Senator Sanders - Hear, Hear

From my link:

Denmark: $56,427

United States: $45,790

Try swallowing that, along with my dick, conservatard.

Sorry I'd rather go with your first link and the same one I posted with PPP.
Nominal GDP per capita does NOT take into account differences in the cost of living in different countries. You would have known this if you bothered to read what your 2nd link says.

In other words, fuck yeah I can make more money in income in Denmark, but when the cost of housing, food, transport, etc... (along with the higher taxes boosting all those) is factored in I end up with less.

Nominal GDP might someday be useful if people bought goods/services equally from all countries, but that is unlikely to ever happen. You buy the vast majority of those from your own country, especially when you consider housing and cars as your 2 biggest purchases in a lifetime.
Sorry I'd rather go with your first link and the same one I posted with PPP.
Nominal GDP per capita does NOT take into account differences in the cost of living in different countries. You would have known this if you bothered to read what your 2nd link says.

In other words, fuck yeah I can make more money in income in Denmark, but when the cost of housing, food, transport, etc... (along with the higher taxes boosting all those) is factored in I end up with less.

Nominal GDP might someday be useful if people bought goods/services equally from all countries, but that is unlikely to ever happen. You buy the vast majority of those from your own country, especially when you consider housing and cars as your 2 biggest purchases in a lifetime.

It's actually very interesting, Denmark's economy had been growing very fast under the Social Democrats.

But in 2001, what changed? OH that's right, right-wing government came into power, and put in tough immigration regulations to keep the towelheads out.

Might that have anything to do with a labor shortage? Of course not!
Not that stats should even be needed to say that, have you ever been to Europe? Minivans, SUVs and trucks are a luxury for a family and rarely seen

OMG!!!! NO SUV's ? Could smaller roads and streets and better mass transit have anything to do with it ?
Trashy Euros have no SUV's....
Not that stats should even be needed to say that, have you ever been to Europe? Minivans, SUVs and trucks are a luxury for a family and rarely seen

OMG!!!! NO SUV's ? Could smaller roads and streets and better mass transit have anything to do with it ?
Trashy Euros have no SUV's....
Ok let's try this a different way, there are many American households with 2 or 3 vehicles. In Europe, most (even in the country far apart from mass transit) that have only one vehicle, it's a luxury to have more than that and often many have none at all.

Have you been there? Go and shop anywhere you wish, the only thing I found marginally cheaper than the US was candy and certain agricultural products (because of subsidies). Everything else blows your mind in how expensive it is.
No, only elitist bitches from the Upper West Side are sick and tired of us people.

Your entire rant (or Bernie's) is based on the premise that rich people don't pay tax. THAT'S what is absurd. The rich are virtually the only ones who DO pay tax. Teachers, police officers, and nurses, pay very little tax, most of them get a nice cushy refund check every year. 95% of the tax is paid by the top 10%, in case you weren't aware of that. This means, 95% of the bailout IS going to be paid for by the wealthy, contrary to your lies.

This entire financial crisis can be traced back to Liberals who advocated making low-interest loans to people who had no business being given mortgages in the first place. I personally think Obama, Dodd and Kerry, should immediately return the campaign contributions received from Freddy and Fanny, back to the taxpayers, to help offset the hundreds of billions they now have to pay due to Liberal incompetency. If there is any way we can raise the tax rates on elite Liberals, I am all for that as well, as they are the ones most responsible for the mess we are in.

What I take from this rant is, you want to redistribute wealth, re-regulate business, and sock it to the rich and corporate America. In the meantime, you want to dream up ways to spend more money we don't have and will never have, if you do the aforementioned. It's 'pie in the sky' liberalism, as usual. My advice to you and Bernie Sanders, take an economics class!

Im tired of you people too. And Im an ignorant populist rube. Your mind is a fetid canker of lies.
Ok let's try this a different way, there are many American households with 2 or 3 vehicles. In Europe, most (even in the country far apart from mass transit) that have only one vehicle, it's a luxury to have more than that and often many have none at all.

Have you been there? Go and shop anywhere you wish, the only thing I found marginally cheaper than the US was candy and certain agricultural products (because of subsidies). Everything else blows your mind in how expensive it is.

