Show Me The Crime

Why was Hunter arranging meetings for foreign businessmen with his father when his father was VP?

He didn’t work for Joe.

Why did he receive sums of money after these arranged meetings?

This isn’t rocket science


It’s not a crime to do business with a foreign country.

As to the "why", that is up to Comer to establish.

Unless Comer can provide some concrete evidence of criminal activity, then his empty, speculative claims are just more desperate gibberish.

What’s on Hunter Biden’s laptop that’s evidence of a crime? Have you heard or seen anything verifiable? Sure, you got MAGAts all over social media saying there’s proof without providing any. You got them showing pics that are fakes they claim are from the laptop. You have them saying there’s evidence on the laptop that President Biden is corrupt….except there’s not.

Pay attention when Republicans talk about crime within the Biden family. Sure, Hunter Biden used his father’s name to make money in Ukraine and maybe China. Then there are other members of the Biden family who have done business with foreign nations. And just like with the laptop, Republicans are making a lot of noise without providing anything of substance. Even the accusations they make about the Bidens aren’t accusations of crimes.

It’s not a crime to do business with a foreign country. It’s not a crime to get hired because of who you know or who you’re related to. It’s not a crime to own a laptop.

Republicans held onto the laptop for years without showing us any crimes on it. If there was evidence of a crime on the laptop, we’d have seen it by now. The only crimes associated with the laptop is that it was stolen by…wait for it…Republicans.

Now, Oversight Committee chair James Comer has released a 36-page report accusing some Biden family members and associates of using a “complicated network” of more than 20 companies, mostly LLCs formed when Joe Biden was vice president and used “incremental payments over time” to “conceal large financial transactions.” Oh my God! No! No! Say it isn’t so. Say it…wait. What crime was committed?

Comer said, “From a historical standpoint, we’ve never seen a presidential family receive these sums of money from adversaries around the world.” Which adversary, China? Comer says the family made $10 million from foreign governments, not all of them “adversaries.” But, Ivanka got 41 patents approved by China WHILE she was pretending to work in the White House. Reports estimate that Ivanka and Jared, Javanka, made between $178 million to $640 million while in the White House, Jared received $2 billion directly from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia shortly after he left the White House.

Talk about getting a job because of your last name or who you’re married to.

If doing business in foreign countries is illegal, then why is it OK when Republicans do it? At this very moment, Donald Trump is raking in millions from Saudi Arabia by allowing their golf tournaments on his courses. Trump even made millions from foreign nations while he was president (sic). His very first overseas trip as president (sic) was to Saudi Arabia, who’s dropping billions on the Trump family since they left the White House.

None of the Biden family members that Republicans claim made money from foreign governments ever worked in our government. They don’t influence policy. They don’t write legislation.

Comer said, “I don’t think anyone in America who’s watching C-SPAN or any other network covering this would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money for this influence-peddling scheme.” Except, he hasn’t shown any proof of an “influence-peddling scheme.”

Comer also said, “We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning.” Involved in what? Your imagination?

Comer has a whistleblower who he claims will blow the roof off the joint and provide evidence of the president’s corruption except that the whistleblower has gone missing. I can’t wait to hear what b.s. they create over this. Maybe Hillary Clinton made the whistleblower disappear. Maybe the whistleblower is tied up in the basement of Comet Ping Pong Pizza with all the child sex slaves.

Joe Biden has been in politics since the 1970s. You would think that if he’s corrupt, we would have seen at least a smidge of evidence by this time. The trail of Donald Trump’s corruption emerged years before he entered politics. Multiple associates of Trump have been indicted and imprisoned. How many of his goon friends did he pardon?

If you want to look at corruption in politics, then look at the Republican Party. Look at George Santos and Clarence Thomas. Remember Congressman Chris Collins who was indicted for insider trading? Remember Congressman Duncan Hunter who stole campaign funds? This is not ancient history though Republicans want you to forget it. While they’re screaming some made-up crap about the Bidens, one of their sitting members of the House is facing 13 charges with many including theft of public funds, and money laundering.

