Should childcare be subsidized??

If you want to have kids, then be prepared to take care of/pay for them....
why is this such a difficult concept for libs to understand?

Liberals are fundamentaly takers, and they don't believe that one is entitled to their own money
You people always say "I would rather my tax monies go to blah blah blah" as if it makes you sound like some compassionate person. Take the money out of your pocket AFTER TAX and pay for some broads day care then come talk to me. Otherwise shut the fuck up

Liberals are all talk. If they actually gave a shit about the poor rather than merely virtue signaling they would do exactly what you described. But they don't. Hmm.
Liberals are fundamentaly takers, and they don't believe that one is entitled to their own money
I can't get too upset about subsidizing work for childcare.
I mean it's a lot better then welfare..

I thought this was about guaranteed childcare (universal) -which would really be disgusting.

Libs are children, they want to express compassion -a worthy endeavor -but don't want topay for it.

Remember Bill Clinton's "PAYGO?" that was responsible -unlike the darling progressives who
simply want the gov't to run up debt for their pet projects
I can't get too upset about subsidizing work for childcare.
I mean it's a lot better then welfare..

I thought this was about guaranteed childcare (universal) -which would really be disgusting.

Libs are children, they want to express compassion -a worthy endeavor -but don't want topay for it.

Remember Bill Clinton's "PAYGO?" that was responsible -unlike the darling progressives who
simply want the gov't to run up debt for their pet projects

I hope you are as concerned about the debt your hero runs up, & up & up..........
I am not a liberal. Lots of "fathers" do not take responsibility for their children. Some mothers may not have had to work when they first had children, now they do, etc, etc. Daycare is expensive. I would rather have my tax monies going to help those that are trying to help themselves than just about anything else.

I neglected to mention this in an earlier post. Most churches also provide financial help and daycare for divorced moms and dads who are members of their church, too. :) These are all responsibilities of the body of Christ who are instructed to help care for others in the family of God. We don't expect others in society or taxpayers by way of the government to do God's work. After the 'family' is cared for, then churches contribute greatly to the needs of others here and around the world.

Christ said, "Give these instructions to the believers, so that they will be above reproach. If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel."
1 Timothy 5:7-8

You would think that would be pretty obvious??

Then send some extra $$$$$ to the IRS every April.
I neglected to mention this in an earlier post. Most churches also provide financial help and daycare for divorced moms and dads who are members of their church, too. :) These are all responsibilities of the body of Christ who are instructed to help care for others in the family of God. We don't expect others in society or taxpayers by way of the government to do God's work. After the 'family' is cared for, then churches contribute greatly to the needs of others here and around the world.

Christ said, "Give these instructions to the believers, so that they will be above reproach. If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel."
1 Timothy 5:7-8

Blowjob.., cough cough. Church is a tax scam. Your contributions to it are deducted and it doesn't get taxed on the gifts.
I agree with the expanding "welfare" logic. Welfare to the government as you well know is not just people in need. We give plenty of "welfare" to corporations, special interests, etc. You name it. It is unsustainable. The better use of monies is to put them where they will actually do some good. Like this. Take it out of slush funds or something.

When has a check from the gubmint coffers ever been written to a corporation? Tax cuts for a corporation that employs people is not the same as giving 'free' money to a lazy fuck.

The more money you throw at a behavior, they more you will get of it.
Then send some extra $$$$$ to the IRS every April.

How many kids is your church babysitting each day?? Your domination??

How many kids you want the Catholic priests to babysit??

You want the mom/dad home babysitting or doing a job that brings home a paycheck.....
I neglected to mention this in an earlier post. Most churches also provide financial help and daycare for divorced moms and dads who are members of their church, too. :) These are all responsibilities of the body of Christ who are instructed to help care for others in the family of God. We don't expect others in society or taxpayers by way of the government to do God's work. After the 'family' is cared for, then churches contribute greatly to the needs of others here and around the world.

Christ said, "Give these instructions to the believers, so that they will be above reproach. If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel."
1 Timothy 5:7-8

Churches are helpful to many for sure. Unfortunately quite a few do not see the wisdom of a church. That leaves charity from others. Plenty of people do that too. That still leaves to many out of on a limb.
You are just so jealous you can't distinguish between a hand-out & a investment??

If the parent is home baby sitting, he/she isn't working for a pay check, isn't in school, not in starbucks or Macy's buying stuff........

Maybe you can volunteer to help out w/ the 4 year old while he/she goes to work for a couple weeks since you're @ home all day...:D

Why should taxpayers be on the hook to look after babies someone brought into the world whom they couldn't afford?
When has a check from the gubmint coffers ever been written to a corporation? Tax cuts for a corporation that employs people is not the same as giving 'free' money to a lazy fuck.

The more money you throw at a behavior, they more you will get of it.

Are you kidding me? What do you think no bid contracts to Haliburton was for example? That kind of stuff happens all the time. Where are you getting throwing "free money" to someone trying work, pay taxes, support themselves and getting ahead?
I hope you are as concerned about the debt your hero runs up, & up & up..........
i'm always concerned Bill -not that I have kids .
I love this country and do not want to see it drowned in debt and enslaved to China.

when the entitlement crunch comes -and it's coming fast ( due to reckless overspending/ IOUs to SSA etc)
i hope to be able to survive it to my death. we are not going to have any choices then except draconian cuts.

But it won't be my personal problem after that ...i have no kids..
What would you have them do w/ their kids??

this is why people hate the Repukes and love the democrats. The post of the deplorable you responded to, that is. Everyone knows the philosophical and real world tension between absolute freedom and egality. So when Pukes offer "why should I pay shit for anything I don't want to" arguments, it does not even acknowledge that tension exists. Only the democrats have it right, a balancing of interests where nobidy is totally happy and nobody is totally fucked. The republicans philosophy is now pure selfishness and lack of compassion. Government has no role AT ALL making moral, ethical and compassionate adjustments. Just horrible.
Are you kidding me? What do you think no bid contracts to Haliburton was for example? That kind of stuff happens all the time. Where are you getting throwing "free money" to someone trying work, pay taxes, support themselves and getting ahead?
tax reform ..hopefully that's next.
But the revolving door will still be with us -professional politicians who go onto lobby for the corps
because they have professional contacts with current politicians..incestuous governing
This is why people hate the Repukes and love the democrats. Everyone knows the philosophical and real world tension between absolute freedom and egality. So when Pukes offer "why should I pay shit for anything I don't want to" arguments, it does not even acknowledge that tension exists. Only the democrats have it right, a balancing of interests where nobidy is totally happy and nobody is totally fucked. The republicans philosophy is now pure selfishness and lack of compassion. Government has no role AT ALL making moral, ethical and compassionate adjustments. Just horrible.

You have to be a crack addict. There can be no other explanation.