Should childcare be subsidized??

tax reform ..hopefully that's next.
But the revolving door will still be with us -professional politicians who go onto lobby for the corps
because they have professional contacts with current politicians..incestuous governing

This is the crux of our government problem. Good points!
i'm always concerned Bill -not that I have kids .
I love this country and do not want to see it drowned in debt and enslaved to China.

when the entitlement crunch comes -and it's coming fast ( due to reckless overspending/ IOUs to SSA etc)
i hope to be able to survive it to my death. we are not going to have any choices then except draconian cuts.

But it won't be my personal problem after that ...i have no kids..

I know you have no kids..........

If your tv hero & his buddies get their way you will likely die on the phone, hopefully @ a ripe old age...

He does not have your interest in mind here, your future will be directly & adversely effected, your healthcare/lack thereof, as will your ability to retire~live w/ dignity etc etc etc..
Are you kidding me? What do you think no bid contracts to Haliburton was for example? That kind of stuff happens all the time. Where are you getting throwing "free money" to someone trying work, pay taxes, support themselves and getting ahead?

The 'corporate welfare' meme is a failed snowflake attempt to draw an equivalent between lazy fucks (who vote for them) and corporations who employs thousands of people getting tax breaks.

Apples and jack-hammers.

Who gets free money who's trying to work? No one I know. Lazy fucks DON'T work - hence the term.

Is it my responsibility to pay for a child you brought into the world you couldn't afford? No. End of story.
The 'corporate welfare' meme is a failed snowflake attempt to draw an equivalent between lazy fucks (who vote for them) and corporations who employs thousands of people getting tax breaks.

Apples and jack-hammers.

Who gets free money who's trying to work? No one I know. Lazy fucks DON'T work - hence the term.

Is it my responsibility to pay for a child you brought into the world you couldn't afford? No. End of story.

So poor people can't even argue with you that huge corporations getting government money and favors and variances costs money that is the same type of money that they may eke out of government. Gotcha.
I know you have no kids..........

If your tv hero & his buddies get their way you will likely die on the phone, hopefully @ a ripe old age...

He does not have your interest in mind here, your future will be directly & adversely effected, your healthcare/lack thereof, as will your ability to retire~live w/ dignity etc etc etc..
Medicade expansion is up about 400% of poverty line under Obamacare.
Trumpcare wants to cut the PROJECTED increase down to about 325% of the poverty line.

Neither are solvent, or fiscally sound - but at least Trumpcare removes mandatory coverage for pregnancy, etc .

Neither have a public option/SP -the only way to achieve cost control
Blowjob.., cough cough. Church is a tax scam. Your contributions to it are deducted and it doesn't get taxed on the gifts.

You're a liar or maybe just ignorant. You have no idea what you're talking about.

give money to your church...
church provides food, clothing, shelter, daycare, financial help for other needs like maybe medical or disaster relief to its members...
the church is taking the place of the government in a lot of these areas...
thus, the church alleviates the financial burden of non-believing taxpayers and the government by taking care of our own...
therefore, most non-believers only pay once through their taxes to these types of situations...
Christian church members are giving twice, 1st time on our own and 2nd time through our taxes...
sure, we can claim our giving on our taxes me...we never get allllll that we gave returned to us...
hence, we give........and we give plenty to help meet the needs of those truly in need!
The 'corporate welfare' meme is a failed snowflake attempt to draw an equivalent between lazy fucks (who vote for them) and corporations who employs thousands of people getting tax breaks.

Apples and jack-hammers.

Who gets free money who's trying to work? No one I know. Lazy fucks DON'T work - hence the term.

Is it my responsibility to pay for a child you brought into the world you couldn't afford? No. End of story.

Haliburton no bid contracts and the like is not a "failed meme". It is fact. It is corporate welfare from our government. Union only government funded constructions jobs are corporate welfare. etc. The list goes on and on.

I do not think you are getting the gist of this thread. This is not about paying for someones kid they brought into this world. It is about helping them with the cost of childcare so they can work. So they can support that child, not the government.
You're a liar or maybe just ignorant. You have no idea what you're talking about.

give money to your church...
church provides food, clothing, shelter, daycare, financial help for other needs like maybe medical or disaster relief to its members...
the church is taking the place of the government in a lot of these areas...
thus, the church alleviates the financial burden of non-believing taxpayers and the government by taking care of our own...
therefore, most non-believers only pay once through their taxes to these types of situations...
Christian church members are giving twice, 1st time on our own and 2nd time through our taxes...
sure, we can claim our giving on our taxes me...we never get allllll that we gave returned to us...
hence, we give........and we give plenty to help meet the needs of those truly in need!

You schedule A your offerings and your pastor uses them to make his bass boat payments to his brothers dealorship. Scam, just like Jesus.
Government has no role AT ALL making moral, ethical and compassionate yada, yada, yada

This is what the left always says. Yet, they continue to make those very morality-based decisions all the time......abortion, gay marriage, sexual identity for bathrooms, etc. ad nauseum.
You're a liar or maybe just ignorant. You have no idea what you're talking about.

give money to your church...
church provides food, clothing, shelter, daycare, financial help for other needs like maybe medical or disaster relief to its members...
the church is taking the place of the government in a lot of these areas...
thus, the church alleviates the financial burden of non-believing taxpayers and the government by taking care of our own...
therefore, most non-believers only pay once through their taxes to these types of situations...
Christian church members are giving twice, 1st time on our own and 2nd time through our taxes...
sure, we can claim our giving on our taxes me...we never get allllll that we gave returned to us...
hence, we give........and we give plenty to help meet the needs of those truly in need!

PackD has obviously had a bad experience with religion. Do not bother with the idiot.
Haliburton no bid contracts and the like is not a "failed meme". It is fact. It is corporate welfare from our government. Union only government funded constructions jobs are corporate welfare. etc. The list goes on and on.

I do not think you are getting the gist of this thread. This is not about paying for someones kid they brought into this world. It is about helping them with the cost of childcare so they can work. So they can support that child, not the government.

You are wrong. She totally gets that gist. She hates it. And she will tell you just as soon as she can take those little boards out between her toenails after the black polish dries. Dark, like her soul.
So poor people can't even argue with you that huge corporations getting government money and favors and variances costs money that is the same type of money that they may eke out of government. Gotcha.

LOL. Back to the OP. Why pay for what other people want?
You are wrong. She totally gets that gist. She hates it. And she will tell you just as soon as she can take those little boards out between her toenails after the black polish dries. Dark, like her soul.

Pipe down. And do not ever try to get on my side. I will gut you like a codfish and just as fast.