Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

Well this is a safe bet but I'd bet you a Thurman Burger and a six pack of CBC IPA that Bernie would defeat either Trump or Cruz. Against Trump it might be a contest. Cruz is just utterly unelectable. He plays well in the far south and in Hicksville but no where else.

I will make a side bet or another six pack that if Bernie is nominated, he won't win over whoever the Republican's pick........
hiding from your own wonder your posts seem so disjointed.......

And you know my mind better than me, eh?

Typical conservative arrogance. Your assumption is like me saying that you're enamored of shooting people because you support the 2nd amendment.

I don't usually go ad hom, but you're a complete idiot.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

Don't forget about good ol' ticket splitters.

I think the GOP is winning this year regardless. Sanders is way too far left, and Hillary has such a low ceiling, especially w/ the legal stuff.

I really reject some of the arguments I've heard already that because it's Scalia, they need to hold out to appoint a conservative to "retain the balance." If the next President is a Republican & a 2-termer, it's not like they might not have an opportunity to replace a liberal or 2 on the court.

I agree. But why take chances? I want to pack the court with Scalia clones so no more 5-4 decisions. Then unwind years of leftism.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

Not really. He just wants to do what all political reactionaries would like to see happen. Turn back the clock to a right wing never-never land that's never existed.

Want to reread your post?

If it has never existed then where would I turn the clock back to?

But yes it is so horrible to want to live under the rule of law guided by the exact words of the US Constitution.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

The last thing this country needs is a court stacked either left or right. Scalia was the conservatives conservative in his opinions- we need one just like him. This may shock you, but when Ginsberg goes, my thoughts are we need to replace her similarly.

Fuck that. Stack the court with all Scalia's.