Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

How many minority checkboxes will Obama fill out for the next supreme court judge? I'm predicting a transgender Asian woman possibly in a wheelchair
What a sad loss of a true Constitutionalist. He will be sorely missed

Obama is probably pissed that more extreme measures weren't used to keep Scalia alive, for at least 12 more months; because he was praying that Hillary would be able to appoint him to the Supreme Court. :palm:
I don't think the GOP can put this off until after the election. It's a huge risk if they do - going an entire year without filling a vacancy?

Not gonna happen.
Thank you for not banning me from this important thread. I will call a trolling truce.

scalia sucked on civil liberties but he was good on other stuff and now Obama is obv going to put another useless liberal woman on the court that operates by feels. This blows. What a disaster.

US Senate is under no obligation to confirm an Obama pick. Do you think a democrat Senate would approve someone under similar circumstances?
there is precedent.....
In June 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson, with only "six months or so" remaining in his term, and having announced that he would not seek re-election, nominated Abe Fortas to serve as Chief Justice of the United States, to replace Earl Warren as Chief Justice, who had announced his retirement from the Supreme Court of the United States. The nomination drew opposition from the Republican members of the United States Senate.

The Thurmond Rule was a factor in the opposition,[citation needed] but Fortas also received intense scrutiny about having consulted with President Johnson while sitting as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and for having accepted $15,000 for nine speaking engagements at American University Law School, which raised serious questions regarding Fortas's judicial independence. Republican Senators launched a filibuster in opposition to the nomination. Through a face-saving measure arranged by President Johnson, a majority of Senators voted to end debate, but under the rules of Senate, that was insufficient to invoke cloture. At Fortas's request, Johnson then withdrew the nomination and was not able to appoint a successor prior to the end of his term.
I don't think the GOP can put this off until after the election. It's a huge risk if they do - going an entire year without filling a vacancy?

Not gonna happen.

You underestimate their desire to undermine the rule of law.
I suspect that President Obama will nominate a fairly moderate appointee in the attempt to get his appointment on the court. If confirm that appointment will still be an improvement on Scallia politically speaking.
That it is the presidents duty to appoint a replacement to any vacancy on the Supreme Court, and the Senate's duty to give that appointment a vote.

So you feel that they're required to just VOTE on a appointed replacement, with no other options??

Can you please find a reference source that is complete agreement with that??
So you feel that they're required to just VOTE on a appointed replacement, with no other options??

Can you please find a reference source that is complete agreement with that??

You think they should subvert the will of the people and the last presidential election and give the president only a three-year term?