Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

I admittedly dont know much about him but I feel bad for his family and I pray that he finds rest. I did almost go to college about a half hour away from where he died.
You think they should subvert the will of the people and the last presidential election and give the president only a three-year term?

Yes. Too much at stake. Fuck Obama. He wants to act extra constitutionally now he can suck it

But never fear. McCuntell will fold
Okay, let's get the pool started! Obama's nominee will be an atheist lesbian communist Syrian illegal immigrant. Any takers?
One of the duties of the elected president is to appoint Supreme Court justices. The reason the Republicans might delay acting on any of President Obama's appointment would be to try and delay it until a new president is elected. In fact this is subverting the last presidential election and disregarding the the will of the people in that election.

Oh well. SUCK IT