Republicans, if you got something, show it. Put up or shut up. But they won’t show up, especially if they don’t have anything. Can you imagine the outcry we’d get from Republicans if Hunter worked in the White House and then was gifted $2 billion from a head of state he was directly involved with? Republicans are much worse at what they accuse Democrats of being.

Comer released 36 pages of noise. Just like the laptop, the accusations of corruption in the Biden family is just a bunch of noise.

Hunter Biden is the son of a high ranking Reich member.

He is not subject to ANY laws.

Influence peddling would be crime for a Republican - but democrats are above all laws - we know this. The Durham report confirms that the FBI exists to protect the party and persecute enemies of the party. Sure, the Biden Crime Family took $10 million in bribes from the Communist Chinese, but the are PART MEMBERS - no laws apply.
Hunter Biden is the son of a high ranking Reich member.

He is not subject to ANY laws.

Influence peddling would be crime for a Republican - but democrats are above all laws - we know this. The Durham report confirms that the FBI exists to protect the party and persecute enemies of the party. Sure, the Biden Crime Family took $10 million in bribes from the Communist Chinese, but the are PART MEMBERS - no laws apply.

Repeat after me:

It’s not a crime to do business with a foreign country. It’s not a crime to get hired because of who you know or who you’re related to.
I'm not worrying.

I'm rather enjoying watching the GOP flail about making allegations they can't back up with proof.

There's absolute proof.

The only issue here is that we have a two tiered system of justice.

democrats are not subject to laws.


We all know this. You're gloating because laws don't apply to your Reich.
There's absolute proof.

The only issue here is that we have a two tiered system of justice.

democrats are not subject to laws.


We all know this. You're gloating because laws don't apply to your Reich.

If there is proof, then please provide me a link so I might read it for myself.

What’s on Hunter Biden’s laptop that’s evidence of a crime? Have you heard or seen anything verifiable? Sure, you got MAGAts all over social media saying there’s proof without providing any. You got them showing pics that are fakes they claim are from the laptop. You have them saying there’s evidence on the laptop that President Biden is corrupt….except there’s not.

Pay attention when Republicans talk about crime within the Biden family. Sure, Hunter Biden used his father’s name to make money in Ukraine and maybe China. Then there are other members of the Biden family who have done business with foreign nations. And just like with the laptop, Republicans are making a lot of noise without providing anything of substance. Even the accusations they make about the Bidens aren’t accusations of crimes.

It’s not a crime to do business with a foreign country. It’s not a crime to get hired because of who you know or who you’re related to. It’s not a crime to own a laptop.

Republicans held onto the laptop for years without showing us any crimes on it. If there was evidence of a crime on the laptop, we’d have seen it by now. The only crimes associated with the laptop is that it was stolen by…wait for it…Republicans.

Now, Oversight Committee chair James Comer has released a 36-page report accusing some Biden family members and associates of using a “complicated network” of more than 20 companies, mostly LLCs formed when Joe Biden was vice president and used “incremental payments over time” to “conceal large financial transactions.” Oh my God! No! No! Say it isn’t so. Say it…wait. What crime was committed?

Comer said, “From a historical standpoint, we’ve never seen a presidential family receive these sums of money from adversaries around the world.” Which adversary, China? Comer says the family made $10 million from foreign governments, not all of them “adversaries.” But, Ivanka got 41 patents approved by China WHILE she was pretending to work in the White House. Reports estimate that Ivanka and Jared, Javanka, made between $178 million to $640 million while in the White House, Jared received $2 billion directly from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia shortly after he left the White House.

Talk about getting a job because of your last name or who you’re married to.

If doing business in foreign countries is illegal, then why is it OK when Republicans do it? At this very moment, Donald Trump is raking in millions from Saudi Arabia by allowing their golf tournaments on his courses. Trump even made millions from foreign nations while he was president (sic). His very first overseas trip as president (sic) was to Saudi Arabia, who’s dropping billions on the Trump family since they left the White House.

None of the Biden family members that Republicans claim made money from foreign governments ever worked in our government. They don’t influence policy. They don’t write legislation.

