Should childcare be subsidized??

Head Start children fare better years later.* Researching the long-term impacts of Head Start, Harvard’s David Deming found that children who participated in the program between 1984 and 1990 later were more likely to complete high school, less likely to be out of school and out of work, and less likely to be in poor health.* Head Start, he concluded, “closes one-third of the gap” on a combined measure of adult outcomes “between children with median and bottom-quartile family income.”* Some questions remain about whether the advantage that Head Start children enjoy when they enter kindergarten endures in later school years, and there is broad agreement that policymakers should pursue further reforms to strengthen the program’s impacts in these areas.* But Deming tracked children for a longer period, beyond just their school years, and he found that the program’s positive influence is evident in later years in various important areas of children’s lives such as high school completion, college enrollment, health status, and being either employed or in school. [37]
Similarly, the University of Chicago’s Jens Ludwig and the University of California at Davis’ Douglas Miller find evidence that Head Start has a positive effect on children’s health — specifically, that mortality rates among children aged 5 to 9 fell due to screenings conducted as part of Head Start’s health services.[38]

Why don't you send them a check then? If I didn't bring them into this world, they are not my problem.
which is why you are hated for being an evil sociopath

we dont use mentally ill people to run policy

that is why the donnald is being kicked to the curb
which is why you are hated for being an evil sociopath

we dont use mentally ill people to run policy

that is why the donnald is being kicked to the curb

It's simple. Your neighbors are not charged with paying for YOUR childcare.

You brought them into the world and it's your job to take care of them.

Yours, not anyone else's.
so you would just allow your neighbors child to die in the street?
Define 'die in the street'. If it means if a child was injured or hit by a car, sure I would see they were helped. If it means paying to care for kids you brought into the world and can't pay for, no. That's your problem.
This is a good topic because it does get brought up and invariably European countries that heavily subsidize child care are used as the comparison.

No, it's just ANOTHER attempt by bleeding hearts to push the responsibility for funding on those that don't have the responsibility of funding it for someone else's kids.

Let me make it simple. I don't owe anyone but my own kids food, clothing, shelter, college, and childcare, etc. I don't owe anyone else's kids a damn thing. It's the responsibility of the ones that produced those kids to provide it for them.
its already law you stupid fucks

we treat any child

not doing so would mean lettting them die without care