Should childcare be subsidized??

Until you can provide proof of the claim you made about helping others, I own you. Do you have names of all those you say can verify you do what you say you do for them? I'm waiting.

PROVE YOU OWN HIM!! You can't, so he must own you then.....:rofl2:
why would someone even start a thread about subsidizing childcare?

If you knew the definition of subsidizing you would know how stupid the question is
You are a very discouraging person, so in your expertise you would discourage them how??

What do you propose to convince the parents that already have kids to stop producing MORE they can't support? Seems you think giving them more and more each time they have a kid will encourage them to be more responsible.

Since those parents that already have kids the taxpayers support don't seem to care that taxpayers have to support the additional ones they have, stop providing them with more when they have more.