Should childcare be subsidized??

I don't have to be a psychic to know you don't do what you claim. All I have to do is look at your failure to provide proof.

As for being psycho, that's you. Claiming you do something, being unable to prove it, yet expecting people to believe your claims.

So tell CFM. What minority kicked your ass again today? Which one of your bosses made you look the fool again.
I do not think that was the assumption at all. If someone was trying to work and get ahead, a single parent, and cannot afford childcare while they are at work, why not help them? They are working, paying taxes, trying to make something of themselves. Better than staying home on public assistance with no choice right?
Wrong. This us a problem that gets solved every day by millions.
Show them how? Ok but it starts with better decision making and personal responsibility. Ideas so at odds with leftist thinking.
My god. Why not just send them to govt funded camps and let the govt raise kids. We are basically there with some.

We need to discourage having kids, not encourage. I know libs are desperate to refill their welfare voting block, but its destroying the county.
Should childcare be subsidized??

No. We already pay millions for his golfing extravaganzas he tries to hide. trump should have to pay for his own care.
So tell CFM. What minority kicked your ass again today? Which one of your bosses made you look the fool again.

So tell me Sailor, which group will you claim to have helped today yet provide no proof of it?

I'm your boss. I own you and you don't even know it.
I agree. It's quite apparent that I don't. It's also quite apparent you're a liar because you won't provide proof of your claim.

He never does. Sailor is just a common high volume troll. Trolls are lazy by nature.

I bought a house in an urban area. I made sure it was up high at 1000 feet elevation. Street urchin criminals are lazy, they don't feel like walking up hills. Same with trolls like Sailor. Lazy. No facts. He wants low hanging troll fruit and moves on if he doesn't get it.
He won't work for anything. He just says shit, poses and preens himself and never writes anything worth reading.
Blowjob.., cough cough. Church is a tax scam. Your contributions to it are deducted and it doesn't get taxed on the gifts.

Those contributions are only deducted if the person making them itemizes deductions AND claims them. Someone taking the standard deduction can't do that.

By the way, those receiving "gifts" through social welfare programs don't pay taxes on them and those forced to fund them don't get a deduction for doing so.
How many kids is your church babysitting each day?? Your domination??

How many kids you want the Catholic priests to babysit??

You want the mom/dad home babysitting or doing a job that brings home a paycheck.....

I want mom/dad to support their own kids. How they do it is irrelevant as long as the one that produced the kids are doing the supporting. It's up to them to find a way to do it.
this is why people hate the Repukes and love the democrats. The post of the deplorable you responded to, that is. Everyone knows the philosophical and real world tension between absolute freedom and egality. So when Pukes offer "why should I pay shit for anything I don't want to" arguments, it does not even acknowledge that tension exists. Only the democrats have it right, a balancing of interests where nobidy is totally happy and nobody is totally fucked. The republicans philosophy is now pure selfishness and lack of compassion. Government has no role AT ALL making moral, ethical and compassionate adjustments. Just horrible.

I can't be selfish or have a lack of compassion for things that aren't my responsibility. It's not why should I pay shit for anything I don't want to, it's I shouldn't be forcedto pay for things on the behalf of others when it's not my responsibility to do so. Big difference.

Government has no role in making moral adjustments. Liberals love to say don't push your morals on me yet have no problem pushing theirs when it suits them. Hypocrites.
you lost the taxes are theft debate 200 years ago anti federalist papers jack off

So sad you oppose personal responsibility. Why is that? Why should anyone be forced to support another person's kids when the parents of that kid don't think enough of him/her to support what they produced?
He never does. Sailor is just a common high volume troll. Trolls are lazy by nature.

I bought a house in an urban area. I made sure it was up high at 1000 feet elevation. Street urchin criminals are lazy, they don't feel like walking up hills. Same with trolls like Sailor. Lazy. No facts. He wants low hanging troll fruit and moves on if he doesn't get it.
He won't work for anything. He just says shit, poses and preens himself and never writes anything worth reading.

You are still on delusional, butt hurt idiot. Just because you consistently get your ass handed to you with your own bullshit, learn how to deal with it. Or at least become smarter.
You are still on delusional, butt hurt idiot. Just because you consistently get your ass handed to you with your own bullshit, learn how to deal with it. Or at least become smarter.

I'm still waiting on the proof that you actually what you CLAIM to do. Do you have any?