Should childcare be subsidized??

How dumb can you be? Corporate welfare as an example can be flat out cash payments, legal bribes in addition to things like incentives in the form of credits against an already existing tax.

Take Walmart for example. "According to the Walmart Subsidy Watch, Walmart – the largest company in America, with earnings in excess of $16.5 billion in 2014 – has benefited from more than $1.2 billion in “tax breaks, free land, infrastructure assistance, low-cost financing, and outright grants from state and local governments.”

Money is money and the only diff between the gifts you hate and the ones you appear unconcerned about is your conservative masters have emphasized the progressive goodies to excoriate. Hence you observation bias. Plus you probably see poor people but corporate board rooms and reports are more invisible to you.

Key words STATE and LOCAL

While I oppose corporate welfare and rent seekers in general, if it is done at the state and local level it is a little more tolerable. I outright oppose it at the federal level.
How do you explain the strong correlation between where ones parents are on the socio economic ladder and where their kids wind up?

It's obviously a mix including environment, genes, nurture, choices, and yes, chance.

As an example here is a study with .5 which is significant. That would explain 25 percent of the variance. Thats strong. If it's r squared that'd be huge.

I never there isn't a correlation to those things, however it isn't always as cut and dried as LUCK.

There are three things a person, any person can do to avoid being in poverty. It is statistically known to work in most all cases. Here they are

1) Graduate high school. Notice I didn't say college? Just graduate high school
2) Avoid having kids until you are married. Yes, single parent mothers are the biggest risk factor of poverty
3) Get a job. Any job. No matter what job it is.

Do these three things and your odds of living in poverty are almost nil. Now, the real problem is how we define poverty in this country.
How dumb can you be? Corporate welfare as an example can be flat out cash payments, legal bribes in addition to things like incentives in the form of credits against an already existing tax.

Take Walmart for example. "According to the Walmart Subsidy Watch, Walmart – the largest company in America, with earnings in excess of $16.5 billion in 2014 – has benefited from more than $1.2 billion in “tax breaks, free land, infrastructure assistance, low-cost financing, and outright grants from state and local governments.”

Money is money and the only diff between the gifts you hate and the ones you appear unconcerned about is your conservative masters have emphasized the progressive goodies to excoriate. Hence you observation bias. Plus you probably see poor people but corporate board rooms and reports are more invisible to you.
Maybe parents & their children need to purchase a high powered lobbyist like those oil guys??? Certainly oil & making zillions is more important than just kids...:whome:
science says its then SMART thing for a society to do

they are more productive and end up needing less government help throughout their lives

only idiots dont support it
How dumb can you be? Corporate welfare as an example can be flat out cash payments, legal bribes in addition to things like incentives in the form of credits against an already existing tax.

Take Walmart for example. "According to the Walmart Subsidy Watch, Walmart – the largest company in America, with earnings in excess of $16.5 billion in 2014 – has benefited from more than $1.2 billion in “tax breaks, free land, infrastructure assistance, low-cost financing, and outright grants from state and local governments.”

Money is money and the only diff between the gifts you hate and the ones you appear unconcerned about is your conservative masters have emphasized the progressive goodies to excoriate. Hence you observation bias. Plus you probably see poor people but corporate board rooms and reports are more invisible to you.

Corporate "Welfare"? You mean the method that Obama Used in Bailing Out General Motors....taking funds from the general tax revenue to guarantee UNION PENSIONS and the continued existence of a Corporation listed as TO BIG TO FAIL? That's Corporate welfare. By what authority does Government get to pick winners and losers in a free market society?

Its not WELFARE when a corporation earns wealth and that wealth is not allowed to be taken by the Government...nor is that a Subsidy. Next we find "Corporate Welfare" on Wall Street where Obama has allowed the fed to pump in up to 85 Billion per order to fund the investment and banking firms. Again....a TAX BREAK is not corporate the wealth belongs to those who earned it...not to you liberals. The government is not giving anyone a damn thing by not stealing anyone's personal property and earned income.

If you want to see real Corporate Welfare....simply look at Obama's plan to actually print money for the Big...corporations that helped fund his campaign....and have mismanaged the stock holders investment into insolvency...yet these failed companies are bailed out with the tax payers dime. Crony capitalism personified.

As I said.....Where do you assume Grant Money comes from? The liberal fairy? Its all a wealth redistribution scam used to purchase and maintain a voter base for social communism. And really? Not taxing someone is a government "benefit"? Not taxing someone is not taking what was rightfully "earned" by another....that's not a benefit...unless you claim the government is better at taking, redistributing and spending YOUR EARNED INCOME than THE PEOPLE who actually earned it. If such were actually true and demonstrable.....just how does the US TAXPAYER now find itself almost 20 trillion dollars in spite of the fact that Big Brother takes in over 7.5 Trillion each year in those (wink, wink) BENEFITS/TAXES. Laugh My Ass Off.....only in liberal la la land are people such as you allowed to vote.

Do you have any other COMMUNIST opinions to add?
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dear fucking idiot

how many people do they now employ?

fuck you very much

"They Employee" is the key term....does the government pay the salaries of those employees? Of course not...every penny is EARNED INCOME..and not taking/stealing that personal wealth sure as hell is NOT A BENEFIT of being a US CITIZEN. Do you consider it a benefit....every time you walk down the street and Don't get mugged? Or is not stealing the righteous normal to begin with?
its not stealing idiot

Its what the founders did

they wrote the post office right into the constitution

the founders had no problems with the shit you complain about
Horseshit. That's all you ever do. Shovel shit. No facts, ever. You are like trump. Someone sucks up and you say good things, is honest and appears more intelligent than you and you pitch a fit and start your degradation ritual.

Prove just once I have not provided facts nor told the truth. The ball is in your court Zippy. Your limp wrists are still flailing about wildly in an attempt to dispel the reality of your stupidity and fraud. Not working.
Head Start children fare better years later.* Researching the long-term impacts of Head Start, Harvard’s David Deming found that children who participated in the program between 1984 and 1990 later were more likely to complete high school, less likely to be out of school and out of work, and less likely to be in poor health.* Head Start, he concluded, “closes one-third of the gap” on a combined measure of adult outcomes “between children with median and bottom-quartile family income.”* Some questions remain about whether the advantage that Head Start children enjoy when they enter kindergarten endures in later school years, and there is broad agreement that policymakers should pursue further reforms to strengthen the program’s impacts in these areas.* But Deming tracked children for a longer period, beyond just their school years, and he found that the program’s positive influence is evident in later years in various important areas of children’s lives such as high school completion, college enrollment, health status, and being either employed or in school. [37]
Similarly, the University of Chicago’s Jens Ludwig and the University of California at Davis’ Douglas Miller find evidence that Head Start has a positive effect on children’s health — specifically, that mortality rates among children aged 5 to 9 fell due to screenings conducted as part of Head Start’s health services.[38]