Secuity Cameras Caught the Break-In

LOL.. yeah. Looks like David DePapSmear didn't attend that fire fighter training. Such a simple explanation how glass ended up outside. But the twumptards won't have any information that flies in the face of their homoerotic fantasies.


It says a lot more about the ppl who believe in and repeat that scurrilous b.s. than it does about the Pelosis, but they are not bright nor sophisticated enough to understand that.
I bet they like gladiator movies too. :laugh:

Sweaty, half naked men wrasslin' in the dirt is certain to excite people like Tranny Dick, Pmp, #10 and a few others.

great, this story keeps getting better, 1st her legislation allowed this man to come in illegally so an assault could take place, this was an awesome story

Really? Pelosi was speaker when this perp was 14 and followed his much-older gf to California? Bwahahahaha!

You gullible dupes are so cute.
I'd prefer to watch Irish babe, Becky Lynch. :)

My 7-year-old g-daughter has a video game with super-built female wrestlers. She loves that thing. I'm not sure what to think about that. Guess we won't worry until she starts throwing the little boys over her shoulder in gymnastics class. :laugh:

It says a lot more about the ppl who believe in and repeat that scurrilous b.s. than it does about the Pelosis, but they are not bright nor sophisticated enough to understand that.

You heard trump finally broke his silence and jumped on the "gay quarrel" conspiracy train. I held out hope, he'd just shut the f up. That would have been the best, but like Musk, attention whores have to attention whore. What happened to half the country? If I wasn't all "stocked up" on my "meds" I might be depressed about all this! I guess I'm still in the "anger stage".

That's the main reason I left/was banned from DP. It was right after 1/6, and two of the mods were election denying and playing down the 1/6 attack. One of them, who I respect because she's so smart, did nothing but cherry-pick things stupid extreme leftists said or did and try to paint the whole Democratic party that way, ignoring the fat, orange horror she inflicted on us with her vote. So I lost my shit with the mods. Unfortunately, it's the mods who ban people.

What's done is done. This place is loosely moderated which is fine with me. Helps me exercise my "trash talk" skills!
Next time you smash a window from the outside with a hammer watch where the glass flies.

My God, they are so fucking dumb it boggles the mind. And they seize en masse on whatever Fox News tells them to believe. This was a politically motivated attack by an individual who posts the same shit that the nutters here post. Almost word for word. The cult is dug in like a tick, It's disgraceful and embarrassing. Democracy is dead. The jackboot thugs will be looking to round up 'the libs'. They aren't even pretending anything different. They are admitted Nazis who want to jail/kill their political opponents. This is just a part of the plan.
My 7-year-old g-daughter has a video game with super-built female wrestlers. She loves that thing. I'm not sure what to think about that. Guess we won't worry until she starts throwing the little boys over her shoulder in gymnastics class. :laugh:

There's nothing wrong with teaching kids how to defend themselves. Nothing wrong with the video games per se, but it should be tempered with some reality..and not just "talks".

Make it fun, friendly, proper time & place, but instructive with the clear message violence is okay only in self-defense. It's wrong to attack others.

People who use violence for politics are irrational and should be stopped, even prevented. Most seem to advocate violence with little thought about the end goal. Most like them are more than a little addled and often not too bright. North of 90% are all talk, no action.
