Should childcare be subsidized??

You pay for a single moms daycare? I don't believe you. But if true, then good for you. Now get more to voluntarily follow your lead and we are on to something

More than one. Employees. Do you honestly think I give a rats ass if you believe me or not? As far as more volunteers, how about you put your money where your mouth is and step up to the plate? Think you can do it?

In some places it is almost impossible to afford, especially for the "less affluent"...

Child Care? Just what is the responsibility of the "parents"? The home care and nurturing of any child is the responsibility of the parents who bore the pleasure of producing said child.....its not the responsibility of your neighbors to take care of your child. Idea! If children are to expensive.....why not abstain from child bearing?

This reminds me of an older news story concerning the single mother who had 15 children and told the court, "SOMBIDY GO'NA haf ta pay me for my childs... you're not doing enough.
why do you hate your fellow humans so much

Most people are sociopaths on a superficial level, unless actually confronted with atrocity. It is what it is. They care for their biological families, and close friends. And even that is tested the second life changing filthy mamon comes into play.

That's why a society of elites made laws to keep the human seagull population off each other. They were wise. The wise should rule. Republicans are anti-wise people. Their ideas should be exterminated, one way or another.
Funny how that fraud beats you down like a redheaded step child.

You never say shit. You are joke. Everyone knows, by the way. When was the last time you offered a statistic, an event, a specific statute, a number attached to phenomena, some type of data at all in support of anything you ever assert? Answer seldom if EVER.

You do nothing but dish out carrots and sticks seeking to advance yourself in your pathetic mind on an unknown message board. Hey loser, it was "complement", like in geometry class in 5th grade you DUMBASS FRAUD!

More than one. Employees. Do you honestly think I give a rats ass if you believe me or not? As far as more volunteers, how about you put your money where your mouth is and step up to the plate? Think you can do it?

Pumping yourself up again? Why am I not surprised, pathetic clown.

"Love me respect me, I'm important wah wah wah"
Child Care? Just what is the responsibility of the "parents"? The home care and nurturing of any child is the responsibility of the parents who bore the pleasure of producing said child.....its not the responsibility of your neighbors to take care of your child. Idea! If children are to expensive.....why not abstain from child bearing?

This reminds me of an older news story concerning the single mother who had 15 children and told the court, "SOMBIDY GO'NA haf ta pay me for my childs... you're not doing enough.

Every thread seems to remind you of one of your pet peeves to squeeze in......

A subsidy isn't taking responsibility for the children.....SShhiisssSShhHH!!!

ThnX for your great solution of not having kids, but we are obviously beyond that in this conversation, so thnX again..
You never say shit. You are joke. Everyone knows, by the way. When was the last time you offered a statistic, an event, a specific statute, a number attached to phenomena, some type of data at all in support of anything you ever assert? Answer seldom if EVER.

You do nothing but dish out carrots and sticks seeking to advance yourself in your pathetic mind on an unknown message board. Hey loser, it was "complement", like in geometry class in 5th grade you DUMBASS FRAUD!


All the time. That is usually what I kick your uneducated, lying ass with. Facts. Next stupid question there Nancy?
Pumping yourself up again? Why am I not surprised, pathetic clown.

"Love me respect me, I'm important wah wah wah"

You are having more of a limp wristed hissy fit than normal there PackD. Public assistance really finally got cut off huh?
Child Care? Just what is the responsibility of the "parents"? The home care and nurturing of any child is the responsibility of the parents who bore the pleasure of producing said child.....its not the responsibility of your neighbors to take care of your child. Idea! If children are to expensive.....why not abstain from child bearing?

This reminds me of an older news story concerning the single mother who had 15 children and told the court, "SOMBIDY GO'NA haf ta pay me for my childs... you're not doing enough.

^^^ there you have it, liberals have been reduced to rubble

no thought, no process of which to gather thought

Subsidizing of anything should be bare necessity, when you have a wholesale program provided by simply filling out a form and meeting a pre determined criteria in a country of 300 million, millions of which can't even speak the language, you have what we have today, debt, fiscal irresponsibility, programs destined for insolvency, but yet liberals see this process as vote gathering

I thank God to start my every day that he delivered us Trump, it's a glimmer of hope in an otherwise moral cesspool of liberal policy that is taking over our culture

^ Hard to believe a sentient being could write this drivel and not end the sentence with...."psych!"

The only reason God would deliver us trump is because God is giving a lying, cheating, boasting, thieving, misogynistic, adulterous sack of dung one last chance to redeem himself.
The 'corporate welfare' meme is a failed snowflake attempt to draw an equivalent between lazy fucks (who vote for them) and corporations who employs thousands of people getting tax breaks.

Apples and jack-hammers.

Who gets free money who's trying to work? No one I know. Lazy fucks DON'T work - hence the term.

Is it my responsibility to pay for a child you brought into the world you couldn't afford? No. End of story.

