Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

And that same will of the people elected a GOP majority in the House and Senate. So maybe they don't trust him as much as you think.

If McCuntell sticks to his guns. You get nothing.

You guys had 30 years of Scalia's radicalism and now you're all skeert someone liberal or moderate will take his place. Too funny.
LOL. That would be true if the "will of the people" elected Democrats to run the Senate. The "will of the people" have pretty much ensured that this is a campaign issue because whoever gets elected will nominate the next SCOTUS Justice.

And if Bern or Hillary elect a liberal, then what? Four or more years of stalling by the Senate for partisan reasons?
You guys had 30 years of Scalia's radicalism and now you're all skeert someone liberal or moderate will take his place. Too funny.

The only ones that call it radical are worthless Liberals like you. Sounds like you're scared of someone that is willing to uphold the Constitution being appointed.
And if Bern or Hillary elect a liberal, then what? Four or more years of stalling by the Senate for partisan reasons?

I doubt that. If that happens I see the Senate also turning; those people voting for HillBillary or Feeling the Bern will also be voting for Ds in the Senate.

The longest stretch without a nominee being consented to by the Senate was 2 years between Taylor's last 2 years and Polk getting a nominee elected. I do predict that there will be no confirmation of any nominee until the next President is inaugurated. I would also say that the next President will have a nominee confirmed. This one has already had his last successful nomination.

I predict an Obama nominee, because that is good politics, and a rejection (also good politics). Then we'll see what the nation has to say about the President that will actually be able to select the next nominee. I don't know what will happen or who will get elected because this changes the whole election in a less predictable fashion. Both sides will be energized huge. This will be an EPIC election.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

You guys had 30 years of Scalia's radicalism and now you're all skeert someone liberal or moderate will take his place. Too funny.

Yes. I am scared of people that would undermine our Constitution and our freedoms.

As long as the GOP does the right thing, President Cruz will take care of everything.

Don't you worry cumtwat
GOP will lose the Senate if they hold out.

They might see that as an acceptable sacrifice to replace Scalia w/ a conservative.

If they win the WH they will hold the Senate. I see the Senate staying with the WH (or changing if a D is elected) as the people voting for President will be voting Party for the Senate as well. There will be more voters than we've had in any modern election, this will energize the populace as they are selecting two branches at once.

This election cycle will be for all the marbles, basically.
GOP will lose the Senate if they hold out.

They might see that as an acceptable sacrifice to replace Scalia w/ a conservative.

Maybe it's already been discussed but a number of Republican Senators are up for re-election from Blue states. Quite the challenging position for them.