that he supposedly turned on Bush...He's a HERO and his word is pure gold.
funny how that is.:rolleyes:

How about adressing the substance of the post, instead of your usual trolling.

I still don't like Scott McCllelan. I don't like Colin Powell. I don't like Lawerence Wilkerson. They were cowards and enablers who only came only clean after participating in crimes against humanity, crimes against the constitution. Boo-hoo, their concience bugs them now.

But, the fact is they came clean. And they guy you worhsip and voted twice for lied us into war, lied about outing a CIA agent.

Do you have any morals?