Senator Sanders - Hear, Hear


And fuck you right wing emotards who don't like it. I am so sick and tired of hearing your squeaky whining. The only silver lining is, I think that a lot of Americans are so sick and tired of you people.

"The current financial crisis facing our country has been caused by the extreme right-wing economic policies pursued by the Bush administration. These policies, which include huge tax breaks for the rich, unfettered free trade and the wholesale deregulation of commerce, have resulted in a massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the very wealthy.

The middle class has really been under assault. Since President Bush has been in office, nearly 6 million Americans have slipped into poverty, median family income for working Americans has declined by more than $2,000, more than 7 million Americans have lost their health insurance, over 4 million have lost their pensions, foreclosures are at an all time high, total consumer debt has more than doubled, and we have a national debt of over $9.7 trillion dollars.

While the middle class collapses, the richest people in this country have made out like bandits and have not had it so good since the 1920s. The top 0.1 percent now earn more money than the bottom 50 percent of Americans, and the top 1 percent own more wealth than the bottom 90 percent. The wealthiest 400 people in our country saw their wealth increase by $670 billion while Bush has been president. In the midst of all of this, Bush lowered taxes on the very rich so that they are paying lower income tax rates than teachers, police officers or nurses.

Now, having mismanaged the economy for eight years as well as having lied about our situation by continually insisting, "The fundamentals of our economy are strong," the Bush administration, six weeks before an election, wants the middle class of this country to spend many hundreds of billions on a bailout. The wealthiest people, who have benefited from Bush's policies and are in the best position to pay, are being asked for no sacrifice at all. This is absurd. This is the most extreme example that I can recall of socialism for the rich and free enterprise for the poor.

In my view, we need to go forward in addressing this financial crisis by insisting on four basic principles:

(1) The people who can best afford to pay and the people who have benefited most from Bush's economic policies are the people who should provide the funds for the bailout. It would be immoral to ask the middle class, the people whose standard of living has declined under Bush, to pay for this bailout while the rich, once again, avoid their responsibilities. Further, if the government is going to save companies from bankruptcy, the taxpayers of this country should be rewarded for assuming the risk by sharing in the gains that result from this government bailout.

Specifically, to pay for the bailout, which is estimated to cost up to $1 trillion, the government should:

a) Impose a five-year, 10 percent surtax on income over $1 million a year for couples and over $500,000 for single taxpayers. That would raise more than $300 billion in revenue;

b) Ensure that assets purchased from banks are realistically discounted so companies are not rewarded for their risky behavior and taxpayers can recover the amount they paid for them; and

c) Require that taxpayers receive equity stakes in the bailed-out companies so that the assumption of risk is rewarded when companies' stock goes up.

(2) There must be a major economic recovery package which puts Americans to work at decent wages. Among many other areas, we can create millions of jobs rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and moving our country from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy. Further, we must protect working families from the difficult times they are experiencing. We must ensure that every child has health insurance and that every American has access to quality health and dental care, that families can send their children to college, that seniors are not allowed to go without heat in the winter, and that no American goes to bed hungry.

(3) Legislation must be passed which undoes the damage caused by excessive de-regulation. That means reinstalling the regulatory firewalls that were ripped down in 1999. That means re-regulating the energy markets so that we never again see the rampant speculation in oil that helped drive up prices. That means regulating or abolishing various financial instruments that have created the enormous shadow banking system that is at the heart of the collapse of AIG and the financial services meltdown.

(4) We must end the danger posed by companies that are "too big too fail," that is, companies whose failure would cause systemic harm to the U.S. economy. If a company is too big to fail, it is too big to exist. We need to determine which companies fall in this category and then break them up. Right now, for example, the Bank of America, the nation's largest depository institution, has absorbed Countrywide, the nation's largest mortgage lender, and Merrill Lynch, the nation's largest brokerage house. We should not be trying to solve the current financial crisis by creating even larger, more powerful institutions. Their failure could cause even more harm to the entire economy.
This is awesome. I'm glad you posted this.

Yeah, Bernie Sanders, Naomi Klein, and Greg Palast don't look so f*cking crazy now, do they? I had to endure years of "free market" Cons laughing at Sanders, as if he was some fossilized fringe leftist lunatic; some sort of New Deal, Keynesian Liberal gone awry.

I got news for shellshocked Cons. This Sanders shit is starting to make sense to all but the most kool aid-drenched Bush voters and Ronbots.

