Senator Sanders - Hear, Hear

God you're an effing moron.

If Denmark is socialist, and I agree with the way they run their government, by that definition, I am socialist. Bernie Sanders is not more left-wing than the government of Denmark, so a lot of people are socialists in America, in fact, the majority of Americans are socialists.

So I'm a socialist.
If Denmark is socialist, and I agree with the way they run their government, by that definition, I am socialist. Bernie Sanders is not more left-wing than the government of Denmark, so a lot of people are socialists in America, in fact, the majority of Americans are socialists.

So I'm a socialist.

yes to a large degree. Social security, medicare, public schools, public water and sewer projects. Highways, etc.

and of course now Corporate socialism has beed added to the list.
yes to a large degree. Social security, medicare, public schools, public water and sewer projects. Highways, etc.

and of course now Corporate socialism has beed added to the list.

I'm not arguing that those things aren't socialistic, but Watermark's absurd claim that a majority of Americans would call themselves socialists is untrue.
I'm not arguing that those things aren't socialistic, but Watermark's absurd claim that a majority of Americans would call themselves socialists is untrue.

That is true, but by the same token they would not call themselves stupid either would they ?

Like the congress sucks big time, but my representative is ok thing ?
I'm not arguing that those things aren't socialistic, but Watermark's absurd claim that a majority of Americans would call themselves socialists is untrue.

I don't think a majority of Americans would call self-identify themselves as socialists. If I weren't trying to prove a point I wouldn't self identify myself as socialist.

But if believe in healthcare for all, social security, financial regulations etc... means I'm a socialist, then I'm a socialist. And hell, if that were the real definition of a socialist, then there'd be nothing wrong with the philosophy at all.
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It's just annoying when you pretend like intelligent people can't/won't disagree about the role of government in the economy.

Just because you reached a particular conclusion does not mean everyone else should or will.

Yeah, Bernie Sanders, Naomi Klein, and Greg Palast don't look so f*cking crazy now, do they? I had to endure years of "free market" Cons laughing at Sanders, as if he was some fossilized fringe leftist lunatic; some sort of New Deal, Keynesian Liberal gone awry.
No...they still look and think pretty fuckin' crazy....and all are still fringe left wing lunatics....I'm so happy they found a home with the Dim Jackass Party.....
I don't think a majority of Americans would call self-identify themselves as socialists. If I weren't trying to prove a point I wouldn't self identify myself as socialist.

But if believe in healthcare for all, social security, financial regulations etc... means I'm a socialist, then I'm a socialist. And hell, if that were the real definition of a socialist, then there'd be nothing wrong with the philosophy at all.

See how easy that're no longer in a fuckin' Socialist..

You're out of the closet...:clink: and :321:

It's interesting that you think modern Denmark, which has a median income higher than America and a per capita GDP on par with America, and NAZI Germany are simialar RS. Could you please give me your source?
Yeah I wouldn't mind hearing a better explanation.

As a side, your view on Denmark is a little distorted, their per capita GDP is over $8000 less than the average American.
Not that stats should even be needed to say that, have you ever been to Europe? Minivans, SUVs and trucks are a luxury for a family and rarely seen, everything is so expensive and your value for your money is far less.

As well they are losing people to higher taxes, while America is attracting people.
"Denmark Feels the Pinch as Young Workers Flee to Lands of Lower Taxes"

We'll see how "successful" that model is in under a generation and remember they are leaving despite not having any other country other than Greenland to go to speak Danish. Americans speak English, LOTS of countries for people and business to go to should the economy ever move to the Nordic model under the Democrats.
I don't think a majority of Americans would call self-identify themselves as socialists. If I weren't trying to prove a point I wouldn't self identify myself as socialist.

But if believe in healthcare for all, social security, financial regulations etc... means I'm a socialist, then I'm a socialist. And hell, if that were the real definition of a socialist, then there'd be nothing wrong with the philosophy at all.

I say Bernie Sanders self-identifies as a Socialist because that is what he has admitted.

From a Mother Jones interview:

"MJ (Mother Jones): Are you a Democrat, an independent, or a socialist?

BS (Bernie Sanders): You can call me anything you want. I won with the label "Independent" next to my name. If you ask me, "Are you an independent democratic socialist?" — yes, I am."
I say Bernie Sanders self-identifies as a Socialist because that is what he has admitted.

From a Mother Jones interview:

"MJ (Mother Jones): Are you a Democrat, an independent, or a socialist?

BS (Bernie Sanders): You can call me anything you want. I won with the label "Independent" next to my name. If you ask me, "Are you an independent democratic socialist?" — yes, I am."

No one's a real socialist anymore Dano. Bernie Sanders doesn't want to abolish property.

But you already know this shit don't you?

Yeah I wouldn't mind hearing a better explanation.

As a side, your view on Denmark is a little distorted, their per capita GDP is over $8000 less than the average American.
Not that stats should even be needed to say that, have you ever been to Europe? Minivans, SUVs and trucks are a luxury for a family and rarely seen, everything is so expensive and your value for your money is far less.

As well they are losing people to higher taxes, while America is attracting people.
"Denmark Feels the Pinch as Young Workers Flee to Lands of Lower Taxes"

We'll see how "successful" that model is in under a generation and remember they are leaving despite not having any other country other than Greenland to go to speak Danish. Americans speak English, LOTS of countries for people and business to go to should the economy ever move to the Nordic model under the Democrats.


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I posted facts showing purchasing power comparisons which show American PPP $8000 higher per person. YOU are using anecdotal evidence in making up facts (as per usual).

I didn't say it was doomed to fail, I showed proof from that bastion of Conservatism, the New York Times that they are losing people because of high taxation (a Liberal position). That will cause more trouble in the future as just about any country will be facing a labor shortage and a fast growing welfare state with higher amount of retirees who garner the bulk of government benefits.

I guess it's never too early to start the morning with a good bowl of your favorite cereal is it Water?

Denmark has a higher PPP per capita, dumbass.

Not that that matters for an American, because your average American is not going to see that. The ultra rich throw the mean way off.

From your own link:
US is number 6 with $45,845 per person
Denmark is number 14 with $37,392 per person
US has a higher PPP per capita

Fuck man, not only do you make up stats, the one time you try and show them, you can't even read them right.

And I would argue the ultra rich throw the mean off based on observations of how the middle class in the 2 countries live as well as where they freely CHOOSE to live...