She's finished.......

YOU are a real fucking ASSHOLE in fact assholes are useful and you are NOT so you are a fucking half an asshole.
Go away and when you get the balls little kid to answer a SIMPLE YES or NO question come back and we will talk .
Maybe and I don't think so you MIGHT GROW UP by then.
Have a nice day you fucking MORON
You aren't asking a question, Tball.
Looks like you never figured out what the electoral college is or why it exists.

If you could actually read you'll note I explicitly discussed the EC in my post. I just didn't use the words Electoral College.

You see, this is why I think you might be a bit slow.
I understand that when your guy is repulsive to over 50% of the population the ONLY strategy that gets your guy in is to play the Electoral College. That's fair. It's how the game is played here.

But don't for a second think your guy is actually popular.
who gives a fuck how many Californians and New Yorkers the Demmycrats can need universal popularity over all fifty states to get elected here.......
I understand that when your guy is repulsive to over 50% of the population the ONLY strategy that gets your guy in is to play the Electoral College. That's fair. It's how the game is played here.

But don't for a second think your guy is actually popular.
Yeah. Just go ahead and ignore it. You'll just be one of the "REEEEEEE!" when Trump wins.