Should America tell China they can have Taiwan?

Yeah. Where is Taiwan located?

Perhaps you should find out before starting WWIII. ;)

It wouldn't hurt to study upon on modern means to project force or what it would take for China to invade and hold Taiwan. What would it cost them in the long run?

If China is engaged in Taiwan and SEA, would Russia feel like taking a piece out of China's backside? Would the US help them? LOL

Where would India lean to in such a dispute? Japan? They aren't stupid. They can see the writing on the wall if China embarks on a path of conquest.


Take them at face value unless you have evidence to the contrary. The fact remains the Pakis have problems of their own including radical Jihadists.

"The Trump administration’s decision to suspend military aid to Pakistan is one of the most significant U.S. punitive actions against Pakistan since 2001. The United States has long been frustrated with Pakistan’s persistent acquiescence to safe havens for the Afghan Taliban and its vicious Haqqani branch in Pakistan (both of which benefit more from misgovernance in Afghanistan, but Pakistan’s aid helps a lot). Worse yet, Pakistan has provided direct military and intelligence aid to both groups, resulting in the deaths of U.S. soldiers, Afghan security personnel, and civilians, plus significant destabilization of Afghanistan."
Perhaps you should find out before starting WWIII. ;)

It wouldn't hurt to study upon on modern means to project force or what it would take for China to invade and hold Taiwan. What would it cost them in the long run?

If China is engaged in Taiwan and SEA, would Russia feel like taking a piece out of China's backside? Would the US help them? LOL

Where would India lean to in such a dispute? Japan? They aren't stupid. They can see the writing on the wall if China embarks on a path of conquest.


I think you proved my point.

"Pakistan’s close relationship with the Taliban, in particular, is considered central to solving the current situation in Afghanistan. Though it is not the only regional state that has links with the Taliban, it is viewed by the US as the most important in getting the Taliban to the negotiating table for talks to end the 18 years of war. This is as the country’s military has old links with the Afghan militia dating back to the birth of the group during the mid-1990s."

Awesome! Thanks.
The bombs were useless without the codes....except for the fissionable material inside. That could be remade into a Paki or North Korean bomb-frame or simply turned into a dirty bomb.

Regardless, the US didn't want them on the street and the Ukraine wanted to be a friend of the US....because the fucking Russians are assholes who already murdered people in Georgia and Chechnya.

The good news is that Global Warming is making Ukraine and the Black Sea less important. LOL

Yeah, the USA & UK betrayed Ukraine.
Your point was questioning US reliability in the face of a war with China over their attack on Taiwan.

Jack: "Tough to carry on a War when it's on the other side of the Planet."
Dutch --->Posts Map of China and Taiwan.

"The Taiwan Strait is a 180-kilometer (110 mi)-wide strait separating the island of Taiwan and continental Asia. The strait is part of the South China Sea and connects to the East China Sea to the north. The narrowest part is 130 km (81 mi) wide.[1]"

My reply was to your Post indicating China and Taiwan are close neighbors, while the US is on 'the other side of the Planet'.
Jack: "Tough to carry on a War when it's on the other side of the Planet."
Dutch --->Posts Map of China and Taiwan.

"The Taiwan Strait is a 180-kilometer (110 mi)-wide strait separating the island of Taiwan and continental Asia. The strait is part of the South China Sea and connects to the East China Sea to the north. The narrowest part is 130 km (81 mi) wide.[1]"

My reply was to your Post indicating China and Taiwan are close neighbors, while the US is on 'the other side of the Planet'.

So? You dodged the big question of what China's neighbors think about China taking over other nations by conquest.

Given your stance, it's obvious you want to appease China by giving them Taiwan. Fortunately, most of the fucking morons who think appeasement works were voted out of office but I'm sure you can push for a comeback. :thup:
So? You dodged the big question of what China's neighbors think about China taking over other nations by conquest.

Given your stance, it's obvious you want to appease China by giving them Taiwan. Fortunately, most of the fucking morons who think appeasement works were voted out of office but I'm sure you can push for a comeback. :thup:

I stated the obvious. Taiwan is an offshore island next to China, ... and the US is on the other side of the world.

As to your question about 'China's neighbors': My guess would be that they think Taiwan is 'Chinese' and that it's a 'Family Affair'.
Similar to Russia and Crimea.
I stated the obvious. Taiwan is an offshore island next to China, ... and the US is on the other side of the world.