I listen to sanders every week, on the Thom Hartmann. The guy has been predicting the consequences of this frezny of "free market" deregulation, and the rape of the middle class for years, and the sh*t has all come true. He doesn't come across at all like some fringe leftist lunatic. Just a straight up, common sense populist. As your post here indicates. Just common sense shit, that should have been done years ago. Cons, Bush voters, and free marketeers might have laughed at these proposals mere months ago, just like they laughed at USCitizen. But, it's all starting to look pretty effing prescient.
I think that a lot of Americans are so sick and tired of you people.

No, only elitist bitches from the Upper West Side are sick and tired of us people.

Your entire rant (or Bernie's) is based on the premise that rich people don't pay tax. THAT'S what is absurd. The rich are virtually the only ones who DO pay tax. Teachers, police officers, and nurses, pay very little tax, most of them get a nice cushy refund check every year. 95% of the tax is paid by the top 10%, in case you weren't aware of that. This means, 95% of the bailout IS going to be paid for by the wealthy, contrary to your lies.

This entire financial crisis can be traced back to Liberals who advocated making low-interest loans to people who had no business being given mortgages in the first place. I personally think Obama, Dodd and Kerry, should immediately return the campaign contributions received from Freddy and Fanny, back to the taxpayers, to help offset the hundreds of billions they now have to pay due to Liberal incompetency. If there is any way we can raise the tax rates on elite Liberals, I am all for that as well, as they are the ones most responsible for the mess we are in.

What I take from this rant is, you want to redistribute wealth, re-regulate business, and sock it to the rich and corporate America. In the meantime, you want to dream up ways to spend more money we don't have and will never have, if you do the aforementioned. It's 'pie in the sky' liberalism, as usual. My advice to you and Bernie Sanders, take an economics class!
No, only elitist ***** from the Upper West Side are sick and tired of us people.

Your entire rant (or Bernie's) is based on the premise that rich people don't pay tax. THAT'S what is absurd. The rich are virtually the only ones who DO pay tax. Teachers, police officers, and nurses, pay very little tax, most of them get a nice cushy refund check every year. 95% of the tax is paid by the top 10%, in case you weren't aware of that. This means, 95% of the bailout IS going to be paid for by the wealthy, contrary to your lies.

It's awesome when republican racism and sexism rears its ugly head. Dixie, still denying that that Obama Aunt Jemimah waffle box at the "values voters" summit was a racial slur?

Your statement on taxes is a lie. But, you know that don't you? The rich don't pay "95%" of the tax burden. You're either willfully lying, or you are appallingly ignorant. The top 5% do pay the lions share of the income tax, as far as I know. But, you're willfully ignoring the fact that the federal income tax is only one element of the tax burden. Government revenue comes for multiple streams: sales tax, gasoline tax, excise tax, payroll tax, fees, property tax, etc. And the lions share of those taxes come from average working people.

Your president - the one you love - just took a trillion dollars of taxpayer money to bail out multibillion dollar investment banks, insurance companies, and wall street tycoons. Amazing how quickly and efficiently the government can act when wealth and capital is at risk, wouldn't you say? It takes the government 4 fucking years to make sure soldiers have the proper body armour and uparmoured vehicles. But, when it comes to a wall street meltdown, the government can turn on a dime, and make shit happen more quickly than the largest multinational corporation could ever dream of. Odd how that works.

Now, since your President is spending a trillion tax payer dollars to bail out wealth and capital centered on wall street, and most directly tied to the interests of the affluent and wealthy, somebody has got to pay for it. Your God damn right the rich should have their taxes put back to the Clinton-era rate, to pay for their own fucking bailout

ps: Why do you have traitors in your avatar? Rebel soldiers under a foreign flag, riding off to kill soldiers fighting under the American flag?
Yeah I am too dumb to elect someone that wants to punish people the more successful they become by instituting punitive tax laws to disgorge them of their money.

Sure .. you'd rather elect someone who merely functions as the mouthpiece for those billions of US taxpayer dollars, including yours, that are going directly into their pockets.

I'm real sure that corporatists have your best interests at heart.

... yet you'll whine about "taxes" .. and war.
Sure .. you'd rather elect someone who merely functions as the mouthpiece for those billions of US taxpayer dollars, including yours, that are going directly into their pockets.

I'm real sure that corporatists have your best interests at heart.

... yet you'll whine about "taxes" .. and war.
Must be nice that in your simplistic view of the world those are my only two choices, one wants to rob the rich to boost the poor and the other wants to rob the rest for the rich.
Must be nice that in your simplistic view of the world those are my only two choices, one wants to rob the rich to boost the poor and the other wants to rob the rest for the rich.

Exactly, it's a false dichotomy. Fascism or socialism, which are, in practice, the same thing.
Dude---I like to see some spirit--good first line.

