She's finished.......

In America LAND doesn't vote but PEOPLE do. So if you have a lot of PEOPLE who vote for someone they are "more popular".

Thankfully in the US we have tried to fix this gross injustice by implementing the Electoral College which helps balance out the vote from those places that have so few people.
Looks like you never figured out what the electoral college is or why it exists.
Congress has to pass a law outlawing the winner take all BS.
Congress has no authority to change the Constitution.
Winner take all takes away peoples votes.
The President is not elected by popular vote. It is DEMOCRATS that take away people's votes. DEMOCRAT election fraud takes away people's votes. Democrats took away people's votes when they installed Kamala as the 'nominee'.
IMO it should be on the Congressional district level, every congressional district gets one appointee to the EC as it is now and who ever wins the most districts in the state should get the two state appointees. as it is now a state like NY has 27 districts and if 14 of them vote Dem and 13 all republican the state gives the Dem candidate all 29 appointees to the EC. ( 27 districts and the 2 state appointees )
So goes your opinion, discarding the Constitution as always.
So the peoples wished in those 13 districts don't count.
And say in one of those 14 districts the winner came down to one vote, it is possible , so because of one vote millions of peoples votes don't matter.
IMO as I said the winner take all BS has to stop and as it is now I believe 49 out of 50 states use it.
And go to a Congressional district appointment of their appointee to the EC.
have a nice day
You think your ignoring the Constitution is 'having a nice day'???
Yup. That's really the MOST confusing thing to me. Trump MUST be doing some form of "Performance Art" because I've never heard a grown adult man explain away his mistakes and blame everyone and everything else but himself and I have to wonder if is either REALLY stupid or playing a joke on everyone.

And the cult definitely marches in lock step. It's SO WEIRD.
It is weird and puzzling to normal, ethical people.

To Trump, admitting a mistake is seen as weakness. Ditto for his Cult followers. They see committing a crime or telling an obvious lie and then doubling down on it forcefully as "strength." Note all the JPP Cult members who do this every day -- Volsrock, pEarl, Toxic, Stoned, etc.

And these people think that they represent the average American. Disgusting.
Congress has no authority to change the Constitution.

The President is not elected by popular vote. It is DEMOCRATS that take away people's votes. DEMOCRAT election fraud takes away people's votes. Democrats took away people's votes when they installed Kamala as the 'nominee'.

So goes your opinion, discarding the Constitution as always.

You think your ignoring the Constitution is 'having a nice day'??
NO fucking shit asshole it is the EC that needs to be changed , and I already know it is all up to the states to decide how they want to appoint their delegates to the EC.
Have a nice night ASSHOLE
It is weird and puzzling to normal, ethical people.

To Trump, admitting a mistake is seen as weakness. Ditto for his Cult followers. They see committing a crime or telling an obvious lie and then doubling down on it forcefully as "strength." Note all the JPP Cult members who do this every day -- Volsrock, pEarl, Toxic, Stoned, etc.

And these people think that they represent the average American. Disgusting.
You are describing Democrats again.
So you don't agree with the Constitution. Gotit. I already knew that.
Making shit up again we ALL see.
Where am I NOT agreeing with the CONSTITUTION?????
I just said Congress should look into making a law against the winner take all BS because it takes peoples voice on who they choose to be President away from them.
IF they decide it is against the Constitution so be it.
But not having the winner take all BS it would give the voter more say in who becomes President.
As I showed in my example , NY has 27 Congressional districts if 14 districts vote Republican and 13 Dem all the states delegates to the EC go to the Republican, and say one of those districts went to that Republican by ONE vote that one vote negates millions of other peoples votes, Is that right?
And I know it never comes down to only one vote, but it IS a possibility.
And YOU are the one backing Trump for President , the man wants to stomp on peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights and you are so fucking stupid you don't even see it.
It is YOU who is the one that is anti Constitution Not me.
Have a nice night you fucking idiot
Blatant lie. A loaded question is not a question.
Mantra 1a. Lame.
LOL so you can't answer a simple YES or NO question?
That is how STUPID YOU are.
You keep trying to change the subject to try and cover up the FACT you are too stupid to answer a simple YES or NO question.
Have a nice night ASSHOLE.
In America LAND doesn't vote but PEOPLE do. So if you have a lot of PEOPLE who vote for someone they are "more popular".

Thankfully in the US we have tried to fix this gross injustice by implementing the Electoral College which helps balance out the vote from those places that have so few people.
??? run with that.......
Making shit up again we ALL see.
Nah. That's YOU.
Where am I NOT agreeing with the CONSTITUTION?????
I just said Congress should look into making a law against the winner take all BS because it takes peoples voice on who they choose to be President away from them.
Congress as no such authority. You are ignoring the Constitution again.
IF they decide it is against the Constitution so be it.
So you deny and discard the Constitution. Gotit.
But not having the winner take all BS it would give the voter more say in who becomes President.
The President is not elected by popular vote.
As I showed in my example , NY has 27 Congressional districts if 14 districts vote Republican and 13 Dem all the states delegates to the EC go to the Republican,
Nope. The electoral college members are chosen by a State legislature. NY is currently not a State of the Union. It does not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the Constitution of the State of New York. It's current form of government is oligarchy.
And YOU are the one backing Trump for President,
That's right. Along with many others.
the man wants to stomp on peoples CONSTITUTIONAL rights and you are so fucking stupid you don't even see it.
It is YOU who is the one that is anti Constitution Not me.
Have a nice night you fucking idiot
Nah. That's YOU.


Congress as no such authority. You are ignoring the Constitution again.

So you deny and discard the Constitution. Gotit.

The President is not elected by popular vote.

Nope. The electoral college members are chosen by a State legislature. NY is currently not a State of the Union. It does not recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the Constitution of the State of New York. It's current form of government is oligarchy.
ANOTHER one of your posts that doesn't have one HONEST STATEMENT IN IT.
have a nice day you fucking LIAR
You are just describing yourself again, moron. Inversion fallacy. Mantra 1a. Lame.
YOU are a real fucking ASSHOLE in fact assholes are useful and you are NOT so you are a fucking half an asshole.
Go away and when you get the balls little kid to answer a SIMPLE YES or NO question come back and we will talk .
Maybe and I don't think so you MIGHT GROW UP by then.
Have a nice day you fucking MORON