Should childcare be subsidized??

yes it does

it ignores all the sceince that BACKS the reality that they become better workers and add more to the economy when you properly take care of children

You fucks hate them SOOOOO much you lie about sceince to see children be treated like shit

you fucks are EVIL

Anyone not providing for their own kids treats them like shit.
I am not a liberal. Lots of "fathers" do not take responsibility for their children. Some mothers may not have had to work when they first had children, now they do, etc, etc. Daycare is expensive. I would rather have my tax monies going to help those that are trying to help themselves than just about anything else.

I have an easy solution for what you want. Bypass the tax part and the government being involved. Find all those that you think deserve the help you believe they should have and pay for that daycare on their behalf. We both get what we want. You help those you believe need help with YOUR money and I'm not forced to provide something to someone for which I hold no responsibility since I'm not their parent.

Why is that concept so hard to understand?
Don't you morons read anything? I spoon fed you ignorami the code section for the tax credit. It is tied to work and income. What actually exists should be the jumping off point for debate, no?

I provided you with a response. Unless you have childcare expenses, the code you referenced doesn't mean shit.
I have an easy solution for what you want. Bypass the tax part and the government being involved. Find all those that you think deserve the help you believe they should have and pay for that daycare on their behalf. We both get what we want. You help those you believe need help with YOUR money and I'm not forced to provide something to someone for which I hold no responsibility since I'm not their parent.

Why is that concept so hard to understand?

I can see as usual you never bothered to read the thread. Just come on in here and start with your diarrhea of the mouth. How about you got back and read it or just shut the fuck up?
I have an easy solution for what you want. Bypass the tax part and the government being involved. Find all those that you think deserve the help you believe they should have and pay for that daycare on their behalf. We both get what we want. You help those you believe need help with YOUR money and I'm not forced to provide something to someone for which I hold no responsibility since I'm not their parent.

Why is that concept so hard to understand?

fuck off

you lost the debate back when the constitution was written asshole

You would think that would be pretty obvious??

What should be obvious to you bleeding hearts is that if you believe someone else's kids need help, you can provide it without the government being involved. Simply provide the support directly to all those you choose to help with your own money. No one is stopping you except you.
I already do that. Let me ask you something ILA, is your ignorance self taught or were you born with it?

As long as the rest of us are forced to provide for someone else's kids when their parents won't do it, you're not doing enough.
What should be obvious to you bleeding hearts is that if you believe someone else's kids need help, you can provide it without the government being involved. Simply provide the support directly to all those you choose to help with your own money. No one is stopping you except you.

its been decided already brain dead one

your team lost
Common sense is pretty uncommon Wild Bill. It really is.

Common sense says if YOU think someone else's kids should be provided with something YOU think they should have, YOU should pay for it yourself directly. I don't anyone else's kids a damn thing. Unless I got the piece of pussy the child came out of, I have no responsibility to support that child, subsidize that child, or in any way fund something for that child. It's the responsibility of the woman that spread her legs and the sperm donor that dropped his load into what's between them.
You are just so jealous you can't distinguish between a hand-out & a investment??

If the parent is home baby sitting, he/she isn't working for a pay check, isn't in school, not in starbucks or Macy's buying stuff........

Maybe you can volunteer to help out w/ the 4 year old while he/she goes to work for a couple weeks since you're @ home all day...:D

When it comes to the concept of "free" college, if the kid's own parents don't think the kids is a good investment, neither do I.

I would stay with that 4 year old if I had a responsibility to it. Since I don't, the responsibility lies with the two that produced it.