Should childcare be subsidized??

Head Start children fare better years later.* Researching the long-term impacts of Head Start, Harvard’s David Deming found that children who participated in the program between 1984 and 1990 later were more likely to complete high school, less likely to be out of school and out of work, and less likely to be in poor health.* Head Start, he concluded, “closes one-third of the gap” on a combined measure of adult outcomes “between children with median and bottom-quartile family income.”* Some questions remain about whether the advantage that Head Start children enjoy when they enter kindergarten endures in later school years, and there is broad agreement that policymakers should pursue further reforms to strengthen the program’s impacts in these areas.* But Deming tracked children for a longer period, beyond just their school years, and he found that the program’s positive influence is evident in later years in various important areas of children’s lives such as high school completion, college enrollment, health status, and being either employed or in school. [37]
Similarly, the University of Chicago’s Jens Ludwig and the University of California at Davis’ Douglas Miller find evidence that Head Start has a positive effect on children’s health — specifically, that mortality rates among children aged 5 to 9 fell due to screenings conducted as part of Head Start’s health services.[38]
That's right, son. You can't be old enough to be considered a man or you'd act like one. You don't get determine what's right for anyone but yourself. That last thing it's your place to do it make that determination for me. If someone can't support the kids they produced, tough shit. I don't owe them a thing. If you think you do, provide it yourself and leave me out of it. MINE is for ME and MY family not some fucking freeloading piece of shit unwilling to do what they should be doing for themselves or their own damn kids.

Holy shit. Listen to Mr. Macho here. LMAO! You sound more like a whiny faggot to me.
I am beginning to think you and CFM are the same person. Just a split personality.

Head Start children fare better years later.* Researching the long-term impacts of Head Start, Harvard’s David Deming found that children who participated in the program between 1984 and 1990 later were more likely to complete high school, less likely to be out of school and out of work, and less likely to be in poor health.* Head Start, he concluded, “closes one-third of the gap” on a combined measure of adult outcomes “between children with median and bottom-quartile family income.”* Some questions remain about whether the advantage that Head Start children enjoy when they enter kindergarten endures in later school years, and there is broad agreement that policymakers should pursue further reforms to strengthen the program’s impacts in these areas.* But Deming tracked children for a longer period, beyond just their school years, and he found that the program’s positive influence is evident in later years in various important areas of children’s lives such as high school completion, college enrollment, health status, and being either employed or in school. [37]
Similarly, the University of Chicago’s Jens Ludwig and the University of California at Davis’ Douglas Miller find evidence that Head Start has a positive effect on children’s health — specifically, that mortality rates among children aged 5 to 9 fell due to screenings conducted as part of Head Start’s health services.[38]

do i need to break it up into smaller bits

do you need a spoon
You sound a bit jealous there poor boy. Whats the matter? Minimum wage not cutting it for you? Cannot even afford to give a homeless guy a bottle of water or a sandwich?

Don't confuse not my responsibility with inability. Because I can doesn't make it my responsibility to do so.

You've claimed to do certain things yet have provided zero proof of doing it. Do you have any proof that can be verified or do you simply expect the rest of us to believe it because you said it?
So why are you talking about food stamps? It appears you have zero problem with your tax monies going to keeping people home and not working to raise kids. You are the last person I thought would have no problem with that.

The assumption is that retail childcare is the only option.
It's not.
But more to the point, why would you have a child you cannot care for ? If you did anyway, why would you not solve your problem yourself ?
Head Start children fare better years later.* Researching the long-term impacts of Head Start, Harvard’s David Deming found that children who participated in the program between 1984 and 1990 later were more likely to complete high school, less likely to be out of school and out of work, and less likely to be in poor health.* Head Start, he concluded, “closes one-third of the gap” on a combined measure of adult outcomes “between children with median and bottom-quartile family income.”* Some questions remain about whether the advantage that Head Start children enjoy when they enter kindergarten endures in later school years, and there is broad agreement that policymakers should pursue further reforms to strengthen the program’s impacts in these areas.* But Deming tracked children for a longer period, beyond just their school years, and he found that the program’s positive influence is evident in later years in various important areas of children’s lives such as high school completion, college enrollment, health status, and being either employed or in school. [37]
Similarly, the University of Chicago’s Jens Ludwig and the University of California at Davis’ Douglas Miller find evidence that Head Start has a positive effect on children’s health — specifically, that mortality rates among children aged 5 to 9 fell due to screenings conducted as part of Head Start’s health services.[38]

they are working so hard ti keep the factys away

run run run
Holy shit. Listen to Mr. Macho here. LMAO! You sound more like a whiny faggot to me.

Says the one that CLAIMS to do things he has yet to prove. Where's the proof Mr. Braggart?

It's not about being macho. It's about being responsible. Try is sometime.
you want to spend more money to watch children suffer in hunger and become sicker less functioning adults all their lives so you can wag your finger at their parents?

but wow

the factless life aint very attractive
The assumption is that retail childcare is the only option.
It's not.
But more to the point, why would you have a child you cannot care for ? If you did anyway, why would you not solve your problem yourself ?

I do not think that was the assumption at all. If someone was trying to work and get ahead, a single parent, and cannot afford childcare while they are at work, why not help them? They are working, paying taxes, trying to make something of themselves. Better than staying home on public assistance with no choice right?
Says the one that CLAIMS to do things he has yet to prove. Where's the proof Mr. Braggart?

It's not about being macho. It's about being responsible. Try is sometime.

No. You just confirmed you are a whiny faggot. You blame minorities for everything, you blame paying taxes for everything, you blame everyone but yourself for being where you are today in life. Here is some news for you. Some people were just born to live in trailer parks. You sound like you come from a long line of those.
Don't confuse not my responsibility with inability. Because I can doesn't make it my responsibility to do so.

You've claimed to do certain things yet have provided zero proof of doing it. Do you have any proof that can be verified or do you simply expect the rest of us to believe it because you said it?

The only thing that can be proven on the internet is desperation and ignorance. You alway, and I mean always, do a great job of proving that.
I do not think that was the assumption at all. If someone was trying to work and get ahead, a single parent, and cannot afford childcare while they are at work, why not help them? They are working, paying taxes, trying to make something of themselves. Better than staying home on public assistance with no choice right?

Why don't all you bleeding hearts pool your own money and help them instead of supporting the rest of us being forced to do so?

Paying what taxes? Income? That's not necessarily true. A single parent with two children doesn't pay federal income taxes until the household income is $39,200.

I've already addressed public assistance. Do away with it and let those of you that CLAIM you do thing continue to do so for them. Problem solved. You do what you SAY you do and I no longer am forced to do something that isn't my responsibility.
No. You just confirmed you are a whiny faggot. You blame minorities for everything, you blame paying taxes for everything, you blame everyone but yourself for being where you are today in life. Here is some news for you. Some people were just born to live in trailer parks. You sound like you come from a long line of those.

The only time I've been in a trailer park is to fuck your wife.