Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

Yea well it's the other side of the aisle that I always hear cry babying about "Judicial Activism" whenever the courts make an independent decision they don't like. The reality is that a shift in the balance of power in the court would make a significant difference only in a handful of cases. It's not going to make a dramatic difference.

Life will go on much as it has before.

Independent decision? You mean the ones the left side of the Court makes using partisan ideology?
I'd be surprised if the next President didn't have at least one liberal vacancy to fill. It all evens out.

At times like these, I tend to think there is an inherent flaw to the process. I can't really think of a better way to do it - but it just seems too arbitrary to have justices who serve for decades decided by political winds that change every few years.

It doesn't even out. The current Liberal President will choose a Liberal to replace a Conservative.
It doesn't even out. The current Liberal President will choose a Liberal to replace a Conservative.

And the next President might be a conservative, and have to replace a liberal justice.

There is nothing at all written that conservative justices have to be replaced with conservative justices, or that liberals should be replaced with liberals. The GOP's arguments about replacing Scalia are preposterous.
As a Conservative, I want the Court to uphold the Constitution in a manner in which it was written and intended by those who wrote it. I agree that the founding fathers couldn't have envisioned everything that would come to be in over 200 years. However, they were enlightened to such a high level that they put in place the ability to change the Constitution and it's wording with amendments. They didn't want that process to be easy and it shouldn't be easy. Liberal/Progressives can't stand that. When it's something they want, going through the process the FF gave us slows them down. They want fundamental change to come as quickly as one changes their underwear and it doesn't work like that nor did the FF intend it to work that way.

It's not the job of the Court to care about personal feelings. It's their job to care about the Constitution. If they do and it hurts someone's feelings, the one having their feelings hurt has the problem.
Well fine but that is definitely not what the founding fathers intended the U.S. Constitution to be. They intended it to be a dynamic living functioning blue print for governing and not a static written in stone document.

To counter Grinds argument everytime I hear conservatives screaming "JUDICIAL ACTIVISM" it's always been when the court make a decision either expanding or protecting the rights, freedoms and liberties of others. Since protecting individuals rights and liberties is a stated objective of the U.S. constitution vis-a-vis the bill of rights and was intended by the founding fathers the lame claims by conservatives when the courts expand or protect freedoms and liberties, as was intended by our founding fathers, well then their cries tend to fall on deaf ears as far as I'm concerned cause I know that conservatives couldn't give a rats ass about MY freedom or liberties.
You're the poster boy for hypocrisy. You are constantly telling complainers to use ignore, thread ban, and forced ignore but you don't do the same yourself. You talk about free speech but you want people you hate to stop talking. You pretend to hate racism and sexism yet practice both through your speech. You have posted some of the ugliest drivel I've ever seen on any forum with your comments about gun violence, especially relating to children. You have been the cause of decent posters leaving this forum yet you excuse yourself by calling those people pussies. You are the one mod who does the most to drag this forum down. I don't know who in your life gave you such an over-inflated opinion of yourself but they should be shot for doing so. You come across as a minimally-educated, entitled sociopathic little twit.

Why don't you nut up already and put me on ignore, you excruciatingly foul, vulgar little man?

Apparently someone gave you an over-inflated opinion of yourself. You talk about how you believe in free speech yet you tell others to put me on ignore. I won't put anyone on ignore. You pretend to be so high and mighty but you're so low a damn snake couldn't crawl under your belly.

Why don't you cunt up and put ME on ignore proving my claims about you. You keep talking about it. Do it or STFU.
It doesn't even out. The current Liberal President will choose a Liberal to replace a Conservative.

I'm a Republican and would rather see a right leaning/conservative court but having that isn't a God given right.
Apparently someone gave you an over-inflated opinion of yourself. You talk about how you believe in free speech yet you tell others to put me on ignore. I won't put anyone on ignore. You pretend to be so high and mighty but you're so low a damn snake couldn't crawl under your belly.

Why don't you cunt up and put ME on ignore proving my claims about you. You keep talking about it. Do it or STFU.

