Show Me The Crime

Since when did it become illegal to do business with foreign countries?

Since you dodged the Hunter's firearm felony,


18 U.S. Code § 203 - Compensation to Members of Congress, officers, and others in matters affecting the Government
Since when did it become illegal to do business with foreign countries?

What "business" did Bagman and his associates do in these countries? Were they experts in the field the companies they were dealing with were working and selling expertise? Were they experienced and exceptional businessmen offering consultation on how those companies could perform better? What were they doing for the companies they were involved with that justified paying them huge sums of money?
What is the business? What are they selling?

Oil was one. Why does it matter? Does he need your approval to be a lobbyist for a company? What products would you approve? Why should anyone care?
The Repubs have the house and the power of investigation. They have failed to find something to pin on Hunter . You guys should get in touch with them and provide the proof you have.
The 22,000 emails on his laptop aren’t illegal themselves but it’s part of an investigation to show how Hunter used his fathers influence as VP to change American policy in order for the Bidens to profit from it.

Until you show us the proof, you're just spewing bullshit.
Stop wasting our time. Either show us the evidence for your claims or just SHUT THE FUCK UP, TinyPeach.
What "business" did Bagman and his associates do in these countries? Were they experts in the field the companies they were dealing with were working and selling expertise? Were they experienced and exceptional businessmen offering consultation on how those companies could perform better? What were they doing for the companies they were involved with that justified paying them huge sums of money?

Repeat after me:

It’s not a crime to get hired because of who you know or who you’re related to.
Repeat after me:

It’s not a crime to get hired because of who you know or who you’re related to.

Why was Hunter arranging meetings for foreign businessmen with his father when his father was VP?

He didn’t work for Joe.

Why did he receive sums of money after these arranged meetings?

This isn’t rocket science
latest in a long list. I put it in big type so you maybe can read it without moving your lips.

Biden issues third veto against bipartisan effort to restore Chinese solar panel tariffs

China was NOT one of the countries on which the tariffs were placed. The tariffs were issued against four Southeast Asian countries — Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Removing the tariffs saved tens of thousands of American jobs...why do you want Americans in the industry to lose their jobs?

While the tariffs protect U.S. solar panel producers, the U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association, the industry trade group, praised Mr. Biden‘s veto, saying it would preserve 30,000 jobs that would have been lost by stalled development because of higher costs.