Should prostitution be legal?

I guess it would depend on how Liberal the school district was. If they did, the doctor would be referred to as a "Doctor specializing in Women's Health". Do you want to say that this has not happened...

Well, wouldn't the same apply to the the decision to invite "sex workers" into school then?
OK, would a school invite a doctor whose primary duty was to perform abortions?

Well, wouldn't the same apply to the the decision to invite "sex workers" into school then?

I don't think that an abortion doctor talking about the money to be made by performing abortions is a good idea. I think a Doctor speaking about the medical profession is a good idea.

I guess you do not see the difference in inviting a Doctor to Career Day to talk about the careers in medicine and having a Sex Worker come to Career Day and talk about the careers in adult sex industry. Maybe you want your daughter and other girls exposed to the glamourous life of prostitution as a viable profession. I, however, maintain a higher standard. If prostitution was legal, the ACLU would sue any school district that prevented access of the local brothel from full access to recruit new girls in any high school. Again, perhaps this is what you support, but this would be one of the detriments to legalization.

We will not even talk about the STDs associated with prostitution. I know, you will argue that it will be regulated and health inspections and the like.
I don't think that an abortion doctor talking about the money to be made by performing abortions is a good idea. I think a Doctor speaking about the medical profession is a good idea.

I guess you do not see the difference in inviting a Doctor to Career Day to talk about the careers in medicine and having a Sex Worker come to Career Day and talk about the careers in adult sex industry. Maybe you want your daughter and other girls exposed to the glamourous life of prostitution as a viable profession. I, however, maintain a higher standard. If prostitution was legal, the ACLU would sue any school district that prevented access of the local brothel from full access to recruit new girls in any high school. Again, perhaps this is what you support, but this would be one of the detriments to legalization.

We will not even talk about the STDs associated with prostitution. I know, you will argue that it will be regulated and health inspections and the like.

So brothel owners would be banging at the doors of schools? I find that a little hard to believe.

They are in business and it wouldn't be in their interest to piss of the community in which they are based by insisting on their "right" to come into schools to "recruit".

Personally, i'm not too bothered whether you legalise prostitution or not but making that decision on the basis of it's effect on a schools career day just struck me as a little strange.
So brothel owners would be banging at the doors of schools? I find that a little hard to believe.

They are in business and it wouldn't be in their interest to piss of the community in which they are based by insisting on their "right" to come into schools to "recruit".

Personally, i'm not too bothered whether you legalise prostitution or not but making that decision on the basis of it's effect on a schools career day just struck me as a little strange.

All I am saying is that no one could prevent prostitution from being a career choice at Career Day. It would have to be accepted as a legitimate career and nothing could be done to stop it from being presented as legitimate career.
All I am saying is that no one could prevent prostitution from being a career choice at Career Day. It would have to be accepted as a legitimate career and nothing could be done to stop it from being presented as legitimate career.

It is not illegal to be a porn star, yet they are not allowed into the school on career day.

I think you are being a bit, how should I say it..., overdramatic...
Not really damo............


It is not illegal to be a porn star, yet they are not allowed into the school on career day.

I think you are being a bit, how should I say it..., overdramatic...

Porter made a ligitiment argument...if the leagalization of prostitution was made national...the ACLU would in fact abuse the system as well as general morality...we have legal prostitution in is regulated at the county level...and I can assure you that recruiting in our school system would be met with pulling the industries license...if it were legal on a national level it could be challenged in a court of law...!
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Porter mad a ligitiment argument...if the leagalization of prostitution was made national...the ACLU would in fact abuse the system as well as general morality...we have legal prostitution in is regulated at the county level...and I can assure you that recruiting in our school system would be met with pulling the industries license...if it were legal on a national level it could be challenged in a court of law...!
It isn't a legitimate argument unless you can prove other things that are adult oriented are being recruited in the schools on career day.

As I said, it is nationally legal to star in porn films, yet the producers are not recruiting at your school on career day, nor are they allowed to.

Methinks you are being a bit melodramatic.
Me thinks...............

It isn't a legitimate argument unless you can prove other things that are adult oriented are being recruited in the schools on career day.

