Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

I looked at the confirmation numbers for all of them including Scalia.

Scalia 98-0
Kennedy 97-0
Thomas 52-48
Ginsburg 96-3
Breyer 87-9
Alito 58-42
Roberts 78-22
Sotomayor 68-31
Kagan 63-37

It would be a darn shame if the republicans screwed over the country for partisan purposes. All of the Dems voted for Scalia; they weren't having a hissy fit like the repubs are having now.
I looked at the confirmation numbers for all of them including Scalia.

Scalia 98-0
Kennedy 97-0
Thomas 52-48
Ginsburg 96-3
Breyer 87-9
Alito 58-42
Roberts 78-22
Sotomayor 68-31
Kagan 63-37

It would be a darn shame if the republicans screwed over the country for partisan purposes. All of the Dems voted for Scalia; they weren't having a hissy fit like the repubs are having now.

Scalia was voted on 2 years before the end of Reagans second term, not less than one year. Methinks you might be talking about Kennedy who was much less conservative than Scalia, however he was his second choice and nominated the year before. In order to make this equal it would need to be already in play. He was voted on in February after he was nominated in November of 1987.

In order to be truly equivalent Obama would need to nominate somebody who disconcertingly agreed with republicans on such things as Roe v Wade as Kennedy notably agreed with the decision which was problematic to many Rs. I do see interesting vote numbers on many of them, it looks like the Ds didn't vote for many as they must have been "throwing a hissy"...
I looked at the confirmation numbers for all of them including Scalia.

Scalia 98-0
Kennedy 97-0
Thomas 52-48
Ginsburg 96-3
Breyer 87-9
Alito 58-42
Roberts 78-22
Sotomayor 68-31
Kagan 63-37

It would be a darn shame if the republicans screwed over the country for partisan purposes. All of the Dems voted for Scalia; they weren't having a hissy fit like the repubs are having now.

You can't be fucking serious?

I looked at the confirmation numbers for all of them including Scalia.

Scalia 98-0
Kennedy 97-0
Thomas 52-48
Ginsburg 96-3
Breyer 87-9
Alito 58-42
Roberts 78-22
Sotomayor 68-31
Kagan 63-37

It would be a darn shame if the republicans screwed over the country for partisan purposes. All of the Dems voted for Scalia; they weren't having a hissy fit like the repubs are having now.

You mean like Obamacare screwing over many due to partisan reasons?

It's easy to tell just on JPP how many Democrats want a very Liberal Justice appointed for partisan reasons. You're willing to screw over then country for partisan reasons and have no shame in doing so.
Scalia was voted on 2 years before the end of Reagans second term, not less than one year. Methinks you might be talking about Kennedy who was much less conservative than Scalia, however he was his second choice and nominated the year before. In order to make this equal it would need to be already in play. He was voted on in February after he was nominated in November of 1987.

In order to be truly equivalent Obama would need to nominate somebody who disconcertingly agreed with republicans on such things as Roe v Wade as Kennedy notably agreed with the decision which was problematic to many Rs. I do see interesting vote numbers on many of them, it looks like the Ds didn't vote for many as they must have been "throwing a hissy"...

That's right, they did not throw a hissy. None of those Dems said "let's wait a year or more so we can get one of our own appointed."

You guys had the archconservative Scalia for 30 years so don't expect me to have any sympathy for you now. He was not a nice man and he didn't consider how every American would be affected by his opinions. Many times he played to a narrow segment of society and was nasty when outvoted. He had a temperament similar to Trump's.
That's right, they did not through a hissy. None of those Dems said "let's wait a year or more so we can get one of our own appointed."

You guys had the archconservative Scalia for 30 years so don't expect me to have any sympathy for you now. He was not a nice man and he didn't consider how every American would be affected by his opinions. Many times he played to a narrow segment of society and was nasty when outvoted. He had a temperament similar to Trump's.

"through" a hissy?
You mean like Obamacare screwing over many due to partisan reasons?

It's easy to tell just on JPP how many Democrats want a very Liberal Justice appointed for partisan reasons. You're willing to screw over then country for partisan reasons and have no shame in doing so.

Judges aren't supposed to let partisanship overshadow their legal opinions. I remember how cons cried and moped when Roberts was the deciding vote on Obamacare, good times.
Justice Scalia’s enormous influence was not on actual case outcomes, at least not directly. For someone who sat on the court for three decades, he wrote few significant majority opinions. What he did was change how we talk about the law.

