Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

Typical lying Rightie CFM.

Demands proof from others even though he won't provide proof when someone asks him to provide it!


Funny, I asked you for proof the other day regarding a thread you made and you never provided any. In fact, you sent in a liberal friend to tell me that I had to prove your claim wrong.

Obama won't nominate a white, male anything. He'll have to get him a transgender, bisexual, minority, "female" hermaphrodite in order to pander to the freaks and what ever minority group he picks.

That's why if he did, you kooks would be lost!
Really, we don't need to appoint a liberal. Just replace Scalia with a moderate and the court will have suddenly shifted hugely to the left.
Good point. Assuming that said compromise candidate is acceptable to both parties I would project that would only happen if the GOP feels that their odds of wining in November are not good. So far it's not looking good for them.
Good point. Assuming that said compromise candidate is acceptable to both parties I would project that would only happen if the GOP feels that their odds of wining in November are not good. So far it's not looking good for them.

Moderate is nothing more than a Liberal without the guts to admit it.
The 2016 election is going to be disadvantageous to the Republicans, because they're going to be defending the ultra-conservative 2010 slate of senators. This time they don't have the advantage of low voter turnout to boost them either.
Both good point and if a SCOTUS nominee isn't confirmed before the election that situation will only increase vote turn out and the conventional wisdom is that a large voter turnout put the GOP at a disadvantage. Even if the GOP nominates a establishment candidate they are really behind the electoral vote landscape.
I'd agree with that assessment unless Cruz or Trump win the GOP nomination. If that happens I think that as long as Obama hasn't nominated a candidate who lacks the qualifications or is to far outside the political mainstream that the Senate will confirm that nominee on the basis of that it will be a lot better pill to swallow than the possible nominee after the election.

I think you are wishful thinking and putting waaay too much faith in early polling data before a nominee is selected. Polls said Reagan would lose to Carter right up until just weeks before the election and he won with a landslide. Seriously, you need to step back from the "Cruz can't win" bottle and sober up.
I don't disagree with that. However, the polling date clearly favors the WH going to the Dems in this election cycle. Cruz and Trump have really damaged the GOP brand.

And you again rely too heavily on very early polling..... Seriously, you need to step back and read a history book. Polling at this time is useless. If we relied on it Reagan would never have been President nor would Obama.
Any of your posts. Which one do you want?

One that verifys your claim:

Unless people agree with you, you cry that they are dim bulbs. What a pussy you are on top of all the other things.

Link to some threads where I do as you stated.

One link for EACH and EVERY Rightie here at JPP.

Otherwise yuour "claim" is just another infantile Rightie lie.