showed my boy how to set up a portfolio

I razz people mercilously here daily, I like them all though. The only people I disslike are the ones supporting the idea of having big brother government tell me not to treat my glaucoma/migranes/nauzia LOL and those starting wars at the drop of a hat. My question to the war mongerers is how many of you have kids. I'd go before I sent mine, that I guarantee.
Before Iowa my son wanted to be a mechanic all through high school, you know gone is 60 seconds stuff. I helped him look into the top mechanic schools, a friend later told him working on other peoples cars isn't sooo much fun.
My dad ditched on me when I was 10, so for me spoiling my kids is prob thearapy for me. He's looking into Cal Berkley where is aunt works now.:cof1:
If he is a wrestler he needs to go to University of Iowa. Then the Olympics and then

I razz people mercilously here daily, I like them all though. The only people I disslike are the ones supporting the idea of having big brother government tell me not to treat my glaucoma/migranes/nauzia LOL and those starting wars at the drop of a hat. My question to the war mongerers is how many of you have kids. I'd go before I sent mine, that I guarantee.

I saw the documentarty called "why we fight" bu eugene jarlecki. I would not send my kids to war today either (if I had them).

Top--I just hate liberials and other that think socialism is the answer. To me--I think it steals our American dream. The thought is some people do not deserve to try to be sucessful I guess. To me--there is not much of a worse human torture with a life long duration.

Top--do you know what a sign wave is. That wave that crosses zero to rise up, and then it passes zero again on the way down? I know you know it. Well--that sign wave is life, and it is economics. Life and economics always fluctuate. it is never a straight line. there are going to be good times and bad times. Now--when we understand that social programs can only be implimented during bad times--you can see how socialism is shoved down our thorats at a incrimental basis. The fact is--we don't need those programs at all during good times--and people learn how to be dependant instead of productive. I firmly believe if we tough out the bad times--and try not to sabatoge ourselfs like we are doing with irresponsibel globalization--the good times would be super porsperrous for most of our people. The American people fell into a habit of being taken care of, and I can see how it happens. It happens during poor times only--and is a thorn in our side during good times.

In my opinion--my personal opinion---we can not apreachite the good times, if we did not suffer the bad times. I am not scared of a little suffering--I think it makes people stronger (look at the jews). Socialism makes us a weaker people--and we can't afford that--espically during crappy globalization.

Just my opinion.

I call a truce, and I think you do also--thank you
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If he is a wrestler he needs to go to University of Iowa. Then the Olympics and then


Ohio used to be a bunch of tough MFers also.

Wrestling is a great sport for an individual to strutt his stuff.---then some liberial will say-"ahhhhhh--that poor other boy lost"--then they take your sons trophy, and give it to the looser. lol

Mna-I gotta get some work done today--I have not made any money yet. later folks.
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He's in Iowa but at a small college.
He'll try D1 next year.
I think we could spend defense money on education and healthcare.
My son is helping me with my latest project rehab house. He picked up sheetrocking very quickly.

P.S. he's 10.
Topspin--one more thing. Me calling a truce is not good enough for me. I want to appologize for slamming your family also. I know you were just jerking my chain, and I tend to tug the chain much harder if that happens. Sorry man--I am sure you have a wonderfull family. Your son is lucky he has a father to show him the ropes of finances. My parents pretty much thought it was none of our business (but they never envaded my privacy either) to show their kids how they handle their money. It took me a long time to figure it out, and I could have gained some compound interest in that vaulable young time.
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USC had made a comment about not getting along with his kid.
I love my kids regardless of any fault, we know I have mine. Kills me sometimes that he's 1000 miles away.

HUH ? When did I say that ?

btw I have 3 grandchildren and another one on the way.

And I have set up a college fund for each of them except the one not here yet.
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trog that is way cool
Majority, I saw a listing in cnnmoney of the top paying companies and it was shocking how many have average salary's over $100,000. Many were lawyers but half were engineers which should be right up you alley, also software engineers is a new entrant with several companies. We are losing last century type manufactuing but new jobs and new fields are springing up everywhere.
USC, the comments from you were two years old about you getting along with your grandkids but not your son.
trog that is way cool
Majority, I saw a listing in cnnmoney of the top paying companies and it was shocking how many have average salary's over $100,000. Many were lawyers but half were engineers which should be right up you alley, also software engineers is a new entrant with several companies. We are losing last century type manufactuing but new jobs and new fields are springing up everywhere.
USC, the comments from you were two years old about you getting along with your grandkids but not your son.

I could pull the trick of prove it give a link but I won't.
I will admit that my son and I do not get along well. He was raised by my first wife as our legal system is biased that way.
And since he ripped me off for about 30k several years ago when I could least afford it...Is a habitual liar, etc..
Just like his mother...
Just doing what I can to help the gchildren not turn out that way.
usc I have a bad habit of remembering what people say about their families and work since it's whats most important to me. I think at the time I express sypathy for the situation with your son and his mom.
USC is doing one of the smartest things I've heard business wise. Fixing hybrids, now how do you do something sooo new age and poo poo the economy especially when you just got rich on land, and then made even more in gold.
My opinion besides those good investments the hybrid repair is the best idea you've posted
I poopoo the economy spinner because although I am doing fine and should continue to do so, I care about the majority that are not doing nearly as well. Most of the people I know are not doing as well as they were in 2000.

It is not just all about me.
My point is that it doens't take superhuman effort to do well. Most don't do the training you or I have to get there. ACCOUNTABILITY