Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

Shit's going to hit the fan now. This could be a game changer in how our government operates. No way does his replacement get nominated. A qualified individual should be nominated and confirmed but I doubt like hell it happens. There's a good chance Dems could come out of this with the White House, SCOTUS and the Senate.

Oddly enough this could sink both Bernie, Trump and Cruz. I don't think either party or more correctly, their constituents, are going to support them with a SCOTUS Justice seat at stake.

There's more than one way to look at it. Obama could surprise everyone [including the voters] by nominating an actual moderate instead of a 'check the box' leftist minority who thinks animals have constitutional rights or some bat crazy shit. If he were to do that, yes, the electorate would have a right to be pissed at republicans for dragging it out.

But if Obama puts up another leftist ideologue and the republicans vote him or her without a fight, then the voters will be pissed at the republicans. Because we all know stacking the court is dirty little game that conflicts with the separation of powers.

There is zero chance he will put up a moderate so its going to get interesting.
There's more than one way to look at it. Obama could surprise everyone [including the voters] by nominating an actual moderate instead of a 'check the box' leftist minority who thinks animals have constitutional rights or some bat crazy shit. If he were to do that, yes, the electorate would have a right to be pissed at republicans for dragging it out.

But if Obama puts up another leftist ideologue and the republicans vote him or her without a fight, then the voters will be pissed at the republicans. Because we all know stacking the court is dirty little game that conflicts with the separation of powers.

There is zero chance he will put up a moderate so its going to get interesting.

I'm betting Obama will put up the Liberal wet dream candidate. It will be a transgender, bisexual, ethnic minority, "female", physically handicapped, hermaphrodite. That will cover more bases for groups to which Democrats pander. White and male won't even be considered.
I think political junkies like us are going to be surprised at how *little* this impacts the election. Just like we were all caught off guard by the ascendancy of Trump.

Voters are crawling out of the woodwork and getting involved because the country is going into a survival mode. That video of the Carrier plant employees being told their jobs are going to Mexico was pretty powerful, more than at any time in the past. Probably because we now know for certain there will be no future jobs for those folks. They're screwed.

Europe is being invaded, Iran is nuking up, and the Arab Spring is probably going to be the Arab Decade.

Our GDP is artificially inflated with government spending, our economy is artificially inflated through quantitative easing and printed funny money, and debt run amok.

When the ship goes down and 20 people are in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, rationing out a shared canteen of water, they're not going to spend much time discussing the relative merits of school prayer, abortion, gay marriage, and Constitutionalism.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

I think political junkies like us are going to be surprised at how *little* this impacts the election. Just like we were all caught off guard by the ascendancy of Trump.

Voters are crawling out of the woodwork and getting involved because the country is going into a survival mode. That video of the Carrier plant employees being told their jobs are going to Mexico was pretty powerful, more than at any time in the past. Probably because we now know for certain there will be no future jobs for those folks. They're screwed.

Europe is being invaded, Iran is nuking up, and the Arab Spring is probably going to be the Arab Decade.

Our GDP is artificially inflated with government spending, our economy is artificially inflated through quantitative easing and printed funny money, and debt run amok.

When the ship goes down and 20 people are in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, rationing out a shared canteen of water, they're not going to spend much time discussing the relative merits of school prayer, abortion, gay marriage, and Constitutionalism.

Of the current candidates, Cruz is the only one I trust to do the right thing on judges. We need a President Cruz. Then we need Breyer, Stevens and Ginsberg to all die within three months of Cruz being sworn in. Then we pack the court with Scalia/Thomas clones and reverse 50 years of liberalism
Of the current candidates, Cruz is the only one I trust to do the right thing on judges. We need a President Cruz. Then we need Breyer, Stevens and Ginsberg to all die within three months of Cruz being sworn in. Then we pack the court with Scalia/Thomas clones and reverse 50 years of liberalism

I don't disagree with any of that. I just think at this point it's a little bit "Inside Baseball" for a country on the brink.

The GOP would be wise to let the Dems ramble on about abortion and the court. People are responding to the big picture message.

Best thing Trump could do right now would be to say he'd appoint Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. Win-win.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

I don't disagree with any of that. I just think at this point it's a little bit "Inside Baseball" for a country on the brink.

The GOP would be wise to let the Dems ramble on about abortion and the court. People are responding to the big picture message.

Best thing Trump could do right now would be to say he'd appoint Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. Win-win.

