Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

There's more than one way to look at it. Obama could surprise everyone [including the voters] by nominating an actual moderate instead of a 'check the box' leftist minority who thinks animals have constitutional rights or some bat crazy shit. If he were to do that, yes, the electorate would have a right to be pissed at republicans for dragging it out.

But if Obama puts up another leftist ideologue and the republicans vote him or her without a fight, then the voters will be pissed at the republicans. Because we all know stacking the court is dirty little game that conflicts with the separation of powers.

There is zero chance he will put up a moderate so its going to get interesting.
bingo. Obama is an ideologue as much as the Tea Party.
Nobody does moderates -we have to have hyper-partisan warfare because...well we just do..
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

Your hatefulness is uncalled-for.

See Rancids posts then come back to me. Lecture Skidmark then come back to me. It is my love of country that leads me to this. Left wingers like you play for keeps. It is high time our side did as well.

Spare me your faux indignation. You could barely contain your glee at the death of Scalia.
See Rancids posts then come back to me. Lecture Skidmark then come back to me. It is my love of country that leads me to this. Left wingers like you play for keeps. It is high time our side did as well.

Spare me your faux indignation. You could barely contain your glee at the death of Scalia.

Only in your imagination was I gleeful, shocked is the real word.

Now maybe you can tell me what kind of justice would Hillary or Bernie pick if either wins the election.
LOL unfortunately for ya'll in the trailer park crowd Cruz is so far out on the lunatic fringe and so obnoxious and disliked that he couldn't get elected dog catcher in most the nation.

Yeah, because trailer parks are constantly abuzz with discussions of Ivy League level Constitutionalism, and lawyers top-ranked nationally by journals like American Lawyer and the National Law Journal.

Brain dead layabouts braying for more "stuufffff" from the Democrats are *never* found in trailer parks.

Well, why not? The GOP would set a crazy precedent by putting it off almost a full year. What difference would it make to extend that?

actually the difference is that the Republicans have the votes to do it and the Dems don' know, that "will of the people" thing.........
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

Only in your imagination was I gleeful, shocked is the real word.

Now maybe you can tell me what kind of justice would Hillary or Bernie pick if either wins the election.

Left wing ideologues that know nothing of original intent
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

The "will of the people" elected Obama twice so those "people" will trust his pick for the next justice.

And that same will of the people elected a GOP majority in the House and Senate. So maybe they don't trust him as much as you think.

If McCuntell sticks to his guns. You get nothing.
OK, I have to call you on this, please explain to me why Obama's appointments are leftist ideologues? Because they have vaginas?

It also depends on public pressure. If enough pressure is placed on the senate that they see they could lose their seat if they don't confrm a justice than a justice would be confirmed.

Are you suggesting Obama has never appointed a radical lol?
Has a Justice ever been impeached?

Samuel Chase......charged with being "a busy, reckless incendiary, a ringleader of mobs, a foul-mouthed and inflaming son of discord and faction, a common disturber of the public tranquility"......ironically, he was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and served on the Constitutional Conference which drafted the means by which he was impeached.........
The "will of the people" elected Obama twice so those "people" will trust his pick for the next justice.

LOL. That would be true if the "will of the people" elected Democrats to run the Senate. The "will of the people" have pretty much ensured that this is a campaign issue because whoever gets elected will nominate the next SCOTUS Justice.
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West...

LOL. That would be true if the "will of the people" elected Democrats to run the Senate. The "will of the people" have pretty much ensured that this is a campaign issue because whoever gets elected will nominate the next SCOTUS Justice.

KKKhristiefan means the "will of her people" not THE PEOPLE
Only if the GOP Senate doesn't grow a pair of balls.

This is why we need a President Cruz. I just sent him another $300 with more to follow

We need to pack the court with conservatives. Ginsberg isn't long for this world

post 6

a hearing this news the compassion flowed from him huh.

his first thoughts were nothing about the death of a person
why no show of personal compassion from you.

It was all about your political wishes and not about his life