Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

You must of been in the wrong part of the State. I found plenty of action in Cola, Sumter, Hilton Head and Myrtle Beach. Granted no Atlanta or LA but it was there if you know where to look.

I'm a City person. I need LA or San Francisco big city type action.
Dude, you are taking today's polls like they are etched in stone.'re just making excuses to ignore the data and to rationalize what you want to believe. I can assure you that the GOP politicians are not. They are just as aware as I am what a catastrophe it would be for the party if either Cruz or Trump wins the nomination.

What's interesting is that if Trump maintains the current ratio of delegates that he's been winning and that at least Cruz, Bush and Kasich and hang in there for the long haul than Trump won't have enough delegates to win the nomination which means a brokered convention and I'll bet you a Thurman Burger Trump will not win at a brokered convention. Neither would Cruz.'re just making excuses to ignore the data and to rationalize what you want to believe. I can assure you that the GOP politicians are not. They are just as aware as I am what a catastrophe it would be for the party if either Cruz or Trump wins the nomination.

What's interesting is that if Trump maintains the current ratio of delegates that he's been winning and that at least Cruz, Bush and Kasich and hang in there for the long haul than Trump won't have enough delegates to win the nomination which means a brokered convention and I'll bet you a Thurman Burger Trump will not win at a brokered convention. Neither would Cruz.

First off Bernie isn't beating Hillary. And for play we'll say he does a democratic socialist isn't winning the Presidency. Not happening.

I'm also not making any excuses. Go back and look historically at what polls said a year before an election and what the final results were. Not very close.
The numbers don't support your argument. The numbers clearly show that either Sanders or Clinton would defeat Trump and would crush Cruz.

I think you are counting your votes before the Electoral College is hatched.......Do you think Hillary would win Florida, Iowa, and New York from Trump?........would Sanders win any state besides Vermont?.......
Are you sure about that? I thought I saw some polls recently where he was basically tied w/ Hillary.

Both have huge unfavorable ratings. I think you're overestimating Hillary's chances in a general.
Not at the State level. You can ignore national polls as they are worthless and not representative since it's not the popular vote that counts in a POTUS election but the electoral vote and the State by State polling data clearly shows Clinton not only defeating Trump but she would start campaigning with a huge electoral vote advantage so yea...I'm sure about that.

Things can change in 9 months for sure but that's pretty much how it stands right now.
One bad debate does not have to kill a candidate. Your beloved current polls show Rubio beating both Hillary and Sanders. Rubio won last night's debate so he atoned for his f up in New Hampshire.

And dude the establishment has been backing Rubio. I can't tell if you're just not following the race close enough or letting your liberal bias cloud your vision with what's happening in this primary.
You are looking at national polls. They aren't representative. They don't mean shit. You have to look at the State by State polling data. You're the only one I heard who thinks he won the debate last night. Most everyone feels Bush did as the format was set up to hand it to him on a golden platter.
You are looking at national polls. They aren't representative. They don't mean shit. You have to look at the State by State polling data. You're the only one I heard who thinks he won the debate last night. Most everyone feels Bush did as the format was set up to hand it to him on a golden platter.

Not that Nate Silver and crew are the end all be all but they had Rubio and Bush winning the debate.
You always sound so angry. Probably why you lie & mischaracterize so much.

Might be too much caffeine or something. There's probably an easy fix.

lol......numbnuts likes to accuse me of lying, but in the last six years you've never been able to find a post where its happened........interesting......
First off Bernie isn't beating Hillary. And for play we'll say he does a democratic socialist isn't winning the Presidency. Not happening.

I'm also not making any excuses. Go back and look historically at what polls said a year before an election and what the final results were. Not very close.
Well this is a safe bet but I'd bet you a Thurman Burger and a six pack of CBC IPA that Bernie would defeat either Trump or Cruz. Against Trump it might be a contest. Cruz is just utterly unelectable. He plays well in the far south and in Hicksville but no where else.