Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas r

I think you are wishful thinking and putting waaay too much faith in early polling data before a nominee is selected. Polls said Reagan would lose to Carter right up until just weeks before the election and he won with a landslide. Seriously, you need to step back from the "Cruz can't win" bottle and sober up.

Cruz ain't no Reagan!
And there you have stated exactly what I stated. You'd vote for a Satanic cult's rat familiar if they were running for Senate as a D against an R.

Now that you bring it up, I voted for Arlen Specter once but you guys didn't consider him an R.

I'm excited about this election cycle, it means more than any previous cycle in our lifetimes. And I have voted for a D at the national level, specifically for Senator. That he later changed to an R doesn't change that i voted for a D against a republican at the same level that you will never vote for anything but a D. I have also voted for L candidates for President... all that notwithstanding, you simply underscored that I was correct rather than submitted any evidence to the contrary.

Forgot about 2012... I voted for the Green Party so there goes your theory. Thanks anyway for helping me remember.
I think you are wishful thinking and putting waaay too much faith in early polling data before a nominee is selected. Polls said Reagan would lose to Carter right up until just weeks before the election and he won with a landslide. Seriously, you need to step back from the "Cruz can't win" bottle and sober up.
Cruz can't win.
Both parties only offer dogsshit
I think we all lose in November
A freaken man. It's a regular three ring circus. I mean I can't believe what just happened. Probably the single most entertaining Presidential nominations in my life. Central casting couldn't come up with a better cast of villains than this. Then Scalia thumps in a Texas bordello right out of know where and all hell is breaking lose.

This has the potential to be as great a show as 2000. :)
I think the country, who have placed a majority of conservatives in congress, want a conservative replacement. To have an imbalanced court would be to crap all over our constitution because partisanship and ambitious special interest would take advantage.
Well you don't get to choose. President does. :)
Justices are considering a major challenge to public sector unions, a race-conscious admissions plan at the University of Texas, the first big abortion case since 2007, challenges to voting rights, the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate and a challenge to President Barack Obama's immigration actions.

Although in some of the cases, the late Justice Antonin Scalia probably indicated to his colleagues in conference which way he was going to vote, those preliminary votes aren't binding and are now void.

The court can try to go ahead, but on cases where they are split 4-4 , their only options are to leave the lower court decision intact or to hold the case over until Justice Scalia's replacement is confirmed.

In the coming weeks, the court could signal that it was going to "hold over" some cases that might be 4-4 but it would be more likely the justices would do that if they thought there would be a new justice confirmed.
Likewise, many cons would vote for a Satanic cult's rat familiar if it was running against a D with an R next to its name

And in this election, while I wouldn't do the same, I wouldn't blame either of them if they are true party believers. The reality is, party over personality when the SCOTUS is in play like this. If the Rs decide to take away the campaign issue for some inexplicable reason they would lose everything, the conservatives would never forgive.

Anyway, nobody is going to be confirmed. The only way I see anybody appointed is if Mitch McConnell decides to actually go on recess to allow Obama a recess appointee who would hold the office until the end of the next Senate session. I do not predict that either. There will be no confirmation and the Senate will carefully ensure there are a few around for a pro forma session every time they leave town...
No. Just a high probability of them. Anything is possible Damo. Cruz winning would be a shocking surprise and you know it.

Not to me, nor to many. Shoot the latest Quinnipiac poll has Cruz and Hillary tied.

HillBillary is very, very vulnerable due to her legal issues and there is no chance that Sanders will be nominated at this point because super delegates will win the day for HillBillary regardless of whether he wins any more states along the way. They still have the same number of delegates because HillBillary owns the party's super delegates.