As I said, it is nationally legal to star in porn films, yet the producers are not recruiting at your school on career day, nor are they allowed to.

Methinks you are being a bit melodramatic.

You get way to PC...I live in a state where prostitution is legal...I am familiar with regulations at the county level...the ACLU cannot regulate nor challenge county if it were made national the picture would certainly change...which side of the fence are you on anyhoo...?
You get way to PC...I live in a state where prostitution is legal...I am familiar with regulations at the county level...the ACLU cannot regulate nor challenge county if it were made national the picture would certainly change...which side of the fence are you on anyhoo...?
It wouldn't. Unless it remained totally unregulated which wouldn't happen.

The idea that they'd be in the schools recruiting your daughter to hang out windows and shout at strangers is hilarious. It would be a reasonable restriction to disallow them from campuses across the nation.

It wouldn't. Unless it remained totally unregulated which wouldn't happen.

The idea that they'd be in the schools recruiting your daughter to hang out windows and shout at strangers is hilarious. It would be a reasonable restriction to disallow them from campuses across the nation.

Have you forgotten: ACLU='Anti Christ Legions Unleashed' their agenda is to destroy all moral values we cherish...once you separate state rights from federal rights...they will most assuredly lead the charge! The ACLU is the new Communist Party USA!
Have you forgotten: ACLU='Anti Christ Legions Unleashed' their agenda is to destroy all moral values we cherish...once you separate state rights from federal rights...they will most assuredly lead the charge! The ACLU is the new Communist Party USA!
If they had that magic power then Porn studios would be promoting their wares in your schools. They aren't because the ACLU do not have the power you attempt to grant them here.

This is not the argument you should make, because it is silly.
All I am saying is that no one could prevent prostitution from being a career choice at Career Day. It would have to be accepted as a legitimate career and nothing could be done to stop it from being presented as legitimate career.

Just as Brewers and distillers, morticians, etc would be somewhat inappropriate for that school day.

Bring your cadever to 4th grade day :clink:
well, one of the reasons, i might accept it being legal, is because i feel sorry for the prostitutes that get put in jail while the men never get prosicuted....just plain unfair! if it is illegal, it should be illegal for the man to USE a prostitute as well as the woman prostituting herself.

But honestly, I am not certain how i feel about the subject. On the one hand it is no one's business but one's own, but on the other hand, have never heard a prostitute say how wonderful it is either...and the women are held hostage in the brothel from what i hear, where it is to me it is somewhat like human trafficing...many of these women that do prostitute, do such for drug money...those women will not leave the streets and go to a brothel to work, but guess what, they still will be working and men will still USE them, even if the brothels were around....they are not going to stop working the streets....

Most and i say MOST prostitutes are down on their luck and need money badly, it is not the profession of their dreams...and for any guy to think such is absurd. and yes there may be some exceptions of some call girls that are not druggies, and are not runaways and have not been abused in some manner or down on their luck, but not the majority.

Basically, i am not sure legalizing it or regulating it will do anything for the girls on the streets right now, it will only make it harder and worse on them probably.

well, one of the reasons, i might accept it being legal, is because i feel sorry for the prostitutes that get put in jail while the men never get prosicuted....just plain unfair! if it is illegal, it should be illegal for the man to USE a prostitute as well as the woman prostituting herself.

But honestly, I am not certain how i feel about the subject. On the one hand it is no one's business but one's own, but on the other hand, have never heard a prostitute say how wonderful it is either...and the women are held hostage in the brothel from what i hear, where it is to me it is somewhat like human trafficing...many of these women that do prostitute, do such for drug money...those women will not leave the streets and go to a brothel to work, but guess what, they still will be working and men will still USE them, even if the brothels were around....they are not going to stop working the streets....

Most and i say MOST prostitutes are down on their luck and need money badly, it is not the profession of their dreams...and for any guy to think such is absurd. and yes there may be some exceptions of some call girls that are not druggies, and are not runaways and have not been abused in some manner or down on their luck, but not the majority.

Basically, i am not sure legalizing it or regulating it will do anything for the girls on the streets right now, it will only make it harder and worse on them probably.


In the Netherlands it's a requirement that all the women be self-employed.