Where do you get the idea that the poor are lazy fucks producing children at warp speed just to get a crappy EBT card?
Every thread seems to remind you of one of your pet peeves to squeeze in......

A subsidy isn't taking responsibility for the children.....SShhiisssSShhHH!!!

ThnX for your great solution of not having kids, but we are obviously beyond that in this conversation, so thnX again..

Strange...then that liberals claim the oil industry is being "subsidized" by the Government...pretending that NOT TAXING at some imagined higher rate is giving something to a corporation that owes the profit they earned to the government...while a government that dedicates TAX DOLLARS from your neighbors to pay someone to take care of one's child so a second parent can make a car payment needed to drive to work...where they earn enough money to maintain the right to drive a car to work....a car they would not need if they simply stayed home and raised their children...instead they freely choose to work in order to have a way to work.

Right err...left... subsidizing day care is not the government using tax monies to pay the village to provide child care....its a free service not paid by anyone on the government dole.

Why do liberals insist upon arguing a point....knowing they are wrong? I "thought" you were wrong one time...but it turns out you were merely mistaken. As Mr. Reagan was quoted concerning liberal thinking, "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so." -- R. Reagan

Subsidy: a grant paid by the government.

Enlighten us....just where do GRANT MONIES come from? Those who actually pay taxes. Its simply another left wing redistribution of wealth scam invented by liberals to use tax money to purchase votes from the generational welfare base they created and must maintain...the stealing of wealth from the haves in order to give to those who will never have due to piss poor personal life decisions....that assume they must continue to be dependent upon Big Brother for their pay day to pay day, hand to mouth lifestyle...promoted by "FREE SHIT".

None of the liberal programs are demonstrated by the 19 trillion dollar debt....and the 22 trillion spent on the war on poverty over the past 50 years with the poverty index never moving, as if it such were designed to be passed from generation to a permanent voter base for our (wink, wink) GREAT SOCIETY.

It sure is great if one is so poor they can't afford to take care of their own children.
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Strange...then that liberals claim the oil industry is being "subsidized" by the Government...pretending that NOT TAXING at some imagined higher rate is giving something to a corporation that owes the profit they earned to the government...while a government that dedicates TAX DOLLARS from your neighbors to pay someone to take care of one's child so a second parent can make a car payment needed to drive to work...where they earn enough money to maintain the right to drive a car to work....a car they would not need if they simply stayed home and raised their children...instead they freely choose to work in order to have a way to work.

Right err...left... subsidizing day care is not the government using tax monies to pay the village to provide child care....its a free service not paid by anyone on the government dole.

Why do liberals insist upon arguing a point....knowing they are wrong? I "thought" you were wrong one time...but it turns out you were merely mistaken. As Mr. Reagan was quoted concerning liberal thinking, "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so." -- R. Reagan

Subsidy: a grant paid by the government.

Enlighten us....just where do GRANT MONIES come from? Those who actually pay taxes. Its simply another left wing redistribution of wealth scam invented by liberals to use tax money to purchase votes from the generational welfare base they created and must maintain...the stealing of wealth from the haves in order to give to those who will never have due to piss poor personal life decisions....that assume they must continue to be dependent upon Big Brother for their pay day to pay day, hand to mouth lifestyle...promoted by "FREE SHIT".

None of the liberal programs are demonstrated by the 19 trillion dollar debt....and the 22 trillion spent on the war on poverty over the past 50 years with the poverty index never moving, as if it such were designed to be passed from generation to a permanent voter base for our (wink, wink) GREAT SOCIETY.

It sure is great if one is so poor they can't afford to take care of their own children.

How dumb can you be? Corporate welfare as an example can be flat out cash payments, legal bribes in addition to things like incentives in the form of credits against an already existing tax.

Take Walmart for example. "According to the Walmart Subsidy Watch, Walmart – the largest company in America, with earnings in excess of $16.5 billion in 2014 – has benefited from more than $1.2 billion in “tax breaks, free land, infrastructure assistance, low-cost financing, and outright grants from state and local governments.”

Money is money and the only diff between the gifts you hate and the ones you appear unconcerned about is your conservative masters have emphasized the progressive goodies to excoriate. Hence you observation bias. Plus you probably see poor people but corporate board rooms and reports are more invisible to you.
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Ahhhh the old "if one is fortunate enough" as if it is all just random chance and luck and has nothing to do with individual choices in life.

How do you explain the strong correlation between where ones parents are on the socio economic ladder and where their kids wind up?

It's obviously a mix including environment, genes, nurture, choices, and yes, chance.

As an example here is a study with .5 which is significant. That would explain 25 percent of the variance. Thats strong. If it's r squared that'd be huge.
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All the time. That is usually what I kick your uneducated, lying ass with. Facts. Next stupid question there Nancy?

Horseshit. That's all you ever do. Shovel shit. No facts, ever. You are like trump. Someone sucks up and you say good things, is honest and appears more intelligent than you and you pitch a fit and start your degradation ritual.