Secuity Cameras Caught the Break-In

*Speaks slowly to wannabe Dr* I didn't say they viewed them.

Speaks even slower so Cat Turd can understand.

PMP yawn...unless a poster here is the Capital police, you know nothing about what the video shows......

APL It's confirmed by Fox News, cum breath.

1. Why did you refer to PMP as Dr. Skidmark

2. If Fox News never saw the videos how can they confirm the videos much less what the videos do or do not contain?
You heard trump finally broke his silence and jumped on the "gay quarrel" conspiracy train. I held out hope, he'd just shut the f up. That would have been the best, but like Musk, attention whores have to attention whore. What happened to half the country? If I wasn't all "stocked up" on my "meds" I might be depressed about all this! I guess I'm still in the "anger stage".

That's the main reason I left/was banned from DP. It was right after 1/6, and two of the mods were election denying and playing down the 1/6 attack. One of them, who I respect because she's so smart, did nothing but cherry-pick things stupid extreme leftists said or did and try to paint the whole Democratic party that way, ignoring the fat, orange horror she inflicted on us with her vote. So I lost my shit with the mods. Unfortunately, it's the mods who ban people.

What's done is done. This place is loosely moderated which is fine with me. Helps me exercise my "trash talk" skills!

Well I, for one, welcome our new General in the fight against stupid and ignorance! DP's loss!
Awesome sophomoric comeback, Doc Fart. You and I can agree you probably graduated from high school...or earned a GED. :thup:

FWIW, peddling "miracle cures" on Facebook doesn't make a person a medical doctor. Jus' sayin'. :)
Good :thumbsup: I had to dummy it down so you could comprehend it Jus' sayin'
you guys have lost touch and the midterms will show just how out of touch you really are

What if it doesn't? Would you fly Airwolf to machine gun Democrats?

Speaks even slower so Cat Turd can understand.

1. Why did you refer to PMP as Dr. Skidmark

2. If Fox News never saw the videos how can they confirm the videos much less what the videos do or do not contain?

Dr. Skidmark is you.

If Fox News doubts the source, why even publish it at all? :dunno:
There's nothing wrong with teaching kids how to defend themselves. Nothing wrong with the video games per se, but it should be tempered with some reality..and not just "talks".

Make it fun, friendly, proper time & place, but instructive with the clear message violence is okay only in self-defense. It's wrong to attack others.

People who use violence for politics are irrational and should be stopped, even prevented. Most seem to advocate violence with little thought about the end goal. Most like them are more than a little addled and often not too bright. North of 90% are all talk, no action.

My g-daughter's parents are quite vigilant and don't let her play videos often. She's got tons of other stuff going on besides. In fact when we were there she just showed me her favorite character, then we all packed up and went to the park nearby, and that was the last we saw her turn on the game.
Oh, thank you!

I just wish I could win Grokmaster over. First, he needs to confront his homosexual urges :)

Or maybe YOU could deal with them by introductions to simpatico amigos/amigas, who would keep him pleased and absent? ;)

Nah. He's old like us. He'd be better distracted with snacks and an early bedtime.
For you, dumbing things down is a short step, Doctor of Lies.

How much money did you make hawking HCQ and AZM to friends and relatives?

Yes dummy it down for you is difficult. Your supratentoral crainio fecal impaction reduces your comprehension.

You are a surgeon's favorite kind of patient. You only have two moving parts , a mouth and an asshole, and they are both interchangeable. :rofl2:

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Dr. Skidmark is you.

If Fox News doubts the source, why even publish it at all? :dunno:

So why did you call PMP Dr. Skidmarks.

Why did you lie and say Fox confirmed it? The Capital police may be lying there may be no video at all. We won't know for sure until its released and confirmed.
So why did you call PMP Dr. Skidmarks.

Why did you lie and say Fox confirmed it? The Capital police may be lying there may be no video at all. We won't know for sure until its released and confirmed.

I didn't call that Pimple Shemale Dr. Skidmarks.

If the source is not to be trusted, why even publish the article? :dunno:
Yes dummy it down for you is difficult. Your supratentoral crainio fecal impaction reduces your comprehension.

You are a surgeon's favorite kind of patient. You only have two moving parts , a mouth and an asshole, and they are both interchangeable. :rofl2:

Dodged the HCQ and AZM question. I'm guessing he made thousands of dollars prescribing bogus medicines and it killed a relative.

Did you get your surgeon's license from boxtops too, Dr. Fartmouth?

Deflection. This always happens when Reichwingers are shown to be wrong.

BTW, the party in the WH always loses in the midterms. *yawn*

I was not wrong, Pelosi's policies allows for the criminal action she and her family went through, it is a shame she and you are too fucking stupid to realize that