Senator Sanders - Hear, Hear

Yeah I am too dumb to elect someone that wants to punish people the more successful they become by instituting punitive tax laws to disgorge them of their money.
That's such bull shit. The only fair form of taxation is progressive taxation becuse the wealthy benefit the most from government services and should therefore pay the most for those services.

I'll tell you what's real irresponsible. To keep expecting the government to continue to provide those services with out having the funds to pay for them. That's nothing but socialism for the wealthy.
its interesting to seeing some people against a bailout but little do they know what would have happened if the money markets failed. Id be cautious to cheer a NO TO THE BAIL OUT without knowing what would happen with no bailout.
Hey the stock market climbed for the largest 2 day amount in years. and the bailout has not happened. That proves we don't need no stinkin bailout.

Lets get the stockmarket back into investments and not so much gambling. They pulled off their naked shorts and look what happened ?

stock market went up because of a combination of aggressive moves and mainly because of the bailout talks. if suddenly on Monday no more bail out dow will crash 20% in a week, money markets will fail, atm's wont have money.
its interesting to seeing some people against a bailout but little do they know what would have happened if the money markets failed. Id be cautious to cheer a NO TO THE BAIL OUT without knowing what would happen with no bailout.

Chap, are the only two choices:

1) The Bailout as dictated to the tax payer by the billionares, whom, as I have already posted, already have their little whores in repuke offices dictating terms, along with an express paragraph stating that no court, nor congress, shall have any oversight over how this money is used?

2) No Bailout.

Or, might it be, that unlike the last time the Bushies took advantage of a crisis and screamed 'OMG VOTE FOR THIS NOW, NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS, VOTE YES OR YOU HATE AMERICA" and we got the Patriot Act...this time we can say, whoa, we've got a few moments, lets read this thing, and oh, just by the way? There will be oversight. And oh, just by the way? There will be benefits for the buyer (the taxpayer). And oh, just by the way? You don't get to go on business as usual, you will have to pay a price for this failure.

Yeah, I think there's a third choice here.
Chap, are the only two choices:

1) The Bailout as dictated to the tax payer by the billionares, whom, as I have already posted, already have their little whores in repuke offices dictating terms, along with an express paragraph stating that no court, nor congress, shall have any oversight over how this money is used?

2) No Bailout.

Or, might it be, that unlike the last time the Bushies took advantage of a crisis and screamed 'OMG VOTE FOR THIS NOW, NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS, VOTE YES OR YOU HATE AMERICA" and we got the Patriot Act...this time we can say, whoa, we've got a few moments, lets read this thing, and oh, just by the way? There will be oversight. And oh, just by the way? There will be benefits for the buyer (the taxpayer). And oh, just by the way? You don't get to go on business as usual, you will have to pay a price for this failure.

Yeah, I think there's a third choice here.

here watch this:

Chap, I really don't want to watch it. You need to understand something - I'm not top. I know what's happening.

I don't think that you do.

I don't want an economic Patriot act, and the very fact that these dirty mf'ers would sneak in a blatant power grab by stating that the Treasury secretary will have unlimited power to do as he sees fit with one trillions dollas, including privatizing it, with congressional and judicial oversight unlawful, is enough to make me say "STop This Train NOW".
That's such bull shit. The only fair form of taxation is progressive taxation becuse the wealthy benefit the most from government services and should therefore pay the most for those services.

I'll tell you what's real irresponsible. To keep expecting the government to continue to provide those services with out having the funds to pay for them. That's nothing but socialism for the wealthy.

while I do agree that the tax system should be progressive (to a degree), our current system is REGRESSIVE. As long as you allow the idiots in DC to continue adding chapter after chapter to the tax code to provide loopholes and deductions which allow the Buffets of the world to pay a lower effective tax rate than their assistants... the so called progressiveness remains a joke.

You want progressive... champion the plan I brought up... flat tax with a standard deduction. It would eliminate most fed income taxes on the bottom half. Everyone would pay the SAME rate on each dollar, but the SYSTEM and effective tax rates would be progressive due to the standard deduction.

As for Sanders, he is a friggin tool. Always has been. But all he has to do is trot out the same tired old talking point from the left... that it was deregulation from 1999 on that led to the current problem. I understand that the village idiots will continue to believe this crap, but the problem is far more extensive than the GLB act. Either take the time to learn what happened or at least discontinue being such lemmings. Ever so eager to drink the kool aid. (mott... last paragraph not directed at you in particular)
stock market went up because of a combination of aggressive moves and mainly because of the bailout talks. if suddenly on Monday no more bail out dow will crash 20% in a week, money markets will fail, atm's wont have money.