As to your question about 'China's neighbors': My guess would be that they think Taiwan is 'Chinese' and that it's a 'Family Affair'.
Similar to Russia and Crimea.
How long does it take a missile to fly over the Pacific?

In the days of wooden ships and iron men, you'd have a point. In 2021, not so much.

This link discusses the issue along with the "sealift" issue:

The question I'm disagreeing with you isn't "Can they do it?" since the PRC most certainly has the capability, but "What are the consequences if they do?"

As long as the consequences of a Chinese attack on Taiwan are negative for China, especially considering the "buy them" plan, then China won't attack. They're not stupid. They won't risk a multifront war by attacking their neighbors without provocation.
How long does it take a missile to fly over the Pacific?

In the days of wooden ships and iron men, you'd have a point. In 2021, not so much.

This link discusses the issue along with the "sealift" issue:

The question I'm disagreeing with you isn't "Can they do it?" since the PRC most certainly has the capability, but "What are the consequences if they do?"

As long as the consequences of a Chinese attack on Taiwan are negative for China, especially considering the "buy them" plan, then China won't attack. They're not stupid. They won't risk a multifront war by attacking their neighbors without provocation.

China 'annexing' Taiwan will be similar to Russia 'annexing' Crimea.
A good "partner" does not invade and occupy the other partner's land.

Correct which is why GW Bush's unprovoked attack on Iraq was akin to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and cost our nation all the global good will and support garnered after 9/11.

....the same 9/11 several RWNJs are claiming was set up by Bush, presumably with Dick Cheney watching from a helicopter as he pushed the detonator button. See the cannonball arc? :laugh:

With 911 quickly approaching, can anyone explain why the laws of physics didn't apply to Lower Manhattan?

Two ton exoskeleton panels rocketed upward and outward in a cannonball arc at 70 mph and landed 500 feet away. Newton's laws of motion would require a hell of a lot of energy to send all that mass flying. Can you see the 2 ton panels in a cannonball arc? Where did all that energy (force) come from?

We were taught about the cannonball arc in 7th grade math. Amount of energy (gunpowder) to shoot the cannonball (mass) x distance. The twin towers exploding in a cannonball arc means the explosives were already in the towers before the planes hit. How did it get there?
China 'annexing' Taiwan will be similar to Russia 'annexing' Crimea.

Okay. $50 bet you're wrong. Loser donates the money to JPP in the winner's name. Another $50 that it doesn't happen over the next two years. Deal? :laugh:
Okay. $50 bet you're wrong. Loser donates the money to JPP in the winner's name. Another $50 that it doesn't happen over the next two years. Deal? :laugh:

:) China is in this for the long haul. I have no idea when it will happen.


"For more than forty years, the United States has played an indispensable role helping the Chinese government build a booming economy, develop its scientific and military capabilities, and take its place on the world stage, in the belief that China’s rise will bring us cooperation, diplomacy, and free trade. But what if the “China Dream” is to replace us, just as America replaced the British Empire, without firing a shot?"
:) China is in this for the long haul. I have no idea when it will happen.


"For more than forty years, the United States has played an indispensable role helping the Chinese government build a booming economy, develop its scientific and military capabilities, and take its place on the world stage, in the belief that China’s rise will bring us cooperation, diplomacy, and free trade. But what if the “China Dream” is to replace us, just as America replaced the British Empire, without firing a shot?"
Agreed on the long haul, which has always been my point.

Dude, the longer it takes the more likely China will just buy them out. What happens when China starts "investing" in Taiwan? Building factories there? Allows a "passportless" entry for Taiwanese and ask for reciprocity?

In the end, China will be so threaded through Taiwan that, like the German reunification plan or reverse Brexit, Taiwan will ask to be reunited....because most of their voters are Chinese or have Chinese relatives.

Jack, you're smart not to take the best because you'd lose. :laugh:
Agreed on the long haul, which has always been my point.

Dude, the longer it takes the more likely China will just buy them out. What happens when China starts "investing" in Taiwan? Building factories there? Allows a "passportless" entry for Taiwanese and ask for reciprocity?

In the end, China will be so threaded through Taiwan that, like the German reunification plan or reverse Brexit, Taiwan will ask to be reunited....because most of their voters are Chinese or have Chinese relatives.

Jack, you're smart not to take the best because you'd lose. :laugh:

So, we both can see a 're-unified' China.