Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

(Many) minority voters HATE Trump and there are a number of Republicans who don't like him either. Of course what people say today and what happens on election day can be two different things but no Republican can win with white votes only and I don't see how Trump draws many minority voters.

Rubio, IMO, has the best chance to win a national election on the Republican side. Kind of interesting closing statement last night though when he said he's a 21st Century candidate and then said we need to ban abortion and marriage should be between a man and a woman. I know he was trying to appeal to South Carolina voters with that comment but quite the dichotomy. He's still a very conservative politician but has a good backstory that he can sell to national independent voters.
I don't think so. I think Kasich does. I think Rubio was outed during the New Hampshire GOP debate. I think that after Super Tuesday it will be down to three to four GOP candidates and I seriously doubt Rubio will be one of them. Particularly now. Scalia's death has been a game changer. I think the GOP establishment has chosen who the candidate they are going to back and it's neither Kasich or Rubio. I think their backing Bush is a mistake but that appears to be the case given last nights set up at the South Carolina debate. That was an obviously pro-Bush audience set up by the party as what sane person would defend W's war record?
And I think the Senate will go with the WH because of the higher numbers of votes. Basically the whole government is up for grabs. The House will remain republican, but the Senate I think will go the way of the WH.
I don't disagree with that. However, the polling date clearly favors the WH going to the Dems in this election cycle. Cruz and Trump have really damaged the GOP brand.
The audience went bananas when he said that about abortion & marriage. I was thinking how I could never live in South Carolina.
I could. It's fucking great there. Particularly this time of year when you're freezing your nuts off in Ohio. The people there are kind, caring, engaged and extremely hospitable. They just happened to be fucking crazy when it comes to politics so just don't discuss politics with them and your stay there will be great. I like SC so much that it's one of my top three picks as a retirement destination.
I could. It's fucking great there. Particularly this time of year when you're freezing your nuts off in Ohio. The people there are kind, caring, engaged and extremely hospitable. They just happened to be fucking crazy when it comes to politics so just don't discuss politics with them and your stay there will be great. I like SC so much that it's one of my top three picks as a retirement destination.

This is how I feel my life will be in Texas, I just can't talk politics, it why I keep coming back here.
A center left party does not come this close to nominating a democratic socialist.
You do when the other party goes way to far in the opposite direction. Bernie is a natural outcropping of people who are far, far more concerned about the unlimited and unchecked powers of corporations in this nation than they are about the checks and balances in government. I can certainly understand that.
Admittedly I haven't been there in years but I have South Carolina roots and it's a great state. Just not enough action for my tastes.
You must of been in the wrong part of the State. I found plenty of action in Cola, Sumter, Hilton Head and Myrtle Beach. Granted no Atlanta or LA but it was there if you know where to look.
GOP will lose the Senate if they hold out.

They might see that as an acceptable sacrifice to replace Scalia w/ a conservative.

unless the majority of voters don't want a radical liberal to replace a conservative......the country may not be as wasted as you believe........
I think Cruz waaaay more than Trump. Nobody knows who Trump might nominate, they know Cruz would work to nominate a conservative.
I only half agree with Grind and completely disagree with you. It doesn't matter whom Trump or Cruz nominate cause you can't make a nomination if you don't get elected and I think the data is clear that if nominated Trumps and Cruz are a long shot to win the general.

So that is where Grind is half wrong. This defiately hurts Sanders in that it will definitely throw the party establishment into Clinton's camp but they are pretty much in her camp, by and large, in the first place. This hurts Cruz and Trump in terms of support from the party apparatus as the data clearly shows they are losers in a general election but not only that but that they would also drag down the rest of the GOP tickets in House and Senate races. I think the debate last night clearly showed what the party establishments response to Scalia's passing is. They are throwing their support behind Jeb.

Now that hurts Sanders as the Dem party apparatus knows that Clinton has a substantial advantage over Bush in a general election.
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It is a big risk for the R's to refuse to vote on a nominee. They have a chance, because Obama will want his first choice confirmed, to get a moderate out of this opening... But if they wait and HRC is president... And the Senate goes Democrat(ic) it will certainly be a very liberal justice.

If Trump wins, it's likely to not be a conservative.
...and Trump won't win.
The last thing this country needs is a court stacked either left or right. Scalia was the conservatives conservative in his opinions- we need one just like him. This may shock you, but when Ginsberg goes, my thoughts are we need to replace her similarly.
Coming from you? Not shocked in the least. Fortunately that appears to be extremely unlikely to happen and that's just great news for the Country! :)
I don't think so. I think Kasich does. I think Rubio was outed during the New Hampshire GOP debate. I think that after Super Tuesday it will be down to three to four GOP candidates and I seriously doubt Rubio will be one of them. Particularly now. Scalia's death has been a game changer. I think the GOP establishment has chosen who the candidate they are going to back and it's neither Kasich or Rubio. I think their backing Bush is a mistake but that appears to be the case given last nights set up at the South Carolina debate. That was an obviously pro-Bush audience set up by the party as what sane person would defend W's war record?

One bad debate does not have to kill a candidate. Your beloved current polls show Rubio beating both Hillary and Sanders. Rubio won last night's debate so he atoned for his f up in New Hampshire.

And dude the establishment has been backing Rubio. I can't tell if you're just not following the race close enough or letting your liberal bias cloud your vision with what's happening in this primary.
Currently only two the 6 remaining GOP candidates poll competitively against the Dem nominee and both of them, Rubio and Kasich, are long shots to win the nomination.

in your fantasies perhaps......the likely nominees will come from those who WILL beat Hillary, if she hasn't dropped out by then.....