Not to mention the idiots in DC placing a BAN on ALL short selling within financials. They were right to hammer the naked shorts, but to ban ALL short selling in a sector is idiotic. They should have simply hammered the naked shorts and re-implemented the uptick rule.
stock market went up because of a combination of aggressive moves and mainly because of the bailout talks. if suddenly on Monday no more bail out dow will crash 20% in a week, money markets will fail, atm's wont have money.

LOL ATM's won't have any money.
Feartmongering emoticons.

the vast majority of ATM transactions are covered by FDIC.
I don't think any of us liberals are against the FDIC.
Not to mention the idiots in DC placing a BAN on ALL short selling within financials. They were right to hammer the naked shorts, but to ban ALL short selling in a sector is idiotic. They should have simply hammered the naked shorts and re-implemented the uptick rule.

Wrong the vegas aspect of the market should be eliminated. True investments promote true growth.

Just want the parts of it that benefit you ?
while I do agree that the tax system should be progressive (to a degree), our current system is REGRESSIVE. As long as you allow the idiots in DC to continue adding chapter after chapter to the tax code to provide loopholes and deductions which allow the Buffets of the world to pay a lower effective tax rate than their assistants... the so called progressiveness remains a joke.

You want progressive... champion the plan I brought up... flat tax with a standard deduction. It would eliminate most fed income taxes on the bottom half. Everyone would pay the SAME rate on each dollar, but the SYSTEM and effective tax rates would be progressive due to the standard deduction.

As for Sanders, he is a friggin tool. Always has been. But all he has to do is trot out the same tired old talking point from the left... that it was deregulation from 1999 on that led to the current problem. I understand that the village idiots will continue to believe this crap, but the problem is far more extensive than the GLB act. Either take the time to learn what happened or at least discontinue being such lemmings. Ever so eager to drink the kool aid. (mott... last paragraph not directed at you in particular)

Yes, we know SF. The crisis is too complicated for the average guy to understand. It could never be as simple as greed, mismanagement, and deregulation.

It's so complicated that it's best regular joes just stay out of it, let the big dogs handle it.

You know, the same guys got us into it. Just sign the check bitches, we'll take care of the rest.
its interesting to seeing some people against a bailout but little do they know what would have happened if the money markets failed. Id be cautious to cheer a NO TO THE BAIL OUT without knowing what would happen with no bailout.

I have to agree with you that a bail out is necessary and that the consequences otherwise would be disastrous. That doesn't mean I shouldn't be royaly pissed off at another gran falloon fuck up by the Bush administration who, once again, was asleep in the saddle.

No I and my fellow tax payers are going to have to pay to keep these banks solvent because of a bunch of greedy son of bitches went to far.

I have every right to be pissed off.
I have to agree with you that a bail out is necessary and that the consequences otherwise would be disastrous. That doesn't mean I shouldn't be royaly pissed off at another gran falloon fuck up by the Bush administration who, once again, was asleep in the saddle.

No I and my fellow tax payers are going to have to pay to keep these banks solvent because of a bunch of greedy son of bitches went to far.

I have every right to be pissed off.

It doesn't have to be done on the terms dicated to us. Excuse me but we are not the ones surrendering here?

We'll dicate terms. The first and foremost of which will be: Oversight, oversight, oversight. We give you 1 trillion dollars, we own your ass, not the other way around.

What is going on here?
Yes, we know SF. The crisis is too complicated for the average guy to understand. It could never be as simple as greed, mismanagement, and deregulation.

It's so complicated that it's best regular joes just stay out of it, let the big dogs handle it.

You know, the same guys got us into it. Just sign the check bitches, we'll take care of the rest.

You are being quite the bitch recently. Where the FUCK did I say the average guy should stay out of it? I said, if you are going to be commenting on it, at least take the fucking time to understand the situation rather than simply spouting off idiotic talking points from either the right or the left.

Continue ignoring the part your party played in this mess and you are nothing more than a hack.
You are being quite the bitch recently. Where the FUCK did I say the average guy should stay out of it? I said, if you are going to be commenting on it, at least take the fucking time to understand the situation rather than simply spouting off idiotic talking points from either the right or the left.

Continue ignoring the part your party played in this mess and you are nothing more than a hack.

I'm not being a bitch. I'm just telling you that greed, mismanagement and deregulation are easy enough to understand. If you're too big to fail, you're too big to exist, is not difficult.

And that assigning a one trillion dollar blank check with no oversight to the same guys got us into this? not a good idea.

My simple mind can wrap itself round that.
It doesn't have to be done on the terms dicated to us. Excuse me but we are not the ones surrendering here?

We'll dicate terms. The first and foremost of which will be: Oversight, oversight, oversight. We give you 1 trillion dollars, we own your ass, not the other way around.

What is going on here?

I agree with you that if we bail out there asses (which at this point we have no choice) that we should not hand the reigns back over to private business management without some serious govt oversight.