Where did I tell someone to put you on ignore, moron?

This argument is between grind and me and I suggest you butt out.
The "will of the people" elected Obama twice so those "people" will trust his pick for the next justice.

So "the people" only include those that voted for Obama?

Does "those people" include all the blacks that have no clue what he stood for but voted based on skin color?
As a Conservative, I want the Court to uphold the Constitution in a manner in which it was written and intended by those who wrote it. I agree that the founding fathers couldn't have envisioned everything that would come to be in over 200 years. However, they were enlightened to such a high level that they put in place the ability to change the Constitution and it's wording with amendments. They didn't want that process to be easy and it shouldn't be easy. Liberal/Progressives can't stand that. When it's something they want, going through the process the FF gave us slows them down. They want fundamental change to come as quickly as one changes their underwear and it doesn't work like that nor did the FF intend it to work that way.

It's not the job of the Court to care about personal feelings. It's their job to care about the Constitution. If they do and it hurts someone's feelings, the one having their feelings hurt has the problem.
somewhat agree. Change should come by legislation = "will of the people".
On the other hand there is the ability to use stare decisis where needed to remedy inequalities.

One thing about the gay marriage ruling is the states were all over the place on recognizing gay marriage -and it led to absurd situations
where a couple married and recognized in one state could move to another and lose all rights of marriage -clearly a case of inequality.
Using the 14th as a remedy was a fine/sound decision by SCOTUS.

On the other hand this "living document" crap - where the TEXT DOES NOT CHANGE over time is specious reasoning.
And for that idea of originalism promoted by Scalia, it has returned some kind of anchorage to the Constitution as the ultimate law of the land -
and not just a whim by the judiciary, who should not be "legislating from the bench"
Where did I tell someone to put you on ignore, moron?

This argument is between grind and me and I suggest you butt out.

Never said you did. I told you to put me on ignore in the same crude manner you did to someone else.

If it's between the two of you I suggest you do it through PM. Since this is an open forum, that means I can respond to anyone I wish if it's posted on the public part of the forum. That you want me to butt out means you don't believe in free speech like you claim. You believe free speech should be exercised only when it suits you. I'll butt out when you can enforce your demand.
somewhat agree. Change should come by legislation = "will of the people".
On the other hand there is the ability to use stare decisis where needed to remedy inequalities.

One thing about the gay marriage ruling is the states were all over the place on recognizing gay marriage -and it led to absurd situations
where a couple married and recognized in one state could move to another and lose all rights of marriage -clearly a case of inequality.
Using the 14th as a remedy was a fine/sound decision by SCOTUS.

On the other hand this "living document" crap - where the TEXT DOES NOT CHANGE over time is specious reasoning.
And for that idea of originalism promoted by Scalia, it has returned some kind of anchorage to the Constitution as the ultimate law of the land -
and not just a whim by the judiciary, who should not be "legislating from the bench"

The problem with the statement of will of the people, especially when made by people like christiefan915, is that when they are in the majority, that is how it is considered. However, when they aren't on the majority side, they call it mob rule.

Since the Constitution says marriage belongs as a State decision, not in so many words but based on the 10th Amendment, it should be left to the States. The founding fathers provided a means which which to change the Constitution through the amendment process. Same sex marriage supporters knew that would never happen. That's why they go through the courts. Funny thing is they use a concept that the FF didn't use but was granted to the Supreme Court by the Supreme Court itself in 1803.
Never said you did. I told you to put me on ignore in the same crude manner you did to someone else.

If it's between the two of you I suggest you do it through PM. Since this is an open forum, that means I can respond to anyone I wish if it's posted on the public part of the forum. That you want me to butt out means you don't believe in free speech like you claim. You believe free speech should be exercised only when it suits you. I'll butt out when you can enforce your demand.

You are either senile, a liar or both. You wrote in post 467 "you tell others to put me on ignore..." and then you denied it in post 475.
Make your stupid PM suggestion to the person who started this, not me.