Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

If they win the WH they will hold the Senate. I see the Senate staying with the WH (or changing if a D is elected) as the people voting for President will be voting Party for the Senate as well. There will be more voters than we've had in any modern election, this will energize the populace as they are selecting two branches at once.

This election cycle will be for all the marbles, basically.

The 2016 election is going to be disadvantageous to the Republicans, because they're going to be defending the ultra-conservative 2010 slate of senators. This time they don't have the advantage of low voter turnout to boost them either.
I agree, a white male moderate should do the trick!

Obama won't nominate a white, male anything. He'll have to get him a transgender, bisexual, minority, "female" hermaphrodite in order to pander to the freaks and what ever minority group he picks.
Obama won't nominate a white, male anything. He'll have to get him a transgender, bisexual, minority, "female" hermaphrodite in order to pander to the freaks and what ever minority group he picks.

Oh the desperate, outlandish hyperbole of a typical partisan hack like CFM!


There is gerrymandering, but the lines the Republicans drew in 2010 have a had half a decade to decay and I doubt they're as advantageous as they were in 2012 (when the Democrats won more votes, but the Republicans won more seats, and gerrymandering was more or less solely responsible for the aggressively anti-democratic and unamerican result).
Then prove your allegation or admit you lied.

One at a time, link us to the posts that verify your ridiculous allegation.

Your posts show you're less than a man and nothing more than someone fighting his way to the black ass of the President to kiss it. Pick one and it's your proof. Prove I'm wrong or admit you lied puss.
Your posts show you're less than a man and nothing more than someone fighting his way to the black ass of the President to kiss it. Pick one and it's your proof. Prove I'm wrong or admit you lied puss.

As the more rational minds at JPP already've got NOTHING!

I humbly accept your admission of guilt and subsequent apology.
As the more rational minds at JPP already've got NOTHING!

I humbly accept your admission of guilt and subsequent apology.

You can't accept something that isn't given nor will be given when there is no reason to give it.

Pucker up boy.