Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

For the record I will admit that if everything were the same right now except a GOP President i wouldn't want to wait for the election and would want a replacement now. But FUCK Obama.
What would be great is if President Cruz could get six hard core conservatives on the bench and just leave us with Sotomayer and Kagal. Wouldn't mind getting rid of Kennedy. Then we can put the queers back where they belong
You'd vote for a Satanic cult's rat familiar if it was running against an R with a D next to its name.

Lol little do you know about my votes for repubs. I've already said I've voted for them on the local and county level, not so much state and never national.

Toomey and I agree on approx. 3% of the issues, if that. Any nut who seriously supports a flag-burning amendment is way too nationalistic for me.

I hope you were just being a little snarky because of the whole Scalia thing, since you are a conservative apologist anyway you slice it.
Coming from you? Not shocked in the least. Fortunately that appears to be extremely unlikely to happen and that's just great news for the Country! :)

I think the country, who have placed a majority of conservatives in congress, want a conservative replacement. To have an imbalanced court would be to crap all over our constitution because partisanship and ambitious special interest would take advantage.
Lol little do you know about my votes for repubs. I've already said I've voted for them on the local and county level, not so much state and never national.
And there you have stated exactly what I stated. You'd vote for a Satanic cult's rat familiar if they were running for Senate as a D against an R.

Toomey and I agree on approx. 3% of the issues, if that. Any nut who seriously supports a flag-burning amendment is way too nationalistic for me.

I hope you were just being a little snarky because of the whole Scalia thing, since you are a conservative apologist anyway you slice it.

I'm excited about this election cycle, it means more than any previous cycle in our lifetimes. And I have voted for a D at the national level, specifically for Senator. That he later changed to an R doesn't change that i voted for a D against a republican at the same level that you will never vote for anything but a D. I have also voted for L candidates for President... all that notwithstanding, you simply underscored that I was correct rather than submitted any evidence to the contrary.