Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

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I vote no

If you don’t like the use of certain terms then ignore that poster.

The idea seems innocuous enough. But then the request will come to ban other types of words on the basis of banning racial slurs. And while one thinks the list would be “objective” there would be those who seek to abuse it

JPP is just fine as it is
This is a fine line for a forum that is known for the having the most freedom of speech. Racial slurs and racism are not very welcome from either side of the aisle, but they are in fact relevant to politics.

Very relevant, good point. That being said, it is possible to be racist -- or to discuss racism -- without the constant use of the n-word that some here seem incapable of posting without. Some of the most racist ppl here manage to let their white sheets show w/o using direct slurs. Check out the winner here.
no. the stupids here already deem any and everything to be a racial slur. example: Roseanne barr only described the appearance of that treason monger Valerie jarrett. Roseanne did not say she was superior to that planet of the apes/ muslim brotherhood hybrid.
The problem is, the racist right will think calling out racist whites is a racial slur. They seem to always get away with "both sides do it". Their false equivalencies will have honest people banned for speaking the truth.

Why not ban those who threaten another posters life? That's more reasonable.
Should a new rule be proposed banning the use of racial slurs?

I am of two minds about it.
On one hand it would make this place a lot more civilized.
On the other hand, sometimes the use of racial slurs is the only way we have of knowing for sure who the savage racist scumbags are when they can not control themselves and reveal themselves.
I am of two minds about it. On one hand it would make this place a lot more civilized. On the other hand, sometimes the use of racial slurs is the only way we have of knowing for sure who the savage racist scumbags are when they can not control themselves and reveal themselves.

I beg to differ, my dear Brother.

Here's why; in my experience, racists are detectable even when they don't use overt racial slurs.

As an example, would you be able to tell that CFM is a ridiculously rank racist even if he didn't spell out his favorite racial slur?

I believe that you would, as would I.

The key to making such a ban work would be a clearly-defined list of proscribed racial slurs with no room for subjective judgment or speculation by either forum members or Moderators, in my opinion.

I have no issue with allowing racists to post on JPP. After all, I find Desh quite amusing.
I beg to differ, my dear Brother.

Here's why; in my experience, racists are detectable even when they don't use overt racial slurs.

As an example, would you be able to tell that CFM is a ridiculously rank racist even if he didn't spell out his favorite racial slur?

I believe that you would, as would I.

The key to making such a ban work would be a clearly-defined list of proscribed racial slurs with no room for subjective judgment or speculation by either forum members or Moderators, in my opinion.

I have no issue with allowing racists to post on JPP. After all, I find Desh quite amusing.

What would your list be?
What would your list be?

I don't know. Unless Damocles agrees to move forward, there's no point in putting a list together. I'd hope he would solicit suggestions from all of us and out it to a vote. My choices may not be the same as other people's anyway.
The freedom of speech here distinguishes this board from a million other control freak sites on the web.

Requesting another adult remove words from a widdle box on my screen is unnecessary and quite ridiculous.