If Trump said that and I knew I could trust him to keep his word, I would think about voting for him. But it is also the replacements for Breyer, Stevens and Ginsberg none of which are long for this world. The next eight years are critical to packing the court with activist conservatives. Yes. I said activist. I want justices that say we have a privacy right to own assault weapons and machine guns.
The RINOS like McCuntell are going to face an assault of epic proportions to confirm someone from the left wing establishment. Don't discount their ability to fuck conservatives over.
There's more than one way to look at it. Obama could surprise everyone [including the voters] by nominating an actual moderate instead of a 'check the box' leftist minority who thinks animals have constitutional rights or some bat crazy shit. If he were to do that, yes, the electorate would have a right to be pissed at republicans for dragging it out.

But if Obama puts up another leftist ideologue and the republicans vote him or her without a fight, then the voters will be pissed at the republicans. Because we all know stacking the court is dirty little game that conflicts with the separation of powers.

There is zero chance he will put up a moderate so its going to get interesting.
OK, I have to call you on this, please explain to me why Obama's appointments are leftist ideologues? Because they have vaginas?

It also depends on public pressure. If enough pressure is placed on the senate that they see they could lose their seat if they don't confrm a justice than a justice would be confirmed.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

OK, I have to call you on this, please explain to me why Obama's appointments are leftist ideologues? Because they have vaginas?

It also depends on public pressure. If enough pressure is placed on the senate that they see they could lose their seat if they don't confrm a justice than a justice would be confirmed.

I know. Your side are NEVER ideologues. Well, because they share YOUR ideology.
I don't disagree with any of that. I just think at this point it's a little bit "Inside Baseball" for a country on the brink.

The GOP would be wise to let the Dems ramble on about abortion and the court. People are responding to the big picture message.

Best thing Trump could do right now would be to say he'd appoint Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court. Win-win.
LOL unfortunately for ya'll in the trailer park crowd Cruz is so far out on the lunatic fringe and so obnoxious and disliked that he couldn't get elected dog catcher in most the nation.

There isn't a partisan Democrat out there who doesn't think a tree stump could defeat Cruz as a tree stump would certainly do far less damage than an extremist ideologue like Cruz. They have the polling data to prove it. Other than the deep south and regions where there's more livestock than people Cruz is unelectable.
The next eight years are critical to packing the court with activist conservatives.

I agree with that too. However, that's not what's bringing tens of thousands of people to arenas. It's that we're a nation on the brink.

I've said before this reminds me of Rudy Giuliani in NYC in 1993. A third party "Right To Life" nearly cost him the election, and we might have missed the complete Renaissance of NYC.

At this point, I think deflating all of the air in the Trump phenomenon would cost the GOP the election.

Cruz is great for ideological conservatives like us, but is that enough to pull him across the finish line? If he came across like a second Reagan I might say yes, but I haven't seen that yet.
There's more than one way to look at it. Obama could surprise everyone [including the voters] by nominating an actual moderate instead of a 'check the box' leftist minority who thinks animals have constitutional rights or some bat crazy shit. If he were to do that, yes, the electorate would have a right to be pissed at republicans for dragging it out.

But if Obama puts up another leftist ideologue and the republicans vote him or her without a fight, then the voters will be pissed at the republicans. Because we all know stacking the court is dirty little game that conflicts with the separation of powers.

There is zero chance he will put up a moderate so its going to get interesting.

:palm: You think if a repub like Cruz or Rubio was elected president he'd pick a moderate?

Just listen to yourselves wanting the next justice to be a hard line conservative but fearing he or she could be liberal. I guess the irony escapes you all.
Of the current candidates, Cruz is the only one I trust to do the right thing on judges. We need a President Cruz. Then we need Breyer, Stevens and Ginsberg to all die within three months of Cruz being sworn in. Then we pack the court with Scalia/Thomas clones and reverse 50 years of liberalism

Your hatefulness is uncalled-for.
so there it is.
POTUS nominates for his "Constitutional duty" /the Senate does a long punt "advise"
and "consent" comes from the "will of the people" after the election. That's how it's going down..

elections matter
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

That or you don't know what an ideologue is.

Ideologue - an adherent of an ideology who is uncompromising and dogmatic. Hmmmmm I wonder who that sounds like? [/sarcasm]

Well that describes you and your ilk to a tee. BTW. I readily admit I am an ideologue