We are headed in the same direction.
We just had more resources in this younger country to exploit.

and btw how about SS and health care type of things in the EU ?

also they already have the value added tax that republicans want so badly over here.
The cost of living is high but PPP reflects that. And Norway is above America. Hell, one of those countries is always above America. It's not exactly indicative of poor growth, being that they've had this system for about fifty years and have kept up with America perfectly.
Once again, everyone misses the point, though Sanders is correct that the government is subsidizing the elite.

The real culprit is artificially lowered interest rates, thanks to our generous uncle Federal Reserve. These artificially low interest rates have misinformed lenders and buyers into thinking that they can pay for things they simply cannot afford.

Irresponsible lending practices and investments in companies which conduct them should never be rewarded by socializing their mistakes (read: bad debt/investments).

Though Dixie is correct that the wealthy do pay more in taxes, the poor and middle classes are going to suffer far more by the hidden tax, inflation. All of the trillions of dollars of largesse printed out of thin air in the form of fiat money increases the money supply, which of course decreases its value. Hence, higher inflation.

So, you couple the current socialist bailout of failed, irresponsible financial companies with the bloated, imperialist military industrial complex being paid for in part by taxes, but also by fake, meaningless fiat dollars which inflate the monetary system on the backs of ordinary people and you've got yourself a lovely little pyramid scheme which parades itself in the name of "security" and "freedom". A more dishonest venture I could not envisage.
Darla, a dumb community college cunt like you would believe any explanation because you can't understand THE ISSUES.
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the used software guy can show how my tax cut caused democrats not to pay there mortgages. Bahaha
starting a thread with fuck you doesn't deserve a classy post. Neither does fat ass darla.
Classy post.

An economic guru like you saw this coming miles away. You really had this one pegged.

I understand what is going on far more than Topper does. Top is like McCain - an "expert" just becasue he says he's one. Let's look at the facts:

On Friday, Topper wrote "stop the shorts and limit speculators that's all.
Economic collapse; that's hillarious!!!!"

Top is all ass. He knows absolutely zip. And at a time when so many Americans are paying close attention to what is happening, and hearing our own Treasury Secretary and Fed stating that we're days from complete collapse...the fact is that Top now knows less about the economy than the majority of Americans.

Top is a false persona, much like McCain...who also likes to call women cunts. Hmmm.
Hey the stock market climbed for the largest 2 day amount in years. and the bailout has not happened. That proves we don't need no stinkin bailout.

Lets get the stockmarket back into investments and not so much gambling. They pulled off their naked shorts and look what happened ?
Hey the stock market climbed for the largest 2 day amount in years. and the bailout has not happened. That proves we don't need no stinkin bailout.

Lets get the stockmarket back into investments and not so much gambling. They pulled off their naked shorts and look what happened ?

Yep. The biggest disappointment since the one Top's wife got when he did the same thing on their honeymoon.
No, only elitist bitches from the Upper West Side are sick and tired of us people.

Your entire rant (or Bernie's) is based on the premise that rich people don't pay tax. THAT'S what is absurd. The rich are virtually the only ones who DO pay tax. Teachers, police officers, and nurses, pay very little tax, most of them get a nice cushy refund check every year. 95% of the tax is paid by the top 10%, in case you weren't aware of that. This means, 95% of the bailout IS going to be paid for by the wealthy, contrary to your lies.

This entire financial crisis can be traced back to Liberals who advocated making low-interest loans to people who had no business being given mortgages in the first place. I personally think Obama, Dodd and Kerry, should immediately return the campaign contributions received from Freddy and Fanny, back to the taxpayers, to help offset the hundreds of billions they now have to pay due to Liberal incompetency. If there is any way we can raise the tax rates on elite Liberals, I am all for that as well, as they are the ones most responsible for the mess we are in.

What I take from this rant is, you want to redistribute wealth, re-regulate business, and sock it to the rich and corporate America. In the meantime, you want to dream up ways to spend more money we don't have and will never have, if you do the aforementioned. It's 'pie in the sky' liberalism, as usual. My advice to you and Bernie Sanders, take an economics class!

LOL Keep closing your eyes and ears and keep drinking that Kool-aid Dixie! LOL