Senate Report: Kremlin Used NRA To Help Funnel Money To Trump Campaign

Ask them.

I'll understand if you don't.

Obviously you don't know either. Its just like them taking million in black money from foreign governments earmarked for the Trump presidency.
Of course we know Trump won fair and square, but without the millions upon million from Russians and others, what would have happened?
Obviously you don't know either.

I don't recall stating that I did.

Its just like them taking million in black money from foreign governments earmarked for the Trump presidency.

Can you prove these assertions?

Of course we know Trump won fair and square, but without the millions upon million from Russians and others, what would have happened?

Don't you need evidence before you start speculating on alternative hypotheses?
I don't recall stating that I did.

Can you prove these assertions?

Don't you need evidence before you start speculating on alternative hypotheses?

Read the title of this thread, idiot. The Senate knows just whats going on, you just can't pretend ignorance any longer.
Think so?

Lets put it this way, you sit behind your keyboard each day, taking orders from your handlers. They tell you what to do, what to say and when to do it. But I get it, your desperate for a job, and totally brain dead, so you fit in so well with them. When was the last time you had an original thought?
Obviously you don't know either. Its just like them taking million in black money from foreign governments earmarked for the Trump presidency.
Of course we know Trump won fair and square, but without the millions upon million from Russians and others, what would have happened?

And the Russian interference using Wiki and facebook . Of course there is the voter repression band gerrymandering. Yep, as fair as it gets for repubs.
And the Russian interference using Wiki and facebook . Of course there is the voter repression band gerrymandering. Yep, as fair as it gets for repubs.


Even if these allegations are accurate, and you have provided no evidence - are you actually claiming that DEMOCRATS have never used these tactics?