Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

Maybe it's already been discussed but a number of Republican Senators are up for re-election from Blue states. Quite the challenging position for them.

Pat Toomey is up for reelection here and he has three good Dems running against him. I'd vote for any one of them.
If they win the WH they will hold the Senate. I see the Senate staying with the WH (or changing if a D is elected) as the people voting for President will be voting Party for the Senate as well. There will be more voters than we've had in any modern election, this will energize the populace as they are selecting two branches at once.

This election cycle will be for all the marbles, basically.

Don't forget about good ol' ticket splitters.

I think the GOP is winning this year regardless. Sanders is way too far left, and Hillary has such a low ceiling, especially w/ the legal stuff.

I really reject some of the arguments I've heard already that because it's Scalia, they need to hold out to appoint a conservative to "retain the balance." If the next President is a Republican & a 2-termer, it's not like they might not have an opportunity to replace a liberal or 2 on the court.
Pat Toomey is up for reelection here and he has three good Dems running against him. I'd vote for any one of them.

I say this will due respect but you were never voting for Toomey anyway. Now maybe if you sat out the election Toomey won and are going to vote in this one that would make a difference.
Don't forget about good ol' ticket splitters.

I think the GOP is winning this year regardless. Sanders is way too far left, and Hillary has such a low ceiling, especially w/ the legal stuff.

I really reject some of the arguments I've heard already that because it's Scalia, they need to hold out to appoint a conservative to "retain the balance." If the next President is a Republican & a 2-termer, it's not like they might not have an opportunity to replace a liberal or 2 on the court.

I know ILA will disagree with me but I don't think Cruz can win a national election. (I also don't think Sanders can win one so if they faced each other I guess someone would have to win.) Cruz just has too limited an appeal to (conservative) evangelical voters. There aren't enough of them to win nationally. Now again if it were Cruz-Hillary someone would have to win.
I say this will due respect but you were never voting for Toomey anyway. Now maybe if you sat out the election Toomey won and are going to vote in this one that would make a difference.

No I wasn't but I was trying to say that it's not a slam-dunk that the Senate will keep a republican majority after the election.
I know ILA will disagree with me but I don't think Cruz can win a national election. (I also don't think Sanders can win one so if they faced each other I guess someone would have to win.) Cruz just has too limited an appeal to (conservative) evangelical voters. There aren't enough of them to win nationally. Now again if it were Cruz-Hillary someone would have to win.

IMO Cruz doesn't have a prayer. There aren't enough evangelicals in the country to give him a win.
No I wasn't but I was trying to say that it's not a slam-dunk that the Senate will keep a republican majority after the election.

By no means is it a slam dunk. As I was saying there are a number of Republican Senators up for re-election in blue states. Those are far from 'safe' seats.
I know ILA will disagree with me but I don't think Cruz can win a national election. (I also don't think Sanders can win one so if they faced each other I guess someone would have to win.) Cruz just has too limited an appeal to (conservative) evangelical voters. There aren't enough of them to win nationally. Now again if it were Cruz-Hillary someone would have to win.

It doesn't matter what the matchup is (unless someone like Kasich comes out of the woodwork). I see Sanders, Hillary, Cruz & Trump as all being unelectable, but as you say, if that's our candidate pool, one of them has to win.

It's depressing me already. I think Trump would actually win going away against either Dem. Cruz has a tougher road for sure - but w/ the right campaign, he could win. Who knows what kind of October surprise is in store for Hillary if she gets the nomination.
Well that describes you and your ilk to a tee. BTW. I readily admit I am an ideologue
Where as I admit to being pragmatic, results driven and capable of critical thinking with reasoned problem solving skills. Ideologues never solve problems. They only create them and leave it to others to clean up their messes.
It doesn't matter what the matchup is (unless someone like Kasich comes out of the woodwork). I see Sanders, Hillary, Cruz & Trump as all being unelectable, but as you say, if that's our candidate pool, one of them has to win.

It's depressing me already. I think Trump would actually win going away against either Dem. Cruz has a tougher road for sure - but w/ the right campaign, he could win. Who knows what kind of October surprise is in store for Hillary if she gets the nomination.

(Many) minority voters HATE Trump and there are a number of Republicans who don't like him either. Of course what people say today and what happens on election day can be two different things but no Republican can win with white votes only and I don't see how Trump draws many minority voters.

Rubio, IMO, has the best chance to win a national election on the Republican side. Kind of interesting closing statement last night though when he said he's a 21st Century candidate and then said we need to ban abortion and marriage should be between a man and a woman. I know he was trying to appeal to South Carolina voters with that comment but quite the dichotomy. He's still a very conservative politician but has a good backstory that he can sell to national independent voters.
bingo. Obama is an ideologue as much as the Tea Party.
Nobody does moderates -we have to have hyper-partisan warfare because...well we just do..
Ahh and this is based on what rational? Because Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax and Rush Limbaugh told you so? LOL

Obama is what he has always been. A pragmatic center left Democrat. Now granted compared to the far right GOP base in this nation that makes him a communist but you kinda have to consider the source there.

The fact is that there are only two parties in this nation. A far right wing party and a center left party.
yes. new POTUS & a new SCOTUS up for grabs
And I think the Senate will go with the WH because of the higher numbers of votes. Basically the whole government is up for grabs. The House will remain republican, but the Senate I think will go the way of the WH.
(Many) minority voters HATE Trump and there are a number of Republicans who don't like him either. Of course what people say today and what happens on election day can be two different things but no Republican can win with white votes only and I don't see how Trump draws many minority voters.

Rubio, IMO, has the best chance to win a national election on the Republican side. Kind of interesting closing statement last night though when he said he's a 21st Century candidate and then said we need to ban abortion and marriage should be between a man and a woman. I know he was trying to appeal to South Carolina voters with that comment but quite the dichotomy. He's still a very conservative politician but has a good backstory that he can sell to national independent voters.

The audience went bananas when he said that about abortion & marriage. I was thinking how I could never live in South Carolina.
Ahh and this is based on what rational? Because Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax and Rush Limbaugh told you so? LOL

Obama is what he has always been. A pragmatic center left Democrat. Now granted compared to the far right GOP base in this nation that makes him a communist but you kinda have to consider the source there.

The fact is that there are only two parties in this nation. A far right wing party and a center left party.

A center left party does not come this close to nominating a democratic socialist.
The audience went bananas when he said that about abortion & marriage. I was thinking how I could never live in South Carolina.

Admittedly I haven't been there in years but I have South Carolina roots and it's a great state. Just not enough action for my tastes.
It doesn't matter what the matchup is (unless someone like Kasich comes out of the woodwork). I see Sanders, Hillary, Cruz & Trump as all being unelectable, but as you say, if that's our candidate pool, one of them has to win.

It's depressing me already. I think Trump would actually win going away against either Dem. Cruz has a tougher road for sure - but w/ the right campaign, he could win. Who knows what kind of October surprise is in store for Hillary if she gets the nomination.

I can't see Trump winning. I just can't picture a majority of voters seriously buying what he's selling.
i def thinks this hurts bernie big time. The idealists in the party are about to grow up. Don't think it hurts cruz or trump very much. In fact I think it helps both of them.

I think Cruz waaaay more than Trump. Nobody knows who Trump might nominate, they know Cruz would work to nominate a conservative.