showed my boy how to set up a portfolio

Haha wow.

We should set up a 3-Way Moron Debate between Majority, Uscitizen, and Toby.

well--I get accused of knowing nothing about economics--and I don't know the details--but I do know a depression is a cleansing process. There are a lot of dirty fuckers out there that need a cleaning. I am willing to suffer to see it happen. I would love nothing more than to see the elitist mentality in the soup line.
Before Iowa my son wanted to be a mechanic all through high school, you know gone is 60 seconds stuff. I helped him look into the top mechanic schools, a friend later told him working on other peoples cars isn't sooo much fun.
My dad ditched on me when I was 10, so for me spoiling my kids is prob thearapy for me. He's looking into Cal Berkley where is aunt works now.:cof1:
Oh and they played plenty of video games, little one used to claim the game was cheating.
But I coached them in baseball and basketball in little leagues from 6 to 15, they were just a little better than average but I tried to make it as fun as possible acting like an uncle to their friends on the team. They wound up liking sports way more than video games.
well--I get accused of knowing nothing about economics--and I don't know the details--but I do know a depression is a cleansing process. There are a lot of dirty fuckers out there that need a cleaning. I am willing to suffer to see it happen. I would love nothing more than to see the elitist mentality in the soup line.

Well kid I hate to break it to you, but it would take a fucking unprecedented nightmare of a Depression to send any of my family into a soup line.
Well kid I hate to break it to you, but it would take a fucking unprecedented nightmare of a Depression to send any of my family into a soup line.

Must be nice to be rich.

My family was rich, very rich, 20 years ago, now, there's nothing. And it didn't take a depression.
Must be nice to be rich.

My family was rich, very rich, 20 years ago, now, there's nothing. And it didn't take a depression.

My grandparents were hella rich, my parents are less so. But I think we have a couple generations to go yet before we shameless squander our inheritance.

Of course there were plenty of people who said that in the '20s, but we've learned a bit about diversification since then. Even a massive plummet of the stock market would not have the same wipe-out effect that it did then. By diversifying into bonds, property, and managing a privately owned business could serve to insulate you from a wipeout that would send you to the food lines.
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Before Iowa my son wanted to be a mechanic all through high school, you know gone is 60 seconds stuff. I helped him look into the top mechanic schools, a friend later told him working on other peoples cars isn't sooo much fun.
My dad ditched on me when I was 10, so for me spoiling my kids is prob thearapy for me. He's looking into Cal Berkley where is aunt works now.:cof1:

Naw--working on used shit is a pain-but building your own stuff can be a skilled nitch that pays well. People ask me to do small engine repair all the time--I turn them down. It is a waste of my time. A wise person who builds up the tool box with knowledge can branch off in a lot of different directions from starting as a mechanic. He might develope a good green car (one that does not kill the land like the nickle processing of the prius batteries in sudbury ontario)--ya never know. Just working in a garage is not enough---it should be look at as a stepping stone to gain knowledge for the real passion he may posses.

But--your sending him to a commie college to do the same thing everybody else is doing. It is hard to beat everyone else if all you do is the same thing as they do. There is money in it all--but you just have to branch out and do your own thing IMO.--and do it well. Also--try to find something that won't be outsourced. good luck.
My grandparents were hella rich, my parents are less so. But I think we have a couple generations to go yet before we shameless squander our inheritance.

You might be surprised at some of the things that can happen. Don't take shit for granted kid, I promise you there's nothing to gain by doing so.
Must be nice to be rich.

My family was rich, very rich, 20 years ago, now, there's nothing. And it didn't take a depression.

well--at least they don't have to worry about the possibly coming depression. You don't have to worry about your folks jumping out of any windows. I bet they may actually be happier now--but just guessing.
your finally making some sense minority.
But funny I really don't care too much what he makes, I want him to do something he really likes. His older brother wants to be a wrestling coach and History teacher. I know he will love working with kids.
You might be surprised at some of the things that can happen. Don't take shit for granted kid, I promise you there's nothing to gain by doing so.

Thats right---the day you think you know it all--is the day you have a lot to learn. Taking a good situation for granted leaves you blind to changes that can be happening right under your nose. Ya gotta stay flexable--and keep other options open as much as possible today. For a guy who came from manufacturing--I did that much better than most other people I knew in the industry. Most would not even take advantage of some of the tuition reimbursement most companies offered. Where are they now? Dependant.
well--at least they don't have to worry about the possibly coming depression. You don't have to worry about your folks jumping out of any windows. I bet they may actually be happier now--but just guessing.

We've always had a very happy family, its never been affected by money or lack thereof. But it was hard on my pop losing everything he worked so hard for.
your finally making some sense minority.
But funny I really don't care too much what he makes, I want him to do something he really likes. His older brother wants to be a wrestling coach and History teacher. I know he will love working with kids.

Like I said--I say a lot of crap for shock value and emphisis. I used to be a pretty good grapler myself. I would love to work with kids. I love to see them learn and become sharp individuals---knowing to fight the socialist movement. :)

Are we calling a truce here man?
We've always had a very happy family, its never been affected by money or lack thereof. But it was hard on my pop losing everything he worked so hard for.

Yea--I bet it was hard seeing that. What happened? if you don't mind. it is important we learn from failure---espicaly others (like Germany all you commies--lol)--ya know?
Yea--I bet it was hard seeing that. What happened? if you don't mind. it is important we learn from failure---espicaly others (like Germany all you commies--lol)--ya know?

He built the largest retail chain of its kind from scratch over the course of 25 yeas, and the corporate raiders came in and took it all in the late 80s. He had built the company so well and it had so many assets and retained earnings that when the raiders came, they did a leveraged buy out against its assets. The day after the takeover, there was a death in the family, and from that point forward, nothing went right financially for him ever again.