Should childcare be subsidized??

I want mom/dad to support their own kids. How they do it is irrelevant as long as the one that produced the kids are doing the supporting. It's up to them to find a way to do it.

dear fucking idiot,

public school is legal and prefectly coinstitutional

if the people vote for public school to be extended by being public day care then you dont get what you want

YOU are not king corn holer

fuck you very much
becuase that wont cover it grind

public school used to not cover as many grades

we just increase it


dont you like science
Head Start children fare better years later.* Researching the long-term impacts of Head Start, Harvard’s David Deming found that children who participated in the program between 1984 and 1990 later were more likely to complete high school, less likely to be out of school and out of work, and less likely to be in poor health.* Head Start, he concluded, “closes one-third of the gap” on a combined measure of adult outcomes “between children with median and bottom-quartile family income.”* Some questions remain about whether the advantage that Head Start children enjoy when they enter kindergarten endures in later school years, and there is broad agreement that policymakers should pursue further reforms to strengthen the program’s impacts in these areas.* But Deming tracked children for a longer period, beyond just their school years, and he found that the program’s positive influence is evident in later years in various important areas of children’s lives such as high school completion, college enrollment, health status, and being either employed or in school. [37]
Similarly, the University of Chicago’s Jens Ludwig and the University of California at Davis’ Douglas Miller find evidence that Head Start has a positive effect on children’s health — specifically, that mortality rates among children aged 5 to 9 fell due to screenings conducted as part of Head Start’s health services.[38]

post 159

accept reality
Maybe that's the choice they made, *****. Ever thought about that?

Why, whatever the situation may be, are those of us that didn't produce the child required to support that child when those that did produce it fail to do their job?

I've said it before. Unless I got the pussy the child came out of, the child isn't my responsibility to support.


In some places it is almost impossible to afford, especially for the "less affluent"...

If it is through the employer or private sector and voluntary; I am all for it. Public subsidies; a stupid Progressive idea that needs to be flushed down the sewer with all their other painfully stupid ideas.
If it is through the employer or private sector and voluntary; I am all for it. Public subsidies; a stupid Progressive idea that needs to be flushed down the sewer with all their other painfully stupid ideas.

the studies prove you are a lying factless sociopath

lets see FACTS or a racist internets poster


I pick facts

fuck off racist
poor contard cant incorporate facties into his thoughts

they hurt his brain

Poor lunatic can't distinguish OPINION from a CLAIM. You're brain dead which explains why you are a poster child for the Party of the Jackasses constituency.

dear fucking idiot,

public school is legal and prefectly coinstitutional

if the people vote for public school to be extended by being public day care then you dont get what you want

YOU are not king corn holer

fuck you very much

I'm king over you, bitch.

Get in the kitchen and cook me a meal like a good little servant.
I like this post. I would add "learn to live within your means." I know, that sounds mean but hear me out. Our science teacher is an example of what I'm talking about. Has three kids. His family could make a lot more money if his wife worked. They choose not too, have a very modest house and drive modest vehicles and ... wait for debt. On a salary of around $32K. They have the simplest of cell plans, no cable TV. Ask them the main reason they choose to do this and they'll say so that [hiswife] can take care of the kids.

That is great for those kids.:)

Don't see that very often any more.......
My god. Why not just send them to govt funded camps and let the govt raise kids. We are basically there with some.

We need to discourage having kids, not encourage. I know libs are desperate to refill their welfare voting block, but its destroying the county.

You are a very discouraging person, so in your expertise you would discourage them how??