But---all we have to do in this nation is rid our nation of terrorism, and restructure the irresponsible world trade we have going on--and we will get America back in about 10 years. We need to down size our government by fighting corruption (and sorry--but it looks like Saracuda Palin is the best person for that job) and waste. Yes--many of the state and federal employees will have to get a private sector position, but with better trade deals that add value to our families, communitites, etc etc--we can have America bback again. Socialism is not the answer to me--but many are just looking for the "exit sign" and turn to it IMO. Taxes have to go down for everybody--like other countries who have economies that are moving forward at a good pace we used to enjoy. (UAE, Hong Kong, China--etc etc)

Sanders has it wrong--people can't pick themselfs up until we fix our production in world trade (agreed there)--but taxing the people only adds to the problem of people being able to pick themself up. People shouldn't and can't trust a government (in reality) to do a better job than you can---but they can sabatoge your efforts with taxes and poor trade pollicies--then after you lose some of your life--they are there to help? No thanks--I have seen their help. It almost kept me in poverty.
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Bernie Sanders is a self-admitted Socialist, that's what he's known as.

The interesting point to me in this is that the few times I have called some lefties (and cypress specifically I can remember doing so) a socialist, they have acted all offended and try and make it seem like they would never be so extreme a lefty as to be a socialist.
This thread must be their coming out party, because they all seem to love the guy...and I'm not surprised at all.

Until Liberals are able to define the SPECIFIC limits on where they would STOP growing government, then I will never see them as anything more than full out Socialists and Communists in slow motion. I suppose they finally get points for honesty on this thread though.
Bernie Sanders is a self-admitted Socialist, that's what he's known as.

The interesting point to me in this is that the few times I have called some lefties (and cypress specifically I can remember doing so) a socialist, they have acted all offended and try and make it seem like they would never be so extreme a lefty as to be a socialist.
This thread must be their coming out party, because they all seem to love the guy...and I'm not surprised at all.

Until Liberals are able to define the SPECIFIC limits on where they would STOP growing government, then I will never see them as anything more than full out Socialists and Communists in slow motion. I suppose they finally get points for honesty on this thread though.

Great write man!! Thank you.

Ya know what? This may be a bit of a streach--but I almost believe McCain gave us Palin to help stop, or even reverse the socialist movement in this country. Boy---they really hate Palin--don't they? I was not going to vote for McCain (Bob Barr was on the top of my list at the time and until Palin hit the scene--was the only sane person left), but he got my vote---because he handed us Palin on a silver platter---skipping by washington and gay liberial media madness. Hollywoood is going nuts, while insulting 80% of the nation. it is severly limiting what movies I might want to watch--but I do it for my country. :)

Great write again man.

Sanders is on a left talk show Tom Hartman (a severly confused idiot orgionally from my city) every Friday. It comes on right after Glenn Beck--so that channel changes pretty quickly. Sanders is a fat pig socialist IMO also.
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Bernie Sanders is a self-admitted Socialist, that's what he's known as.

The interesting point to me in this is that the few times I have called some lefties (and cypress specifically I can remember doing so) a socialist, they have acted all offended and try and make it seem like they would never be so extreme a lefty as to be a socialist.
This thread must be their coming out party, because they all seem to love the guy...and I'm not surprised at all.

Until Liberals are able to define the SPECIFIC limits on where they would STOP growing government, then I will never see them as anything more than full out Socialists and Communists in slow motion. I suppose they finally get points for honesty on this thread though.

LOL - boy are you behind the times. We're all Socialists now Dano. Now, you may well be in the small minority who want to live under the kind of Socialism we have now - the government taking our hard-earned money and handing it over to 497 billionaires. And that's fine, but it's a shame you can't own that's what you're about. Cause that's what modern conservatism now is. It's sad you can't own your ideology.

However, and this is important, you will be in a very small minority among low, average, and middle class earners who want to have their money taken and given to 497 billionares. The super-majority already want government guaranteed health-insurance. Now that they know that one of the many reasons they aren't getting that is because we have to keep 497 billionaires in their private planes...oh yeah, your numbers are dwindling quick doll.

Hope you enjoyed your ride. You won't see it again in your lifetime.
Bernie Sanders is a self-admitted Socialist, that's what he's known as.

The interesting point to me in this is that the few times I have called some lefties (and cypress specifically I can remember doing so) a socialist, they have acted all offended and try and make it seem like they would never be so extreme a lefty as to be a socialist.

I'm a socialist.
Exactly, it's a false dichotomy. Fascism or socialism, which are, in practice, the same thing.


It's interesting that you think modern Denmark, which has a median income higher than America and a per capita GDP on par with America, and NAZI Germany are simialar RS. Could you please give me your source?
Estaimatres on the bailout say from 1/2 to 1 trillion.
Based on empirical evidence I feel the actual cost will be at least double that.
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