Comer said, “I don’t think anyone in America who’s watching C-SPAN or any other network covering this would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money for this influence-peddling scheme.” Except, he hasn’t shown any proof of an “influence-peddling scheme.”

Comer also said, “We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning.” Involved in what? Your imagination?

Comer has a whistleblower who he claims will blow the roof off the joint and provide evidence of the president’s corruption except that the whistleblower has gone missing. I can’t wait to hear what b.s. they create over this. Maybe Hillary Clinton made the whistleblower disappear. Maybe the whistleblower is tied up in the basement of Comet Ping Pong Pizza with all the child sex slaves.

Joe Biden has been in politics since the 1970s. You would think that if he’s corrupt, we would have seen at least a smidge of evidence by this time. The trail of Donald Trump’s corruption emerged years before he entered politics. Multiple associates of Trump have been indicted and imprisoned. How many of his goon friends did he pardon?

If you want to look at corruption in politics, then look at the Republican Party. Look at George Santos and Clarence Thomas. Remember Congressman Chris Collins who was indicted for insider trading? Remember Congressman Duncan Hunter who stole campaign funds? This is not ancient history though Republicans want you to forget it. While they’re screaming some made-up crap about the Bidens, one of their sitting members of the House is facing 13 charges with many including theft of public funds, and money laundering.

Republicans, if you got something, show it. Put up or shut up. But they won’t show up, especially if they don’t have anything. Can you imagine the outcry we’d get from Republicans if Hunter worked in the White House and then was gifted $2 billion from a head of state he was directly involved with? Republicans are much worse at what they accuse Democrats of being.

Comer released 36 pages of noise. Just like the laptop, the accusations of corruption in the Biden family is just a bunch of noise.

we have a whisteblower who is willing to go under oath and testify

Tony Bobulinski is the name

baby steps dear shit stain. First we had to overcome your bullshit operations where the FBI and CIA colluded to present the laptop as russian disinformation.

you assholes are going to great lengths to lie and cheat to keep the truth from coming out, but the truth is coming out
we have a whisteblower who is willing to go under oath and testify

Tony Bobulinski is the name

baby steps dear shit stain. First we had to overcome your bullshit operations where the FBI and CIA colluded to present the laptop as russian disinformation.

you assholes are going to great lengths to lie and cheat to keep the truth from coming out, but the truth is coming out

Bobulinski has made an allegation which he has yet to back up with any actual evidence.

Bobulinski's claim sounds more like sour grapes from a dissatisfied business partner.
China was NOT one of the countries on which the tariffs were placed. The tariffs were issued against four Southeast Asian countries — Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Removing the tariffs saved tens of thousands of American jobs...why do you want Americans in the industry to lose their jobs?

While the tariffs protect U.S. solar panel producers, the U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association, the industry trade group, praised Mr. Biden‘s veto, saying it would preserve 30,000 jobs that would have been lost by stalled development because of higher costs.

"Lawmakers from both parties have expressed concerns about what they call unfair competition from China, which has long dominated the global market for manufacturing solar panels. Some U.S. manufacturers contend that China has essentially moved operations to four Southeast Asian countries — Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Cambodia — to skirt U.S. anti-dumping rules."
If there is proof, then please provide me a link so I might read it for myself.

You already know Biden is guilty - and you think it's clever - all power to the party.

{[FONT=&quot]New bank records cited in the memo were obtained by the committee through a subpoena and include payments made to companies tied to Hunter Biden. Republicans also alleged that Hunter Biden used his familial connections to help facilitate a meeting in 2016 between a Serbian running for United Nations Secretary-General and then-national security adviser to the vice president Colin Kahl.}[/FONT]

Yeah, bank records are PROOF.

Again, you don't care - Biden is a top ranking member of the Reich - you will do anything to cover up his crimes and obfuscate - as will the little Goebbels of the Reich press.

Can you even IMAGINE if Donald Trump had done this? The pre-dawn raids with SWAT teams, the arrest of anyone who ever met him?

But no worries, Reich has its privilege - no democrat need worry about criminal laws - the FBI is part of the party.