Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

See what I mean Grind?

I agree with him. A conservatives nature is to hold up the status quo and traditions, which comes in handy when reviewing a centuries old document. A liberal, progressives nature is to change things and alter them and push them in a new direction, and thus it is usually the liberal justices that are more often the judicial activists. You can see it in this very thread where Christie is upset that Scalia didn't care about people's feelings when interpreting the constitution. She wants results... She doesn't actually care about what is or isn't constitutional, and there are many like her.

Now i am not saying there are no regressive judges out there but I do think by and large interpreting the constitution faithfully is more in the realm of someone that Abides by Principle rather than trying to actively remake society.
I agree with him. A conservatives nature is to hold up the status quo and traditions, which comes in handy when reviewing a centuries old document. A liberal, progressives nature is to change things and alter them and push them in a new direction, and thus it is usually the liberal justices that are more often the judicial activists. You can see it in this very thread where Christie is upset that Scalia didn't care about people's feelings when interpreting the constitution. She wants results... She doesn't actually care about what is or isn't constitutional, and there are many like her.

Now i am not saying there are no regressive judges out there but I do think by and large interpreting the constitution faithfully is more in the realm of someone that Abides by Principle rather than trying to actively remake society.

As a Conservative, I want the Court to uphold the Constitution in a manner in which it was written and intended by those who wrote it. I agree that the founding fathers couldn't have envisioned everything that would come to be in over 200 years. However, they were enlightened to such a high level that they put in place the ability to change the Constitution and it's wording with amendments. They didn't want that process to be easy and it shouldn't be easy. Liberal/Progressives can't stand that. When it's something they want, going through the process the FF gave us slows them down. They want fundamental change to come as quickly as one changes their underwear and it doesn't work like that nor did the FF intend it to work that way.

It's not the job of the Court to care about personal feelings. It's their job to care about the Constitution. If they do and it hurts someone's feelings, the one having their feelings hurt has the problem.
You betray yourself and all your liberal friends true intentions when you say things like this, and you don't even realize it.

HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO consider your FUCKING feelings christie. THAT'S NOT HIS JOB. His job is to INTERPRET THE CONSTITUTION. Your fucking feelings or the feelings of ANY dumbfuck moronic americans means ABSOLUTELY DICK.

It blows my mind there are adults like you in the world. Completely blows my mind.

I should have banned you like my head told me to do but my feelings said everyone should have a chance to speak on this. It won't happen again.
I should have banned you like my head told me to do but my feelings said everyone should have a chance to speak on this. It won't happen again.

Now you get your feelings hurt so you don't want to hear someone that disagrees with you. You keep proving every statement I've made about you.

Now you get your feelings hurt so you don't want to hear someone that disagrees with you. You keep proving every statement I've made about you.

no worries you racist scum

I never ban anyone

I am here to kick the head in of your lies
I agree with him. A conservatives nature is to hold up the status quo and traditions, which comes in handy when reviewing a centuries old document. A liberal, progressives nature is to change things and alter them and push them in a new direction, and thus it is usually the liberal justices that are more often the judicial activists. You can see it in this very thread where Christie is upset that Scalia didn't care about people's feelings when interpreting the constitution. She wants results... She doesn't actually care about what is or isn't constitutional, and there are many like her.

Now i am not saying there are no regressive judges out there but I do think by and large interpreting the constitution faithfully is more in the realm of someone that Abides by Principle rather than trying to actively remake society.

Of for and by the people

it is not in existance for the sake of the words on the paper.

a sociopath cant understand these things
As a Conservative, I want the Court to uphold the Constitution in a manner in which it was written and intended by those who wrote it. I agree that the founding fathers couldn't have envisioned everything that would come to be in over 200 years. However, they were enlightened to such a high level that they put in place the ability to change the Constitution and it's wording with amendments. They didn't want that process to be easy and it shouldn't be easy. Liberal/Progressives can't stand that. When it's something they want, going through the process the FF gave us slows them down. They want fundamental change to come as quickly as one changes their underwear and it doesn't work like that nor did the FF intend it to work that way.

It's not the job of the Court to care about personal feelings. It's their job to care about the Constitution. If they do and it hurts someone's feelings, the one having their feelings hurt has the problem.

then why did your fucks try to privatize the post office?

because all that you just said is a fucking lie
note how they lie about any complaint as if its "JUST FEELINGS"

the right whines more than anything than the left wing people do
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Now you get your feelings hurt so you don't want to hear someone that disagrees with you. You keep proving every statement I've made about you.

:rolleyes: Your only purpose here is to flame bait and whine about how liberals want your money. You're trolling and you can't even do that with finesse.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

The only function of a Jurist is to know the law and to interpret its meaning. Time and time and time again Jurist have confounded political partisans by interpreting the law independently and not according to partisan interest or patronage. Which is how the system was intended to work.

It is when this happens that you hear partisans screaming "JUDICIAL ACTIVISM".

Can you show me any evidence that the Founders with their eyes on separation of powers have the Supreme Court the power to "interpret" the Constitution