Should childcare be subsidized??

Don't you morons read anything? I spoon fed you ignorami the code section for the tax credit. It is tied to work and income. What actually exists should be the jumping off point for debate, no?
. The OP is talking about" subsidized Daycare" isn't this more then simple tax credits?

Do you support universal daycare?
I am not a liberal. Lots of "fathers" do not take responsibility for their children. Some mothers may not have had to work when they first had children, now they do, etc, etc. Daycare is expensive. I would rather have my tax monies going to help those that are trying to help themselves than just about anything else.

orrrrrrr, you could find some well deserving single mother and pony up your dollars to help pay for their kids day care.

Ever think of that? Too hard? Too expensive?

What do you think that if you "pool" this money together with the gobblement they sprinkle some magical fairy dust on it and it multiplies into more money?

If you tie work to daycare -maybe. But not just universal daycare. and why not have employers pay for it? or give tax credits. you work and you get credits,you don't just get to put your kids in costly daycare because you have them

More to the point is how are we supposed to pay for this?
Free college is great for advancement
Free Medicade expansion is great to provide access -either Trump or Obamcare
we need food stamps for the working poor
we need subsidized housing
SSI (etc.)

at what point do we tell people they cannot live off the government in every aspect of life?
If we weren't 125% of the GDP in debt, and debt wasn't set to explode (entitlement crunch)
it wouldn't matter so much -but we are.

Have you seen the tax credits for daycare? Like anything you might actually get back from the government, it nowhere near offsets the cost. I do not think Wild Bill was referring to universal daycare for non working folks. There would be no reason for that right? If one is fortunate enough to stay home and take care of their children and not work, there would be no need for it. Some employers do pay for it. I do. Not all businesses can afford that though.
orrrrrrr, you could find some well deserving single mother and pony up your dollars to help pay for their kids day care.

Ever think of that? Too hard? Too expensive?

What do you think that if you "pool" this money together with the gobblement they sprinkle some magical fairy dust on it and it multiplies into more money?


I already do that. Let me ask you something ILA, is your ignorance self taught or were you born with it?

You would think that would be pretty obvious??
so where does it end. do you want free college?
do you want Medicade expansion up to 400% of the poverty line? (OBCare).
have you thought about paying for any of this?

everybody wants "free stuff" -nobody wants to pay for it - so we put in on the national debt.

GDP is about $16.5 T
National debt after Obama is about $20T and rapidly climbing

It's set to explode under the upcoming entitlement crunch
I don't have kids - i'll be dead with no worries..what about your (example) kids?
does this concern you?
Don't you morons read anything? I spoon fed you ignorami the code section for the tax credit. It is tied to work and income. What actually exists should be the jumping off point for debate, no?

Spoon fed? Do you think you are the only one that knows about that? It does not amount to jack shit compared to the cost.

You would think that would be pretty obvious??

It is, and there is also a place for government helping people who have never learned to try, are beaten down, have nothing, drug addicted, mentally ill etc.

I'd rather my tax dollars go to the misguided and lazy for food and shelter than to Lockheed Martin to build bombs.
Have you seen the tax credits for daycare? Like anything you might actually get back from the government, it nowhere near offsets the cost. I do not think Wild Bill was referring to universal daycare for non working folks. There would be no reason for that right? If one is fortunate enough to stay home and take care of their children and not work, there would be no need for it. Some employers do pay for it. I do. Not all businesses can afford that though.
well I have heard calls for universal daycare - if this was not the OP then what are we talking about? existing tax credits? OK fine.

It's the expansion of the welfare state that is a bigger point,and I've brought it up repeatedly.
noone want to address it.
It appears I am. And duh. It's not enough. Glad you agree with me. Read it. Once you get educated, write.

So how much is the credit there "Accountant"? Off the top of your head. You should be able to answer in about 30 seconds. Go.
well I have heard calls for universal daycare - if this was not the OP then what are we talking about? existing tax credits? OK fine.

It's the expansion of the welfare state that is a bigger point,and I've brought it up repeatedly.
noone want to address it.

I agree with the expanding "welfare" logic. Welfare to the government as you well know is not just people in need. We give plenty of "welfare" to corporations, special interests, etc. You name it. It is unsustainable. The better use of monies is to put them where they will actually do some good. Like this. Take it out of slush funds or something.
Common sense is pretty uncommon Wild Bill. It really is.

More platitudes from the judgmental ass hat who NEVER provides any specific facts to support his half baked prejudices and his vain attempt to have people stroke his ego.

Now, please run off and find a post much better than ANY you have ever posted. Should not be hard. Then make some sagacious quip like "words of wisdom" as if you could recognize it if it hit you like an oar in your face. All to try and get better people to take you in. You are an idiot. It's obvious. And a very weak and damaged angry ugly person.
so where does it end. do you want free college?
do you want Medicade expansion up to 400% of the poverty line? (OBCare).
have you thought about paying for any of this?

everybody wants "free stuff" -nobody wants to pay for it - so we put in on the national debt.

GDP is about $16.5 T
National debt after Obama is about $20T and rapidly climbing

It's set to explode under the upcoming entitlement crunch
I don't have kids - i'll be dead with no worries..what about your (example) kids?
does this concern you?

You are just so jealous you can't distinguish between a hand-out & a investment??

If the parent is home baby sitting, he/she isn't working for a pay check, isn't in school, not in starbucks or Macy's buying stuff........

Maybe you can volunteer to help out w/ the 4 year old while he/she goes to work for a couple weeks since you're @ home all day...:D
So how much is the credit there "Accountant"? Off the top of your head. You should be able to answer in about 30 seconds. Go.

Hate to answer myself there PackD but obviously you are having to google your "knowledge" as it is taking so long. Do you ever get tired being proven a fraud?
More platitudes from the judgmental ass hat who NEVER provides any specific facts to support his half baked prejudices and his vain attempt to have people stroke his ego.

Now, please run off and find a post much better than ANY you have ever posted. Should not be hard. Then make some sagacious quip like "words of wisdom" as if you could recognize it if it hit you like an oar in your face. All to try and get better people to take you in. You are an idiot. It's obvious. And a very weak and damaged angry ugly person.

Still waiting on how much that tax credit is there "accountant". Looks like you falling flat on your lying face again. Hence the meltdown.

You would think that would be pretty obvious??

You people always say "I would rather my tax monies go to blah blah blah" as if it makes you sound like some compassionate person. Take the money out of your pocket AFTER TAX and pay for some broads day care then come talk to me. Otherwise shut the fuck up
You people always say "I would rather my tax monies go to blah blah blah" as if it makes you sound like some compassionate person. Take the money out of your pocket AFTER TAX and pay for some broads day care then come talk to me. Otherwise shut the fuck up

You make it sound like you do just that. Obviously not, but you certainly try and make it sound that way.

In some places it is almost impossible to afford, especially for the "less affluent"...

TheN They shouldn't have been stupid to have children. I would support having the children taken away from such poor decision makers and giving to rich couples who cannot conceive. Then maybe the children of trash can be raised with class.