Senate Report: Kremlin Used NRA To Help Funnel Money To Trump Campaign

Why do they need to prove anything? Aren't you the one who made the claim?

No, they're the ones who claimed their membership spiked. Try to follow the thread. I know you get confused easily, but you can very simply just go back through the posts to see what we were talking about.

Maybe try typing with your head pulled out of your ass instead of crammed up in it?
Such as? You're speaking very vaguely here. I think that's deliberate because you don't really have anything to contribute.

What you purport to "think" isn't the issue.

You made a claim. Can you back it up with evidence, or not?
What you purport to "think" isn't the issue.

You made a claim. Can you back it up with evidence, or not?

Wait a second...I asked you for specifics in order to satisfy this false request of yours, and you suddenly clam up?

Try not to be vague when you say things.
That their membership spiked. You know, the thing that prompted our discussion. You seem lost. Are you senile?

First of all, it wasn't the NRA that stated that gun group membership spiked, was it?

And for that to be a "wild claim", you need proof that it isn't true, which you admittedly don't have.