Most Americans care about whether the Constitution protects abortion rights or prohibits affirmative action, whether Obamacare is unconstitutional or what free speech means. But whether the Constitution should be interpreted according to its original meaning or according to precedent, whether we should take evolving values or Rawlsian philosophy or neither into account, how we should use legislative history when interpreting statutes — these used to be issues only lawyers, judges and scholars thought about.

Today, journalists, radio talk show hosts and regular news junkies all talk about constitutional theory. And when they do, there is originalism and then there is everything else. No one is more responsible for the originalism “movement” than Justice Scalia. He made constitutional theory sexy.

To liberal legal scholars, originalism looked dead by the middle of the 1980s. Academics had argued that there was just no reliable way to figure out the intentions of long dead people about matters they had never thought about. And in 1985, a famous paper by the constitutional historian H. Jefferson Powell showed that people like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton didn’t themselves believe that later interpreters should seek guidance in their intentions. Originalism seemed to be at war with itself.

Justice Scalia was among the first to argue that constitutional interpreters should not be interested in the intentions of the framers but in the original meaning of the words they used. Original meaning turned out to be a life vest for the theory, keeping it afloat among conservative legal scholars and even some liberal ones.

Meanwhile, Justice Scalia took to the streets and gained a following. He was unrelenting and always on message. He was a single-issue constitutional theorist, and his issue was originalism. For Justice Scalia and his fans, you viewed modern issues through an 18th-century quizzing glass or else you were an “activist.” There was no in between.

His laser-sharp dissents garnered a lot of attention, but he didn’t just talk through his opinions. He talked to lawyers and to legions of law students, using his charisma and the simplicity of his message to recruit foot soldiers who could peddle his message through organizations like the Federalist Society.
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Liberals, meanwhile, have struggled to rally around a coherent alternative language in which to talk about the Constitution. We have been Hillary Clinton to Justice Scalia’s Bernie Sanders. Some of us promoted something called popular constitutionalism. (What’s that, you say?) Others settled on “minimalism.” Others simply gave up and have tried to argue that originalism actually supports progressive outcomes. Trying to coopt Justice Scalia’s message is the highest compliment we have paid him.

*a must read*
it's not 'original intent', it's original text (meaning-words)
^ My comment
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Judges aren't supposed to let partisanship overshadow their legal opinions. I remember how cons cried and moped when Roberts was the deciding vote on Obamacare, good times.

Someone should explain that to the Liberal judges.

I remember how you Liberals still cry like bitches about Citizens United. I also remember that the 4 dissents were from partisan Liberal Justices.
Not to me, nor to many. Shoot the latest Quinnipiac poll has Cruz and Hillary tied.

HillBillary is very, very vulnerable due to her legal issues and there is no chance that Sanders will be nominated at this point because super delegates will win the day for HillBillary regardless of whether he wins any more states along the way. They still have the same number of delegates because HillBillary owns the party's super delegates.

even the superdelegates will abandon Hilldreary when they see the polls this summer.....
That's right, they did not throw a hissy. None of those Dems said "let's wait a year or more so we can get one of our own appointed."

You guys had the archconservative Scalia for 30 years so don't expect me to have any sympathy for you now. He was not a nice man and he didn't consider how every American would be affected by his opinions. Many times he played to a narrow segment of society and was nasty when outvoted. He had a temperament similar to Trump's.

Spare us
I think political junkies like us are going to be surprised at how *little* this impacts the election. Just like we were all caught off guard by the ascendancy of Trump.

Voters are crawling out of the woodwork and getting involved because the country is going into a survival mode. That video of the Carrier plant employees being told their jobs are going to Mexico was pretty powerful, more than at any time in the past. Probably because we now know for certain there will be no future jobs for those folks. They're screwed.

Europe is being invaded, Iran is nuking up, and the Arab Spring is probably going to be the Arab Decade.

Our GDP is artificially inflated with government spending, our economy is artificially inflated through quantitative easing and printed funny money, and debt run amok.

When the ship goes down and 20 people are in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, rationing out a shared canteen of water, they're not going to spend much time discussing the relative merits of school prayer, abortion, gay marriage, and Constitutionalism.

Unfortunately, too many on both sides of the political spectrum fail to recognize and/or acknowledge this.

Here's a nice little graph that shows voter turnout and there are those who might want to look at this and wonder what would occur if the missing voters showed up at the voting booths.

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