Should childcare be subsidized??

yes it does

it ignores all the sceince that BACKS the reality that they become better workers and add more to the economy when you properly take care of children

You fucks hate them SOOOOO much you lie about sceince to see children be treated like shit

you fucks are EVIL

Unfortunately, you were never able to have children of your own, because it required having sex with a male and none could be found.

In some places it is almost impossible to afford, especially for the "less affluent"...

Yes it should. Nobody that wants to work should have to decide between doing that and staying home. Put a cap on how much one is making to qualify and let it go.

Exactly. That's kind of the point. I can't speak for Anatta, but I didn't have kids because I knew I never could afford them. Ironic though that the deadbeats still think I'm supposed to pay for their rug rats...which I've done all my life. You're welcome.
so what? I'm responsible for my actions, and I CHOSE not to have kids. I did not want the expense/time required.
If one CHOOSES to have kids they should be able to pay for them..they are an expense.
You are not claiming people have kids without understanding this? People make a choice,and you pay for your choices

But you are missing the budgetary aspect.

we are now subsiding HC in a much bigger way with Medicade expansion -either by Obamacare
or Trumpcare -either way it's been another budgetary entitlement..

So wheredoes it end? free college? free child care? is there ANYTHING you don't want the gov't to pay for?
Exactly. That's kind of the point. I can't speak for Anatta, but I didn't have kids because I knew I never could afford them. Ironic though that the deadbeats still think I'm supposed to pay for their rug rats...which I've done all my life. You're welcome.
If you want to have kids, then be prepared to take care of/pay for them....
why is this such a difficult concept for libs to understand?
If you want to have kids, then be prepared to take care of/pay for them....
why is this such a difficult concept for libs to understand?

I am not a liberal. Lots of "fathers" do not take responsibility for their children. Some mothers may not have had to work when they first had children, now they do, etc, etc. Daycare is expensive. I would rather have my tax monies going to help those that are trying to help themselves than just about anything else.
Exactly. That's kind of the point. I can't speak for Anatta, but I didn't have kids because I knew I never could afford them. Ironic though that the deadbeats still think I'm supposed to pay for their rug rats...which I've done all my life. You're welcome.

Thanks! And my food shelter and lobster and champagne i buy with my free money. Keep paying your taxes and working hard!!!! I have 10 children and I call for my free money with my obamaphone! 🤣
I am not a liberal. Lots of "fathers" do not take responsibility for their children. Some mothers may not have had to work when they first had children, now they do, etc, etc. Daycare is expensive. I would rather have my tax monies going to help those that are trying to help themselves than just about anything else.
If you tie work to daycare -maybe. But not just universal daycare. and why not have employers pay for it? or give tax credits. you work and you get credits,you don't just get to put your kids in costly daycare because you have them

More to the point is how are we supposed to pay for this?
Free college is great for advancement
Free Medicade expansion is great to provide access -either Trump or Obamcare
we need food stamps for the working poor
we need subsidized housing
SSI (etc.)

at what point do we tell people they cannot live off the government in every aspect of life?
If we weren't 125% of the GDP in debt, and debt wasn't set to explode (entitlement crunch)
it wouldn't matter so much -but we are.
If you want to have kids, then be prepared to take care of/pay for them....
why is this such a difficult concept for libs to understand?

Because they live in a world where they think they need to perfect man. They feel superior to others. As such they don't think "regular" folk are as smart as they are and can't figure it out. As such they feel it is their moral obligation to "help them" be a better person. Now, liberals never want to do it with their own time and money. Oh no. They are too greedy for that. They wan't "shared sacrifice". They want to force others to share in their compassion and assuage their conscience. It isn't enough for them to help on their own.

Everything liberals do stems from their superiority complex.
If you tie work to daycare -maybe. But not just universal daycare. and why not have employers pay for it? or give tax credits. you work and you get credits,you don't just get to put your kids in costly daycare because you have them

More to the point is how are we supposed to pay for this?
Free college is great for advancement
Free Medicade expansion is great to provide access -either Trump or Obamcare
we need food stamps for the working poor
we need subsidized housing

at what point do we tell people they cannot live off the government in every aspect of life?
If we weren't 125% of the GDP in debt, and debt wasn't set to explode (entitlement crunch)
it wouldn't matter so much -but we are.

Don't you morons read anything? I spoon fed you ignorami the code section for the tax credit. It is tied to work and income. What actually exists should be the jumping off point for debate, no?
I am not a liberal. Lots of "fathers" do not take responsibility for their children. Some mothers may not have had to work when they first had children, now they do, etc, etc. Daycare is expensive. I would rather have my tax monies going to help those that are trying to help themselves than just about anything else.

You would think that would be pretty obvious??
Sure! Since these kids will be the ones paying the deficit, of course they should be subsidized. It's their money!

Is it sarcasm? It rings a little too true.

I have no kids so I don't care how much debt you want to leave your children. Spend away!