Should childcare be subsidized??

The only thing that can be proven on the internet is desperation and ignorance. You alway, and I mean always, do a great job of proving that.

So you have no proof? Just another liar that claims he does something yet has no proof of it. If you can't prove your claims of what you say you do, don't claim it. It's that simple. When you have your proof, I'll be glad to look at it. Until then, just another braggart that can't back up what he says.
So you have no proof? Just another liar that claims he does something yet has no proof of it. If you can't prove your claims of what you say you do, don't claim it. It's that simple. When you have your proof, I'll be glad to look at it. Until then, just another braggart that can't back up what he says.

Plenty of proof. The folks that receive it see it everyday. You there wannabe, when people actually do what they say they do, they generally are more a mellow type of person. I can see why you are so desperate and and asshole. Read that twice.
Head Start children fare better years later.* Researching the long-term impacts of Head Start, Harvard’s David Deming found that children who participated in the program between 1984 and 1990 later were more likely to complete high school, less likely to be out of school and out of work, and less likely to be in poor health.* Head Start, he concluded, “closes one-third of the gap” on a combined measure of adult outcomes “between children with median and bottom-quartile family income.”* Some questions remain about whether the advantage that Head Start children enjoy when they enter kindergarten endures in later school years, and there is broad agreement that policymakers should pursue further reforms to strengthen the program’s impacts in these areas.* But Deming tracked children for a longer period, beyond just their school years, and he found that the program’s positive influence is evident in later years in various important areas of children’s lives such as high school completion, college enrollment, health status, and being either employed or in school. [37]
Similarly, the University of Chicago’s Jens Ludwig and the University of California at Davis’ Douglas Miller find evidence that Head Start has a positive effect on children’s health — specifically, that mortality rates among children aged 5 to 9 fell due to screenings conducted as part of Head Start’s health services.[38]

You pretend to cry and whine in wanting TRUTH presented then you paste some left wing propaganda piece of shit...that knows nothing concerning objectivity and empirical evidence.

Yep....real objective "scientific terms" based upon the empirical evidence that "was not provided"......most likely, less likely. LAUGH MY ASS OFF. Real evidence.......:palm: The TRUTH? The quality of education that exists in the public system has dropped off exponentially since the 60s when the spending of over 22 trillion dollars over the next 50 years produced nothing but high school graduates that's incapable of reading above elementary grade school levels.

More truth in relation to tax spending and US PUBLIC EDUCATION? The US spends over 800 billion annually....compared to next 11 advanced western civilized nations that spend a fraction of that with a higher quality of education. Japan spends 160B, Australia 42B, Brazil 114B, Germany 130B, the UK 122B, etc.......

This demonstrates just how the liberal politicians in this nation use EDUCATION as an excuse to redistribute wealth with no concern whatsoever with the results of that wealth redistribution other than the purchase of votes at the ballot the US Ranks 50th around the world in the actual quality of that education with many small nations far out distancing the US in the vital areas of math and science, with the US not even in the top 10 in spite of outspending the other nations by as much as 10x. Then you bitch about the US having to import those with a quality education that's necessary to advance US security and technology because the SNOWFLAKES have been educated in the area's concerning SOCIAL JUSTICE and dumb downed in the area's of importance like math, science and even the basic skill of READING and WRITING. Employers are standing in line to hire more SOCIAL WORKERS...the poor children's need help.......:good4u:

Actual..."empirical data" compared to most likely, and less likely subjective bullshit?

Don't buy into the message...and you want to destroy the messenger? You can begin with CBS (that ultra conservative think tank that brought us such great hits as Rather Gate...etc.)

Hell even they know THE TRUTH. Throwing money (as in tax money) at a problem and calling it FIXED is total Bullshit.

Yet that does not stop the DEPENDENT big spenders such as you and others from proudly holding out your soup bowl and begging...MORE SOUP PLEASE....sombidy gots to pay for my childs not doing enough...we need more of the have's earned income to spend on my childrens.... WE NEEDS TO BE SUBSIDIZED with our child's care.....:palm:

Give me a 'freak'n' the window and just once look at the REAL WORLD that surrounds you.

The United States of America does not have a TAX PROBLEM (over the entire nation the TAX Man collects over 7 trillion dollars annually...there's something drastically wrong when any nation finds itself about 20 trillion in debt in spite of the fact it collects that much every 3 years) the US has a problem with gross mismanagement of the peoples wealth by the overspending con artist politicians that assume everyone in the US to be as dumb downed as you appear to be.
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Plenty of proof. The folks that receive it see it everyday. You there wannabe, when people actually do what they say they do, they generally are more a mellow type of person. I can see why you are so desperate and and asshole. Read that twice.

Prove they see it every day.

When people actually do what they say they do, they're more than willing to prove it. You have said plenty and proven nothing.

The asshole is the one that makes claims about what he does then isn't man enough to back it up with proof. You only need to read it once to know you're a liar.
Prove they see it every day.

When people actually do what they say they do, they're more than willing to prove it. You have said plenty and proven nothing.

The asshole is the one that makes claims about what he does then isn't man enough to back it up with proof. You only need to read it once to know you're a liar.

You truly are a psychic, er, psycho.
Here's a novel concept for the brain dead Liberal shits here. How about mom and dad stay married, mom stays home and dad earns the living? Oh, but that's so passe and not hip in today's screwed up age.
Exactly. That's kind of the point. I can't speak for Anatta, but I didn't have kids because I knew I never could afford them. Ironic though that the deadbeats still think I'm supposed to pay for their rug rats...which I've done all my life. You're welcome.

This might take this thread in a different direction but what you are saying about taking the cost into consideration before having kids ... that is something conservative (and I think responsible) people do before procreating. As children often share the values of their parents, I also think it is why we conservative people are a dying breed. My dad (a conservative) was one of 9. My mother (also a conservative) was one of 21. I am 1 of 5 and of the 5 of us only three of us have had children ... totaling 5 kids. My sister has two, one brother has two and my one. This doesn't count those we have adopted but you can see the diminishing population of our people. I suspect that other conservatives have a similar story. I know that many in my circle of friends do.
You truly are a psychic, er, psycho.

I don't have to be a psychic to know you don't do what you claim. All I have to do is look at your failure to provide proof.

As for being psycho, that's you. Claiming you do something, being unable to prove it, yet expecting people to believe your claims.
Here's a novel concept for the brain dead Liberal $&@#%s here. How about mom and dad stay married, mom stays home and dad earns the living? Oh, but that's so passe and not hip in today's screwed up age.

I like this post. I would add "learn to live within your means." I know, that sounds mean but hear me out. Our science teacher is an example of what I'm talking about. Has three kids. His family could make a lot more money if his wife worked. They choose not too, have a very modest house and drive modest vehicles and ... wait for debt. On a salary of around $32K. They have the simplest of cell plans, no cable TV. Ask them the main reason they choose to do this and they'll say so that [hiswife] can take care of the kids.